Chapter 35: The Crisis

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3rd person's pov

Gajeel left the guildhall about an hour ago, on a search for a cat. He wanted one just like Wendy, Natsu, and Tsubaki, his fellow dragon slayers. But he ended up with no luck, every cat he found ended up scratching him up. He decided to give up his search and went back to the guildhall empty-handed. Back at the guild, Happy tried to give Carla a gift but she refused to accept it and gave him the cold shoulder. Lucky tried to help Happy give Carla the present, but she was too stubborn. "You both cannot hope, to protect Natsu and Tsubaki with the way you are. Do any of you really know who you are?" Carla asks, before walking off to find Wendy. After it starts raining, Wendy finds Carla shortly after. The two are greeted by Mystogan, who takes off his mask and reveals who he really is.

"Jellal? Shouldn't you be in jail?" Wendy asked, "I only took the name Jellal because I didn't know a thing about this world." Mystogan explained, "You're the Jellal, I met seven years ago." Wendy said, "You both have to leave Magnolia. I can't stop the anima. All of Fairytail and the whole town will disappear." Mystogan said to the two girls, but Wendy refused to leave.

"No, I refuse to leave my friends behind. I have to warn them." Wendy ran off to go warn her friends of the anima.

Back at the guild, everyone was going on about their regular routine but inside, because it started raining. Tsubaki was sitting at a table with Natsu, Lucy, Erza, and Gray. She noticed from the corner of her eyes, that Mirajane and Elfman were heading out. She knew that today was the anniversary of Lisanna's death, but never could find the strength to go to Lisanna's grave. "Hey you guys, getting ready to go to the church?" Tsubaki sat at a table next to Gray and Natsu. "Yeah," Mira nodded, looking to her younger brother. "Tell her I said hey. And that I'm okay." Tsubaki said, "Sure, thing Tsu. You guys were pretty close considering, she was the only that could stop you and Gray or you and Cana from fighting." Elfman said, making her smile.

"That is so true. If not for Lisanna, nobody could stop us. Not even Erza could." Gray said, "Yeah, I remember that. She was able to keep you and Natsu in check but not us two." Tsubaki said, leaning onto Gray drinking her soda. "I'm surprised. She usually could get us to stop, when Natsu and I fought. But with us, it was different." Gray explained, "I thought it was always funny, how she would stop you and Natsu from fighting but always ended up in a major fight with Mirajane." Tsubaki smiled, watching as the siblings left.

Wendy, who was still running towards the guild, notices a hole in the sky. Just as she reaches the guildhall, it was too late as the whole town and guildhall is swallowed up and disappeared.

"No, I was too late!" Wendy cried out losing hope, but just as this happens Natsu pops up. "Wendy? What's going on? Where is everyone?" He asked and Tsubaki pops up out of the fog. "Natsu! Wendy!" She shouted, catching their attention. "Tsu, thank god you're alright!" Wendy cried and hugged Tsubaki. Carla flew over to the three, "Carla, what's wrong?" Tsubaki asked, looking at the frantic feline. "I've been carrying around a burden, ever since I was born in this realm." Carla states, "What are you talking about Carla?" Natsu asked, looking confused. "Happy, Lucky and I are from a different realm. The phenomenon that just occurred was because our homeland, Edolas, is experiencing problems. The magic in Edolas is starting to disappear, so they created an anima to transfer magic from here to Edolas. Happy, Lucky, and I were sent by the queen to carry out a mission but both Happy and Lucky forgot about it, so I abandoned it." Carla explained, leaving the three dragon slayers confused.

"No matter what we face once we get to Edolas, it doesn't matter. I'm going to save my guildmates. You with me, Natsu?" Tsubaki held out her hand, signaling for Natsu to high five her. Although she had no clue what they were in for, she was very determined to get her friends back. "Yeah, I'm with you. We will save everyone, no matter what. We can't give up before we even try. Right, Wendy?" He gave her a high five, before looking to Wendy who nodded yes.

"Alright, let's do this then." She smiled with a nod. "Tsu, are you ready?" Natsu asked, looking to his best friend. "I'm ready as I'll ever be. I have to save everyone, including Gray. He means a lot more to me than I realized." She looked at him in the eyes and he nodded, knowing what she meant. Natsu had that suspicion that Tsubaki and Gray liked each other in a different way, he didn't want to bring up, but he knew. He remembered what Happy told Lucy and him, when they were all together getting ready to destroy the lacrima in Nirvana. He also thought back to how Tsubaki reacted to when Happy told them and how Gray didn't mind that they knew, that the two had kissed.

"Yeah let's go to Edolas." Lucky said, "Alright, we're gonna have to our aera magic to get there." They all nodded, "I'm scared, Tsu." Lucky said as she held onto her shirt, she didn't know what they were getting themselves into.

"Lucky, I'm here. Don't be scared, you have me with you. There's no need to worry about anything, as long as we're together. Right Natsu?" Lucky nodded and smiled at Tsubaki's words.

"Right. You have Happy, me, and Tsu. Don't be scared, you'll be fine as long as we all stick together." He said and with that, they flew through the opening in the anima, straight into Edolas to save everyone.

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