Chapter 127: A Song for The Stars

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Tsubaki's pov

After we all decided to participate in the Grand Magic games, everyone decided to start training. As a team, Gray, Erza, Natsu, Lucy and I made the decision to head to the beach to start training. Of course, I couldn't expect both of my brothers not to come along with us to train, they wanted to participate in the games as well. It was then decided before we even left the guild hall that Kai, Juvia, Levy, Wendy, Carla, Jet and Droy would come with us to the beach to train. Even Hairi and Uncle Grayson decided to stop by at the beach after they had just gotten back from a mission together, I swore I saw Hairi blushing when Uncle Grayson smiled at her. The two of them were watching everything, relaxing on the two beach chairs that we bought with us. "Tsu, you want to spar with us?" Ethan asked, "Sure. Just know that I won't go easy on either of you just because we're related." I said, Ethan just chuckled and shook his head. "We won't go easy on you either. Don't underestimate the two of us, we both have been keeping up with our training in the last few weeks. Just because you nearly beat Max means that you will beat us." Ezra crossed his arms, the two of us held eye contact with one another. I didn't know that Kai was watching Ethan, Ezra and I tease each other. "I guess I'm going to have to find another sparring partner." Kai muttered, "Yeah, there's no way you would be able to spar with Tsubaki. She either spars with Natsu, Gray or Erza." Happy explained, taking a spot beside him. "How about sparring with Lucy? She's a celestial mage like you." Lucky suggested, "I think Lucy might want to train on her own." While the rest of the group got distracted and began to relax, swimming in the water, building sand castles, eating and sunbathing, Ezra, Ethan and I were heavily sparring.

"Alright, first things first. Ethan and I need to brush up on some good old fashion endurance and speed. And well, Tsu.. You have gotten faster and better at fighting." Ezra explained, "Then by all means.. Bring it on." I smirked, Ethan and Ezra threw off their jackets, "Hey!!" I heard Hairi shout as they had landed on her head. Ethan charged at me first, throwing several punches and kicks my way but I dodged each one. I flipped over his head, landing firmly on my feet and kicked at Ezra. We proceeded to go back and forth, dodging each other's attacks. I threw several fire balls at him and he managed to dodge them all and threw an attack of his own but I dodged him, this seemed to go on for about an hour or so. Ethan occasionally popped up, throwing attacks of his own but none of them had been able to land a hit on me. Ezra kept his cool, keeping his eyes on me as I moved around the two of them. He knew that by staying calm, he had a much better chance of actually sparring with me rather than Ethan who was constantly losing his temper. I kicked Ethan in the back, sending him into Ezra and the two stumbled backwards. They quickly recovered with Ethan getting even more frustrated with me, I was keeping them on their toes the whole time.

"Stop moving around and stay put so I can actually hit you!" Ethan charged forward, the sound of his rushing footsteps sounding closer and closer with each step he took. I stood in the middle of the beach, everyone else busy with their own training as the three of us continued focusing on one another. "Nah, I'd rather make you work for the chance." I said, smirking at him. Ethan gritted his teeth and growled at me under his breath, muttering something I didn't hear. "How are you doing to block the two of us at the same time, Sis?" Ezra charged forward, he threw his fist at me as Ethan kicked up towards my side. I smirked, dodging Ezra's fist and jumped into the air. I flipped over both of my brothers, landing perfectly on the other side of them and happened to right in front Juvia.

"Whoa.." Levy smiled.

"How did she?!" Happy sat forward in his chair, Gray looked at me with a proud smile while everyone else seemed stunned. Even Ezra and Ethan were stunned, but Ethan only became much more frustrated with me. For the past hour I had been dodging their moves and getting in my own hits while the two of them were struggling to hit me, Ezra and I made eye contact with one another as I knew that he was going to do something to throw me off. "Try dodging this!" Ethan said, I shifted my eyes to him and got defensive. "Frost Dragon Roar!!" I immediately countered his attack with my own, knowing things were about to get even more serious. "Fire Ice Dragon Roar!!" Our attacks collided with one another, pushing against each other. I could feel the coldness of his Frost, but I ignored the feeling and pushed through. I released a large ball of Lightning into the mix and jumped into the air, using my Wind to keep me afloat.

~ Two hours later~

"Oh god, I'm so tired." Ethan panted heavily, he fell back into the sand dramatically while Ezra brushed his hair back and downed his water. Everyone was very pleased with themselves as we all had gotten a good days worth of training done. "You really wiped the floor with Ethan today, Tsu." Hairi chuckled, "Yeah, you did. He didn't even stand a chance against you." Happy flinched as Ethan threw a handful of sand at the blue cat. "Shut up, you stupid cat." He said, making me chuckle. "Aw, come on. Ethan, you weren't all that bad." Kai said, "True, you weren't. But Ezra did a better job at keeping his temper than you." Natsu pointed out, Ethan shot upright to yell at him but was interrupted by Ezra who slapped a hand over his mouth. The two proceeded to start wrestling with one another, so I just ignored them and turned my attention onto the others. I hadn't seen much of everyone today as I had been so wrapped up in my training with my brothers, I hadn't noticed that they even were watching the three of us go against one another. "I take it that everyone else had a good day for training?" I asked, looking around the group.

"Yes, we did." Levy smiled.

"I think that we will still have enough time to catch up to the world." Carla said.

"That's great. Cause there's still a lot of time for me to spar with each one of you. Especially you," I turned my attention to Gray. "Gray." He chuckled and shook his head, "You've been my sparring partner this whole time. You still want to keep sparring with me?" He asked, "Of course, I do. I still have a lot that you can teach me." I smiled, "I still have a lot to learn about some of my dragon powers and there are things that I can learn from all of you. For example, there's still a lot that I have to learn when it comes to wielding weapons and Erza can teach me a lot about that." Erza smiled at me, "You want to spar with Erza?!!" Natsu shouted, before I could say anything Virgo suddenly appeared startling everyone. Enough that both Ethan and Ezra fell to the ground after losing their balance while they had been wrestling with one another. "Virgo, what are you doing here?" Lucy asked, obviously startled like the rest of us. I noticed that Kai looked at Virgo in awe, I forgot that he hasn't been able to meet any of Lucy's spirits since he was always separated from her during the time we had to fight the Neo-Oracion Seis.

"Lucy, there's an emergency."

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked, I stepped forward and took a spot beside her as Virgo looked at Lucy. "The Celestial Spirit World is facing a crisis of destruction. Is it possible for you all to travel with me to The Celestial World and help me save it?" She asked, "We're in!" Natsu and I said in perfect unison, "There's no way we would let the Celestial World be destroyed." I said, "Yeah, we're all friends. There's no way friends would let that happen." Natsu agreed, nodding his head. "Then, it's settled. We're going to the Celestial World." Ezra stood on his feet, brushing off the sand that accumulated on his jacket.

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