Chapter 117: To the Infinity Castle!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Tsu, where are you going?!" Erza called, sounding concerned. "Get back here!!" Gray called after me, also sounding concerned about me running off. "No!! I'm going to find Natsu and Lucy and that's final!" Lucky picked up the pace, as we flew back overhead the church and headed towards a different part. "Natsu... Lucy... Please... Just hang in there. We're coming to get you guys... Just, please. Be alright." I pleaded, as Lucky and I headed away from the group. At some point, Lucky and I found a spot to land so we checked the rooms in the area. But all of them were empty which made me upset, I slammed my fist into the wall out of frustration, creating a large crater under my fist. "Tsu.." Lucky walked over to me, her brown eyes met my light blue ones as I shook my head. "I know that Natsu and Lucy are somewhere in this stupid place. I just have to find them. I know that they both can handle themselves, but they might need help. We were easily taken down before by the reformed Oracion idiots not even a few days ago. I should have been there with them... I could have stopped them from taking them both... We have to find them, Lucky." I said, looking down at her. "We will find them, Tsu. Don't blame yourself for not being there. It's not your fault. We were all just following Cana's plan for the groups. There was no way we could have seen this coming." A voice said, making me and Lucky look back. Standing just a few feet away were Ethan and Ezra, both looking slightly frazzled.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"You didn't think we wouldn't follow after you, huh?" Ethan asked, furrowing his brow.

"I suppose not." I sighed.

"We will find them," Ezra said, "We're just going to stick together to do that and pray for the best." He smiled.

"Alright then.. Let's go."


The other members sigh, as they saw Tsubaki disappear down the hall with Lucky following right beside her. And not even a minute later both Ethan and Ezra took off after her, making the others yell for them to come back. They didn't listen and instead kept running, hoping to catch up to Tsubaki and Lucky before she got into trouble. "Damn it." Gray muttered, "She never listens to us.." He sighed, shaking his head. "She's Tsubaki, Gray. She doesn't even listen to us about rushing away on her own. And its the same with her brothers."  Erza said, crossing her arms. "Look.. We're going to split into three teams. It might be an easier way for us to find Lucy." Erza stated, looking to the group. Just as Cardinal Lapointe is defeated with the cooperation of Gildarts and Byro, everyone is reunited with Natsu, Gildarts, and Laki. "Thank god, you are alright." Kai smiled, as he saw Natsu was safe. "Yeah, well, I'm glad to see all of you guys too." Natsu looked around, looking for one particular blue haired female who was not around. Then he noticed that the two over Klein siblings weren't around either. Erza who noticed this, let out a heavy sigh and walked over to him. "Guys, where is Tsubaki? And Lucky? And Ethan and Ezra?" Gildarts asked, taking notice that the four weren't around either. He looked over at Gray, along with Natsu who became concerned with the whereabouts of his best friend, her brothers and her cat.

"Gray? Where is she?" Natsu asked.

"She took off." Gray said.

"What do you mean she took off?" Natsu scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. 

"As soon as we all landed after Christina went down, Tsu and Lucky ran off to look for you and Lucy, and then Ezra and Ethan went after her." Gray explained.

"And you let her run off on her own?!!" Natsu exploded.

"Well, I couldn't stop her!"

"But you could have followed her!" 

"She ran off on her own before I could say anything! I wanted to run after her but she had already disappeared down the hall to god knows where! Besides, Ezra and Ethan followed after her." Gray snapped.

"Boys!" Erza shouted, making the two jump. "This is no time for arguing! We need to find Lucy, not stand here and argue about who let Tsubaki or her brothers wander off." She said. "Good," She said, as it stayed silent between Natsu and Gray. "Did you find out anything about this place?" Erza turned to Gildarts, but before he could answer Lapointe started laughing. "What the hell is so funny to you?" Grayson questioned, as he raised an eyebrow at Lapointe.

"You are all fools... The ultimate goal is to sink this world into chaos and return it to how it used to be before Zentopia came to be." He explained, sending shock through everyone.

Meanwhile, Lucy learns from Imitatia, Klodoa, and Brain II that the Infinity Clock was sealed away by Celestial Spirit Mages, meaning that only by using the Magic Power of a Mage, will anyone be able to control it. "Listen to me..." Lapointe said, grabbing everyone's attention. "What is it?" Hairi asked, "The only way to stop the Infinity Clock is to eliminate the Celestial Spirit Mage that is being used to control it." Again, this sends shockwaves through the Fairytail Mages, who quickly became concerned with Lucy's wellbeing. Lapointe completely disappears, revealing to everyone that he was nothing but a doll that was being controlled by Personification magic controlled by Zero's hair, rather than being a human being.

"Then that's what we'll do. If there is no other way, then we need to get rid of Lucy." Byro stated, "That's not happening." Natsu attacked Byro, hoping to stop him but he is quickly overwhelmed by Byro's strength so Gildarts steps in to stop him. However, Samuel is the first to act, having overheard the whole conversation, and decides to find and kill Lucy. "The fate of the whole world is more important than the life of a single girl." He said, making Grayson and Hairi pissed off. He quickly takes off, leaving the Fairytail mages behind.

"Everyone listen up. I'll stay here and fight Byro. You guys go after Samuel." 

"What about Tsu and her brothers and Lucky?" Wendy asked, "Go find them too. They might run into trouble." Byro goes after them but Gildarts steps in, ultimately preventing him from stopping them. Everyone leaves, taking off after Samuel which left Gildarts and Byro alone. "Looks like it's just you and I." Gildarts stated, looking to Byro. "Yeah," Byro stated, the two of them then decide to fight using physical strength rather than magic. The group divides into three teams to fin Lucy and a fourth team to find Tsubaki, Ethan, Ezra and Lucky, who were still roaming the halls of the Church. Laki, Wendy, Happy, Carla, and Pantherlily go along with Wendy to heal the Archbishop, but her efforts go in vain, as Midnight's spell is proven to be stronger. "It may be stronger than I'd like but I can do this without damaging his brain." 

Meanwhile, Samuel arrives at the core of the Clock to dispose of Lucy, but Imitatia immediately realizes what he is about to do and easily defeats him, protecting Lucy from harm. "It seems the tables have turned and the Legion will try to kill me, while the Orcaion Seis will be protecting me." Even with his injuries, Samuel stands tall. "I'm going to fight you for her. I'm going to stay loyal to Byro until the end. I will kill Lucy." 

"Not happening." A voice rang out, catching Imitatia and Samuel's attention.

Ethan, Ezra, Lucky and I appeared, standing a few feet away from Samuel and Imitatia. I glared harshly at both of them, Imitatia's eyes widening as she looked at me. My eyes tore away from her, looking to Lucy who was partially buried in the clock's core. Her eyes seemed dull, which not only freaked me out but it pissed me off. Both of my brother's stared at Lucy in shock, while Lucky stayed quiet. "You..." I looked back at Imitatia, "I should have never trusted you. Now, I'm going to make you pay for this. And there is no way, you will harm Lucy." I pounded my fire-lit hands together, as I glared at them both.

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