Chapter 43: A letter from an Old Friend!!!

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Tsubaki's pov

"You got a letter and it's from someone you know." Gramps handed a letter to me, so I took it from him and on the front Ezra's name was written on it. "You are probably wondering how I wrote this if I'm supposed to be dead. Well, that's what I wanted to talk about. I've been alive this entire time. I've been in Edolas." My eyes widened at his words, "But I never saw him there. Not once. I only saw the edolas version of Ethan." Tears grew and some tried to fall, but I didn't let them spill.

"Here's the thing, I was away on a special mission and had to stay in the Royal city with Faust. He had no clue that I was even there. I had to spy on him, to see if he was going against the exceeds. Edolas Ethan knew I was there. Edolas Natsu was the one who found me that day I had been thrown into their realm and afterward, I became a Fairytail member. That day I died and disappeared into thin air, was the day an anima had opened and I was swapped with edolas's Ezra, who died the same way I did here. I ended up in Edolas and after a while, I met Lisanna, who had the same thing happen to her. Even though Edolas Fairytail is very different, I was accepted into this Fairytail by Lisanna. I saw you when you first came to Edolas with the earthland version of Natsu, Wendy and the two exceeds you were with. I found out from Edolas Tsubaki before I left, that you had raised that exceed after you joined Fairytail and after Natsu had found his. I also saw you, when we first got back on earthland. Right now, I'm going to look for Ethan. Edolas Tsubaki told me that he's been trying to kill you, which is something I can't tolerate especially after seeing how Edolas Ethan treated Edolas Tsubaki. I'll see ya later, little sis. Sincerely from, Ez."

That nickname was the one I gave him, when I was just five years old. I didn't know that I was crying, until a tear dropped onto the letter. He's alive. This entire time, he's been alive in Edolas this entire time. When he disappeared from my arms after he had died that day, I buried anything that could be represented as him. I didn't know what to do, or why he disappeared when he died in my arms that day. More tears hit the paper, making little shaped teardrops.

"Tsu, what's wrong? Who is the letter from?" Natsu asked, as my hands started shaking. "It's from Ezra." I said shakily, "But didn't you say he died when you were just seven before you joined Fairytail?" Erza asked, looking at me in confusion. "Yeah, I thought he died that day. He died in my arms and then he disappeared. He disappeared and this whole time, he's been in edolas. With Lisanna." Tears streamed down my face but all I could feel instead of happiness and relief, I felt pain and anger. I was angry that Lisanna had not told me that my older brother was actually alive, that he wasn't dead like I believed he was.

"Lisanna, is this true?" Erza asked, turning to her. "Yeah, it is. He was in the edolas Fairytail, when I got there and I told him my situation. He told me that, that I went through was exactly what happened to me the day I was supposed to die." Lisanna said, and my hands shook more.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me before we got back to the guildhall that my big brother, the one I believed to be dead since I was seven was alive? Why? Why did you keep it from me?" I asked, as more tears streamed down my face. "I'm sorry, he didn't want me to tell you before you read the letter. I begged him to let me tell you and not withhold anything from you. I'm so sorry." Her big blue eyes that were identical to Mira's were staring into my blue eyes, "Why didn't you tell me anyway? Why didn't you tell me although it was against his wishes? Knowing that he has been dead for all this time and you knew that he was alive. I never saw him, the only one I saw was Ethan. The edolas Ethan. I have believed for a long time, that my big brother was dead. The fact that you knew and kept it from me, it means you didn't care enough about me. You should have told me instead of me having to find out from a letter! I thought he was dead and he was alive this entire time and you didn't bother to tell me!" I yelled, I was angry that she didn't bother to say anything.

"Okay, we should all calm down. Tsu, you need to take a deep breath before you do anything else." Erza said, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You don't know how bad I wanted to tell you he was alive. When I met him, he was so nice. I cried when I found out who he was. I cried, because I had finally found someone that you thought was dead. I was happy that he wasn't dead. I couldn't bother to tell him that Ethan had taken edolas Tsubaki into the royal city and held her captive. I couldn't bother to tell him, because it would break his heart. I told him that when you finally joined Fairytail, Ethan joined too. I told him that he disappeared and was barely around to take care of you but you had Natsu, Gray, and Erza and me. He was so grateful to all of us in Fairytail, for taking in his sister after what happened. I'm so sorry." Lisanna shook her head and came closer to me. She gave me a hug and I tensed up, I was not in the hugging mood.

"Tsu? Please, forgive me. I didn't want to keep it from you at all. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Lisanna cried into me and I looked down. My bangs covered my eyes, I didn't know how to react to the news. "Tsu?" I looked up at Natsu, Gray, Gramps, and Erza. Gramps looked at us, "My dear, You need to forgive Lisanna. She was only doing what she thought was the right thing to do." He said and I understood what he meant. I had to forgive her, although she didn't say anything about Ezra.

The letter dropped out of my hand and I began to cry louder into Lisanna. "'Awwww, Tsu..." Lucy said and I wrapped my arms around Lisanna, crying louder.

"I forgive you, Lis." I sobbed, I could feel tears falling onto my shoulder, meaning she was crying too. "Thank you so much, Tsu." She sniffled and I smiled as I hugged her. I could tell everyone else was smiling as well, at the fact that I forgave her.

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