Chapter 85: Thunder Crashes!

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Tsubaki's pov

I finally managed to land a hit on Carson which made me happy, I've always wanted to wipe that smirk off of his face. He flew straight into the broken campsite as my lightning faded, I landed on my feet as everyone including Gramps stared in shock.

"Tsu..." Lucy started, as Carson pushed the broken table off of him and sat up. "I cannot.. No, I will not let someone, who isn't apart of this guild come onto our sacred island and threaten what family I have left! I will not stand there and watch as you try to kill my brother, because I've already lost to much." Tears formed but I kept them at bay, not wanting to show that I was weak.

"Tsu, I don't think you should handle this by yourself. You have Ethan and I." Hairi stated, "Why shouldn't I fight him myself, huh? Think I can't." I was beginning to get pissed off, with Hairi's assumption that I couldn't handle myself. "No, that's not what she means. I think Hairi means that she doesn't want-" Ethan was cut off by Mirajane, "Tsu, behind you!!" She shouted as I turned my head. Carson was charging straight for me with his hands covered in some type of magic, but I knew that I couldn't escape it. Hairi punched Carson before he could touch me, sending him flying into the side of the hill we were by.

"Tsubaki Klein, this is no time to argue with me. You will go with your brother, Natsu, Lucy and Wendy. Find Erza and Gray and get to Hades' Ship. I'll hold him off here." I gave her a look of 'Are you serious' but she gave me the look that told me not to argue with her so I didn't. "Come on, guys. Let's go find Gray and Erza. Hopefully Ezra is with them." Ethan stated and walked away with the others following after us. I couldn't stand the fact of leaving Hairi to fighting Carson on her own, I knew she could handle herself but I didn't think that she would be able to beat Carson by herself.

"Is something wrong?" Natsu looked over at me, as we were walking.

"It's nothing, Natsu. Let's just focus on finding Erza and Gray."

I broke through the trees hearing Natsu and Ethan talking with Wendy behind me, while I looked up in the sky for Lucky. She hadn't come back meaning either, she found herself in trouble or she possibly found the others. I caught on to a familiar smell and knowing who it was as I recognized it, I took off causing everyone else to rush after me. I broke the treeline not paying attention to Lucy and Natsu's call and kept running, eventually breaking through the treeline I saw the person I wanted to see the most. "Gray!!" I launched myself onto him as he caught and stumbled back a bit in surprise. "Tsu?" He questioned as I held onto him tightly, behind him stood my brother and Erza as well as Lucky. "Goodness Tsu, you really scared us there. We thought you were someone else." I chuckled at Erza's comment, as Gray set me down on my feet.

"Ezra, how did you end up with them?" I questioned, "Well, it's more like.. I was with Erza and we found Gray and Lucky. Who are you with?" Just before I could respond Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, happy and Ethan broke through the treeline.

"Tsu, you can't just take of like that! We thought something happened to you!" Carla scolded me as she shook her head in disappointment, which made me nod.

"Why did you take off like that?" Lucy looked forward seeing Gray, Erza, Lucky and Ezra standing together.

"Ezra, were you with Erza the entire time?"

"Yes, why?"

"Where's Juvia by the way?" I turned to Gray, "She is chasing after that girl, who wanted to kill you guys. The girl took Zeref, so I sent Juvia after her." He explained. "What about Master Makarov and the others?" Erza asked as she looked to me.

"They're back at the main camp. Hairi is fighting Carson." Ezra looked to me and walked forward, "What?!! She's fighting who?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me like crazy. "Who is she fighting?" He questioned. "Ca---rrr--son." Ethan managed to stop Ezra from shaking me to much, and calmed him down.

"And you let her fight him alone?!!" He shouted, once Ethan fully explained what happened. "Well, what did you want me to do?!! She gave Tsu that look, the look meaning not to argue with her on this. Meaning if I stepped in, it wouldn't help anything." Ethan explained to him. After all the arguing we headed for the ship where we split off with Lucky and the others. Once we found a way onto the ship, we found that Hades waiting for us.

"So you're the guy whose calling the shots in Grimoire Heart?" I stood in front of Lucy, "You must be the girl, that I've heard Carson talking about so much. And the two boys are you're brothers, I suppose. But I fail to see why, he is so against you." Hades stated, "Why did you come on this island?" I questioned but he didn't answer, which pissed me off.

"Why are you on this island attacking Fairytail without reason?! Who are you to come to a sacred island and attack a guild, who hasn't done anything to you?!!" My hands lit up as I became angry with Hades, who just shook his head and smirked. This caused me to charge forward despite Erza and my brother's telling me not to, "You jackass!! Get off of our island and leave my friends alone!" I punched him in the face with my fire covered hand, but it didn't do anything to him. I was punched in the stomach, making me fly back.

"Tsu!!" I heard people scrambling as I collided with my older brother's, who must have come to try and catch me.

Natsu, Gray and Erza quickly rush forward to attack, but their attacks were ineffective as well. This only caused more of a problem for us, "Are you alright?" Ezra lifted me up to my feet and I shook my head, as I stared at Hades. He looked around at us before his eyes landed on somebody behind me and Ezra, I looked behind me slowly just as he released a magical spell. I turned around trying to rush to get to Wendy, who was only a few feet away from us but I didn't make it in time. The blast hit Wendy causing her to disappear, without her clothes.

"WENDY!!" Lucy shouted in distress, as I froze in my tracks. "What did you do with her?!" Gray turned to Hades with an angry glare as I found myself in daze.

Where did Wendy go? Is she dead or is she still alive?  I turned to Hades' and started for him when I heard something pop out if thin air behind us and I looked to see Horoliguim.

"Horoliguim, what are you doing here? I didn't call for you." Lucy asked and that's when I saw her blue hair, Wendy was inside of Horoliguim. He must have sensed that something was wrong when Wendy disappeared and caught her before she could fully disappear.

"Just who the hell are you, really?" Ezra asked, stepping forward. "My real name is Prect, I'm the second master of Fairytail." He attacked with his bullet magic, and I quickly dodge. "Letting Makarov take over was a mistake." I looked over at Hades, "Why? What's so bad about Gramps being Master huh?" I got defensive, hearing the tone that he took with saying Gramps' name.

"He has exposed magic to too much sunlight." I charged at him but he used his bullet magic, which caught me off guard.

Just as he was about to hit Natsu who had charged before me, a figure came crashing down through the roof. I caught a glimpse of blonde hair and lightning and instantly realized that it was Laxus. Laxus saved Natsu and the rest of us. But why was he on the island? Didn't grandpa expell him from the guild?

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