Chapter 10: Jellal

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Tsubaki's pov

We were unsure of what happened to the army boats, which belonged to the magic council. For some reason, I got this feeling that this was somehow related to those people who took Erza. "This doesn't make sense. What could have happened to the ships?" I asked, sitting back down. Before we left the island, I had changed into a different outfit. "I don't know but its pretty obvious something big took down those ships." Gray said, "Whoa, look at that!" I pointed to a giant building, this must have been where Erza was taken. "This must be the Tower of Heaven." Lucy stated, "How will we get in?" I asked, "I have an idea." Juvia said, she made air bubbles for us to breathe since we had to go underwater to get in. When we got in, Lucy and Juvia had a little disagreement. Gray had no clothes on and Natsu, I don't even want to talk about it. There was a sudden roar, making us stop walking. "Intruders!" Men came out pouring out of every entrance, resulting in us having to fight them. I kicked two men into each other, "Ice dragon wing attack!" I took down a lot of them as well as the others. A door opened and we looked at it, "I don't trust this." I mumbled. We found a table with a bunch of food on it and although I didn't trust it, I still ate the food.

"Wait, you mean here?" Lucy yelled, she was trying to change out of her bathing suit. "Yes, let me help you." Virgo said, trying to unclothe Lucy, which made Gray drop some meat out of his mouth. Natsu was scarfing down everything, I liked her outfit though. "Oh, did you guys want me to ask her to bring you some dry clothes?" Lucy asked "No, not really. This is just fine." Natsu was on fire, while Gray and I were using him to dry off. He didn't seem to mind.

"He's not a drying machine!" Lucy yelled, "There they are, the intruders." I saw more men come but before they could attack us, Erza showed up and kicked their butts.

"Erza thank god, you're okay!" I said, "Erza," Lucy smiled.

"It's you. What are you doing here inside the tower?" She asked, looking to us in worry. "Looking for you. We came here to take you back." Lucy explained, I was hoping that she was willing to come with us.

"Go home. This place is far too dangerous." Erza shook her head, not bothering to hear our side. "You're not going to scare me into leaving. I ain't going anywhere until that Blockhead gets a taste of my fist, I'll make him pay for shooting me in the mouth." Natsu pounded his fist together, he was pissed. "I'm telling you to go." Erza demanded, she didn't look too happy. "But why?" Lucy asked, "Your so called friends kidnapped Happy, I can't leave without him." Natsu complained, "They also kidnapped Lucky!" I growled, I was not about to leave her in the hands of these people I didn't even know.

"They got them too. Must have been Millianna." Erza said, "Where can I find him?" Natsu asked, he looked ready to fight somebody. "I'm not sure." Erza said, making me sigh. "This means war." Natsu flicked his nose, I knew he was about do something reckless. "Who are you declaring war against?" Gray asked, looking over to Natsu.

"The jerk that took Lucky and Happy!" Natsu ran off, despite Erza calling after him to stop. "What a moron." Gray stated, "Let's go help him." Lucy said, "No!" Erza put her sword in front of us, making me hide behind Gray. Erza was deadly serious about this situation and I could feel the emotions that were coming off of her, this was something that she didn't us to get involved with. "You don't have to worry about Lucky and Happy, Millianna is a cat lover. She'd never do anything to hurt them. I promise I'll bring them back to the guild with me. But you five need to leave immediately." Erza turned back around, "You're being ridiculous we can help you." Lucy said.

"I don't want your help. This is my problem and it doesn't involve you." Erza started walking away from us, but Gray stopped her. "How can you say that? You saw Natsu, I say we're plenty involved." Gray spoke up, I stepped out from behind him. "Erza. What's up with this tower and who is this Jellal guy?" Lucy asked, "I can understand if you don't want to tell us. Those creeps were old friends of yours, right? Well, we're your friends now and we're here to help you. And no matter what happens we're always gonna have your back." Lucy said.

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