Chapter 2 : Dear Kaby

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Tsubaki's pov

After Natsu and I beat the Vanish brothers, we headed off to find Lucy. "Natsu, I think we took it a little too far this time." I said, "Oh well, let's go find lucy." Natsu said, making me sigh at his nonchalant manner and we walked off. As we were walking around the building, Natsu spotted Virgo. She had been instructed to find Lucy and just before she could leave, the both of us jumped onto her. Natsu and I suddenly appeared in a sewer, where both Duke and Lucy were. "Lucy!" I called out, which made her look up at us. "How did you get here?" She asked, "I spotted Virgo getting up and jumped on her." Natsu explained, "That means, you passed through the celestial world!! Nobody can survive that!" Lucy yelled, "Really?!" Lucky exclaimed, looking at me and Natsu. I shrugged at her, not really sure how Natsu and I managed to survive that. "Natsu, we gotta finish off Duke," I said, so both of us did but overdid it again. The whole building started shaking, which caused panic among all of us. "We gotta get out of here, now!!" I scooped Lucky up into my arms and ran beside Natsu and Lucy, Happy was in Lucy's arms.

"Aww, man. We overdid it again!" I groaned, watching as the entire mansion collapsed. We headed back to Kaby's place, he was the one who gave us the mission in the first place. Lucy handed Kaby the book but revealed that Kaby was the author's son. "Cool," I whispered, Natsu got mad at him for wanting to burn the last book his father wrote and Kaby finally explained himself. "Whoa, cool!" Natsu and Lucy looked at me like I was crazy. He told us that he passed away, and Lucy reveals that the book had a secret written in it for Kaby. He wrote a letter for Kaby but put a spell on it so nobody else could read it. "Good work, lucy." I smiled, putting my hand on her shoulder. "We won't take the money." Natsu said, we left but we had to walk home. We ate some fish, "You're writing a novel!" I exclaimed, but she made us promise not to tell anyone. Natsu catches onto a scent and smells a bush before Gray pops out from behind it. He had no shirt or pants on and soon the two started arguing, "Gray!" I jumped on his back, "Erza's due back anytime now," Gray reminded us, "That woman can take down an entire mountain." Natsu speculated which scared Lucy, whereas I nodded my head in agreement.

"What? I'm pretty sure she can take it down three mountains by herself." Gray said, "Gray, you guys are freaking her out." I said as an explosion goes off, when we recovered I noticed that Happy and Lucky were tied up. There were three men, who were trying to kidnap the two of them which pissed me off. "Hey, give her back!" I yelled, charging at the men. "Tsubaki, get back here!" Gray yelled but they all charged at us. I punched the guy with an orb and then scolded Gray to put clothes on. "Ice dragon iron fist." I defeated the big chicken and we tied them up, when we tried to get answers the three started sputtering like idiots. I caught onto a weird scent and spotted something moving towards the men we had beaten up, "Oh no!" One of them cried and suddenly they were all pulled into the shadow. "What the hell?" Gray questioned, "Lullaby?" Natsu asked, "What the hell was that?" I asked, "More importantly, who was that? They're gone so I can't tell if they were a wizard or anything." Natsu said.

We headed back towards the guild hall, we sat down at a table while I started looking for a job but none of them seemed all that interesting to me. I had heard that Gramps was at a meeting for the guild masters, so he would be gone for a while. Mira explained the whole thing to Lucy, which scared her, and I didn't blame her for that. Mira explained dark guilds to Lucy and Gray and Natsu started fighting. I punched Loke, who was trying to flirt with me. "What was that for?" Loke ran off without another word, which confused me. Natsu landed on Lucy and then they started arguing. "Guys, we got big trouble. Erza's on her way here!" Loke busted through the door and the whole guild freaked out even Natsu and Gray. She came into the guild hall carrying a giant horn, which was oddly funny. "Erza!" I hugged her and she chuckled and addressed that we've been causing trouble. Erza called out Natsu and Gray and they did a bad happy impression, which made me laugh at Natsu.

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