Chapter 30: The Power of Feeling!

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Tsubaki's pov

Gray let me down on my feet, pushing me behind him. "Who are you?" He asked, "So you want to know my name? Well I suppose, I'll tell you now before I end your life." He threatened, which made Gray stiffen. "You think you're gonna end my life, think again." I stated, glaring at him darkly. "The names Satoru." He finally gave his name up, but it sounded familiar just like his smell.

"How did you know my name? I never told you that." I gave him a questioning look, "This little fella right here, told me." He held out his hand and Lucky popped up in his hand. She was unconscious again, for the fourth time I have failed to protect her.. This can't keep happening, it was making me feel very upset. "What did you do to her?" I growled, "Jeez lighten up, will you?" He smirked, flicking his hair. "Gray, go take care of that lacrima. I can handle him." I instructed, but he refused.

"Gray, do it now!!" I yelled and he backed up a little. "Right," Gray nodded, giving me one last look and ran off towards the lacrima.

"Not so fast." He went to attack Gray, but I got in the way. "Not happening!!" I froze his attack and he got angry at me. He turned to me and threw Lucky up in the air, I quickly looked up. "Keep your eyes on your opponent!" He punched me in the stomach. I flew back and hit the wall, I opened my eyes and dodged his punch. I rolled the other way and kicked him in the stomach, "You bastard, answer the question. What did you do to Lucky?" I punched him in the face, "You shouldn't worry, I did nothing to the poor cat, all I did was question it." He dodged my punch, flipping me over. I held my hands out and kicked him in the face. "That's it, you little brat!!" He held up his hand towards Gray, who wasn't looking and I yelled. He turned around slowly and I jumped out in front of him, taking the hit. "Tsu!!" Gray shouted, concern laced in his voice. "I'm okay, keep working to blast that thing." I said, "Fire-ice dragon roar!!!" I got up, giving him that blast and he flew back into the wall. He disappeared and I looked around, I couldn't tell where he went.

"Gray, I'm gonna leave this to you. As well as Lucky. I'll be back!" I said, "Just be careful." He nodded and I nodded back. I ran off following his scent and ended up back outside. Let's just hope Natsu is doing alright against Zero. I turned around, dodging a kick in the face.

"Fire dragon iron fist!!" He dodged me and kicked me in the back. Lucky's bow was in my hand, but was kicked out of my hand sailed across the room. I reached for it and hit the wall, we only had three minutes left. He kicked me in the stomach several times and I cried out in pain. I caught his foot the third time, making him glare down at me.

"Ice dragon roar!!!!" He flew back and clenched his fist, slamming me onto the wall. I can't give up, not now, not ever. I stood up and got angry. "I'm not gonna give up on saving Wendy's guild!!!" I powered up and charged at him, "Ice make sword!!" I made a sword and fire surrounded it, "I'm gonna finish you once and for all!!!!!!" I yelled at him and slashed him several times, but he blocked it. My sword dissipated and I turned around, I caught his fist and kicked him in the side. "I owe Wendy so much!!!" I pulled back my fist, "Ice dragon wing attack!" I kicked him several times and he hit the wall.

He got up and charged at me, he punched at me but I kept dodging him, flipping over. His fist glowed a purple color and blasted me with a purple ball. I couldn't dodge it in time and was hit full on. I cried out in pain, hitting the ground. My body shook in pure pain and I couldn't move. He smirked, lifting his hand up which lifted me up. "So now, you can't move. I see that you're worn out because of Master Zero! Hahahaha! You're so weak!" He laughed, as his long blonde hair blew in the wind.

"I'm not gonna give up on Wendy!" I said and he punched me in the stomach and I coughed out blood. "See the poison I just shot you with, is slowly making your body weak. You won't be able to move, when I'm done with you." He punched me again, making me cough out more blood. He clenched his fists and I started choking, he started laughing at my struggling. "What's so funny?" I asked, "You're so weak!!!" He threw me into one of the buildings and I fell through the wall. I coughed out more blood and slowly stood up, leaning against the wall for support.

"It's just like what happened with that cat of yours. She went down and kept getting back up, that's why she seemed so sick. She was hit by the deadliest poison, meaning she will die at first sunrise!" He said and my eyes widened, "No, Lucky. She can't die on me. She promised she wouldn't die on me, just as I promised her that I would not give up, and stop fighting." Tears formed in my eyes, fear, and anger taking over my mind.

"See it's useless, your cat will be dead and you won't be able to save her." He laughed and I got angry. Really angry, "You will not get away with this!!!!" I shouted and I felt my power grow even more. "You are gonna pay for what you did to my best friend!!!!" He stopped laughing and looked at me with shock. "It can't be! Dragon force!" He said and I felt my power growing even stronger.


Everyone felt Tsubaki's power grow, "That was Tsubaki." Erza said, "Something must have happened that made her so mad." Lucy turned her head, she felt completely overwhelmed. "It must have involved Lucky." Gray turned his head for a moment, looking at an unconscious Lucky. He was also upset that people were targeting her, it wasn't fair to Lucky that she was getting attacked.

"She's so angry, I've never felt so much anger and power in one area before," Jellal said, his eyes widening in shock. Deep down, he felt relieved that he didn't fight Tsubaki and make her angry.

"Lucky, I hope you're okay." Natsu said, knowing that Tsubaki can only get this angry when something happens to Lucky.

"Lucky!! Lucky, must be hurt!" Happy said, "Alright Tsubaki, be careful." Wendy said.

Lyon, Sherry, Hibiki, and the others felt the anger coming in waves from a distance. "Who's power is that?" Ren asked, looking towards Nirvana. He had no clue as to what was going on, "Tsu," Sherry and Lyon both remembered back at Galuna Island, how angry and protective she was over Lucky. "Let's hope that Tsu and the others can get through this." Hibiki stared up at Nirvana, concerned for the wellbeing of the Fairytail members currently battling to stop Nirvana.

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