Chapter 37: Fairy Hunting

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3rd person's pov

After Natsu, Wendy and Tsubaki are captured they are thrown in a cell together. "Hey, what did you with Lucy?" Tsubaki yelled, "She'll be taken care of." A guard said, "What do you mean by that?!!" Natsu ran up to the bars of their cell, "She'll be executed." Edolas Erza walked away with the guard. "Hey!! You listen to me, Knightwalker! Don't touch a hair on Lucy's head!" Tsubaki snarled at her, making her stop in her tracks. "And what of it, if I do?" She turned her head, looking at the angry girl. She realized that this girl was the other version of Tsubaki, a dear friend of hers but this one was different. "If you touch a hair on her head, I will personally hunt you down and make sure you won't move a muscle when I'm through with you." Tsubaki grabbed the bars and Erza Knightwalker continued walking away. Both Natsu and Wendy understood how she felt, but Natsu even more. He saw how close she and Lucy were.

"Lucy just hang on till we get out of here, we're coming to get you soon. Just hang on." Natsu thought as he looked out of the cell they were in.

Elsewhere Happy, Carla and Lucky woke up in a brightly colored room to meet up with Nadi and Nichiya about the situation. "Congratulations, you three. You have successfully carried out your mission." Nadi said, "What exactly was the mission?" Lucky asked, "Well, we shouldn't tell you." Nichiya said, "Tell us, what was the goddamn mission?" Lucky took charge of the moment, which surprised Happy and Carla. They had never seen her act like this but then again, Lucky took after Tsubaki in some aspects and since Tsubaki, Wendy and Natsu were locked away Lucky knew exactly that she needed to be strong.

"Well originally Queen Shagotte sent exceeds to Earthland while they were still eggs, ordered to kill the dragon slayers but the queen changed her mind at the last minute to capture the dragon slayers. However, we had no way of contacting the eggs we sent to Earthland to let them know the change in the mission. So when you three came here you unintentionally fulfilled your mission." The three exceeds teared up, as Lucky dropped to her knees in shock.

"We were supposed to kill the dragon slayers? But Tsubaki, she raised me. This can't be right. No. Not this can't be right. No." Lucky started crying silently while Carla broke down completely, because she thought they had abandoned the mission when they went to help rescue their friends, but instead led them to a trap and couldn't protect Wendy. Happy stood in front of both female crying exceeds, crying but unbelievably angry as well.

"We aren't your puppets! We're members of Fairytail, not some puppets that turn our backs on our friends who need us right now!!!" Happy yelled, making Carla and Lucky look at him. "Oh Happy." Lucky cried, Happy grabs both Lucky and Carla's paw and runs off. "Happy, what are you doing?" Lucky looked at him, in escaping they were being labeled as "Fallen" in the process. As they run to get away, some exceeds outside are happy to see them. But once they see Nichiya and Nadi come out, they get serious. "Don't let those three fallen get away!!" Nichiya yelled, pushing through the large crowd of exceeds. The others try everything in their power to stop them, only to make them hide in a wagon. But it rolls down the hill with them still in it. "Oh my god, we're moving so fast!" Lucky yelled and they all try to hold on but are thrown off. They wake up in a field, "Where are we?" Lucky shook her head and looked up at the giant lacrima. "That must be the giant lacrima, where our friends are being held." Happy pointed out, "Yeah, but how do you suppose we get up there?" Lucky asked, "Hey what are you three fools doing on my farm? Get, I tell ya! Get off of my farm!!" A male cat yelled at the three, but heard the whistled and alarms going on from above. "Happy, we gotta go! They're coming." Lucky pulled at his paw, she always had such a strong bond with happy because when she was born happy was the only other cat like her. She and happy became close since they were close in age and the only two of their kind in the guild.

"So you are running from the royal guards? Come on in." The male cat said, "Aye sir." Happy said and they walked into the house. The farmer and his wife treats Happy, Lucky, and Carla with hospitality.

"Lucky, why are you so sad?" Happy walked over to his best friend, he was worried about her mental state considering what they just found out. "I thought that we were helping our friends. I thought that I could protect Tsubaki, I can't let her die. Happy, she raised me like I was her own child." Lucky turned to happy, "It'll be okay." Happy hugged Lucky, taking her by surprise and she stood there shocked. "Thanks, Happy." She melted into the hug, closing her eyes and the Farmer, whose name is Lucky, and his wife Marl watch from the kitchen. "So why were you banished from the kingdom?" Lucky asked, "Well we didn't go by the laws, so they kicked us out. So we saved you since we were banished from there." Marl explained, "We are still gonna save our friends!" Happy said.

"Yeah, we are." Lucky gave him a big smile, that much closely resembled Tsubaki's signature smile. Meanwhile, on the farm Lucky, the farmer puts Happy to work. While Marl works with Carla and Lucky to start lunch. "You will be able to find your own heart. No, you probably already have. All that's left is to recognize it and trust that feeling of friendship." Marl said to Carla and Lucky while they watched happy and Lucky (the farmer) work in the fields. "Thanks, Ms. Marl." Lucky gave her a big hug and they had lunch. "Goodbye, Mr. Lucky and Mrs. Marl." Lucky gave each one of them a hug and they jumped off the edge of Extalia.

"Wow, our son and our daughter are such good people. I'm so happy, they found people that made them happy." Marl spoke, tears pooling in her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. We shouldn't tell Lucky where she really comes from though." Lucky (the farmer) said to his wife.

"This entire time we couldn't fly was because of our troubled minds. So we have nothing to worry about now. Just hold on you guys we're coming." The three sprouted their wings and flew away. With us now knowing that Marl and Lucky (the farmer) are Happy's parents, as well as Lucky's adoptive parents.

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