Chapter 115: Real Nightmare

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3rd person's pov

Natsu finds himself waking up in a prison cell, he and Lucy had been captured by Byro and Imitatia. "What the? Where the hell am I?" Natsu questioned, as he sat up and looked around. The first thing he noticed was that he was not alone in the cell, "What the?" He noticed that the other people he was in the cell with him, was none other than the notorious Butt Jiggle Gang that had once bothered him, Lucy, Wendy and Tsubaki on a previous mission. He remembered that Tsubaki had absolutely hated these three with a burning passion, especially because they took advantage of the fact that he was sick. "Hey! I recognize you from somewhere.. But I just can't put my finger on it." Natsu said, making the trio panic. "Oh, now I remember! You three were the ones that tried to hijack that train that I had to keep safe! Tsubaki hates you three." All three of them shouted, panicking as Natsu glared at them. "Look, about that... We're really sorry. Please don't beat us up." The boss of the trio apologized, as his lackeys behind him bowed. "Why shouldn't I? And where am I anyways?" Natsu questioned, crossing his arms as he looked at the trio. "We know some pertinent information about this place and where they took your friend, that blonde chick." The boss explained, hoping that Natsu would take the bait. Natsu took the bait, the three immediately informing him of where he was. After learning this, he remembered that Lucy had also been with him. "Hold on, Lucy!! I'm coming for ya!" Natsu shouts, trying break the bars off the cell. But in doing so, he is repelled back by a massive magic barrier. Natsu continuously tries to get out but instead of breaking through, he ends up getting thrown back. "Look it's pointless to keep trying to break the cell doors. They placed a magical barrier that not even we can get through." The boss said, "Then I guess I'm stuck for right now... By the way... Why are you three locked up here in the first place?" Natsu questioned, looking to the trio. "Well... We heard that there was treasure here in Zentopia. So we came to investigate to see the rumors were true. We actually overheard the conversation of the head honcho around here, talking with another church member. Whatever it is they are planning it's not good for any of us." The boss explained, looking at Natsu. "Then we need to come up with a plan to get out of this stupid cell and stop them. What do you say we work together?" He suggested, Natsu hesitates for a moment before agreeing to it.


Tsubaki was pacing back and forth around the guildhall, she was extremely scared about the fact that Natsu and Lucy had not come back. She could feel that something was really wrong, she could feel that Natsu and Lucy were in deep trouble. "Tsu, I'm sure they are fine. Come sit down before you drive yourself crazy." Gray suggested, but Tsubaki only shook her head. She looked at the door, as Elfman and the exceeds appeared. "Tsubaki!!" Happy and Lucky tackled the young blunette into a large hug, the two happy to see their young dragon slayer friend. "Where is Natsu? And Lucy?" Happy asked, noticing his best friend was not in the guildhall.

"About that..." Warren spoke up, "Warren, do you know where Natsu and Lucy are?" Tsubaki asked, looking at Warren. "Tsu... Please don't get angry.." Elfman started, Tsubaki looked over at him becoming curious. Gray noticed the look in her eyes, before his eyes shifted over to Warren and Elfman.

"What's going on?" Ethan asked, leaning forward in his seat. He had sensed the tension between Warren and Elfman, not liking it one bit.

"Natsu and Lucy aren't coming back.."

"Huh?" Ezra blinked.

"What?" Ethan quipped.

"What do you mean they aren't coming back? What the hell is going on?" Tsubaki became frustrated as they stayed quiet, not sure how to handle this. "Tsu, calm down." Kai spoke up, "No. I want to know what's going on. Where the hell is Natsu and Lucy, Elfman? Why in the hell did you come back alone?" She snapped, making Elfman look up at her.

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