Chapter 129: Time Wasted!

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Tsubaki's pov

Just before we left the Celestial Realm, I made sure to ask Leo to keep a close eye out for Kai's celestial spirits. After all, I believe this was their first time meeting the Celestial Spirit King and it seemed that it went very well. Kai nearly burst into tears when he was once again reunited with another one of his Celestial Spirits, this one reminding me of how Aquarius takes care of Lucy. "Kai, you'll see me again. You act like I can't just summon myself." She patted his back, holding him tightly in a hug which she didn't seem too thrilled to be in. She had semi long blue hair, the shade being lighter than Juvia and I's tone and brown eyes, her skin was a tad darker than Kai's. It stopped just above her shoulders, she wore a white dress which had spaghetti straps and a blue belt wrapped around the waist. Her dress stopped just before her knees, it fit her figure perfectly. What I found slightly amusing was the fact that she had larger boobs, they seemed almost the same size as Lucy's. She actually stood just a few inches shorter than Kai, so his head was resting on her shoulder. Kai didn't seem like he wanted to leave her side and though she appeared annoyed on the outside, I could see that she genuinely liked and cared for Kai and his feelings. She looked no older than 17, but being that of a Celestial Spirit I knew that she had to be older than that. Lucy smiled at the two, it seemed that she was happy to see that Kai had a good relationship with his Celestial Spirits like she did. Ethan and Ezra were watching Kai, sweat dropping as they watched him. "Liri, I doubt that he's thinking about that right now." Luc spoke up from beside me, he stared at the pair with love and genuine affection. It made me wonder just how long Kai had his celestial spirits by his side, Lucy has had Aquarius since she was a young girl. And it was partially Aquarius who helped raise Lucy since her father didn't pay much attention to her. "Oi, I told you, I'll visit you soon. Stop crying so much, okay?" She pushed him back and cupped his face in her small hands, wiping his tears. "Okay," He sniffled, his nose red from the snot. Liri chuckled slightly, wiping his tears away and stood on her tippy toes, kissing his nose. "I have never seen Kai so emotional before." Natsu said, scratching the back of his neck. "Neither have I." Erza said, "Yeah, me neither. He wasn't even like that when he lost Rosie when we first met him." Gray agreed, crossing his arms as we all watched Kai interact with his celestial spirit.

"That's because Liridae has been with Kai since he was a child just like Luc here," Acetes explained, pushing back his long black hair. We all looked at Luc, who was now over by the pair. He patted Kai on the shoulder, teasing him about the crying he did. Liridae started laughing, Luc laughing along with her as Kai started panicking while they teased him. "Just like how Lucy had Aquarius when she was little, Kai had Luc and Liri. The two of them were the ones that he had first received as gifts from his mother. She's a Celestial Spirit Wizard herself, when she gave up being an active wizard, she decided to give both her most favored Keys, Luc and Liri to her son. From the moment, the three of them met each other, they were attached at the hip. Those three are as thick as thieves and if it wasn't for Luc persuading Kai to go on a journey of his own, he would have never stumbled across my key when he did." Acetes crossed his arms and tilted his head slightly, "I have to be thankful to that brat and he loves to bring it up whenever we argue which pisses me off... But.. I can never stay angry with him for too long."

"How many years have you been with him?" Lucy asked, "About 10 years. He found my key when he was 12." He smiled at the thought. Though he gave off the appearance of being closed off and a cool guy, I could see that he genuinely cared for Kai. And that he genuinely cared for the other Celestial Spirits that he's spent years with. "Kai, come on!! We have to get going." Erza called to him, Kai looked away from Luc and Liridae and his eyes met mine. I gave him a small smile as he said his final goodbyes to Luc and Liridae, who both seemed slightly tense.

"Can I ask something of you all?" Acetes spoke up, "What is it?" Ethan quirked an eyebrow at him, "I was wondering if you all could keep an eye on him. Since we're not around all the time, I know Kai can get himself into trouble. And well.. He has you all now that he's apart of Fairytail. Please take care of him when we can't be there." Acetes stated, looking slightly flustered. Erza smiled at Acetes, her smile warm. "Of course we will, Acetes. You have nothing to worry about. Kai is now a part of our family and we always look after our own." She reassured him, Acetes gave her a small smile and nodded as Kai came walking back over.

"Old friend." All of us looked over at the Celestial King, who was smiling down at Lucy and even smiling at Kai. "Know that we are with you."


"It's good to be workin' with ya again."

"Please feel free to call on us anytime."

"I'll visit the guild again sometime." Leo said, I gave him a warm smile and wrapped in one last hug. "Please continue to look after Ms. Lucy, everyone!"

"We will." Erza smiled. "Well, then. May the guidance of the stars keep you well, old friend!"

"The celestial spirits really do love you." Wendy smiled, "They're the best friends I could hope for!" Lucy smiled, "Yeah, they really are." Kai said, trailing off at the end as he smiled at Acetes, Luc and Liridae. With one last goodbye, we were all transported back to the beach that we had come from. "Okay! We've had our fun!" Lucy smiled, "Now let's get back and train like crazy!"

"Yeah! We got three months to
catch up to the other guilds!"

"Sabertooth is goin' down!" Natsu and Ethan shouted in unison, both looking pumped. "Oh, right. I forgot to mention something." I looked over at Lucy, who was thinking about something and it seemed Kai knew what she was talking about. "Time flows differently in the celestial spirit world and the human world." She explained. "Wait, does that mean.." Gray started, "...that a year here is like only a day in the human world?!" Wendy asked, "That'd make this a fantastic training zone!" Ezra said, nodding his head but I got the feeling that something was off. "No." Lucy said, "Just the opposite." Kai said, making me look at him in confusion. "One day in the celestial spirit world equals... three months in the human world." Kai stated, making all of us yell loudly in complete shock. "Huh?" Ethan tilted his head, Levy and I looked on in devastation. "Guys! We've been waiting forever!" I turned my head as Jet and Droy came over, the two of them looked in great shape as if they had been training for months. "The Grand Magic Games are in five days!" Jet explained, "I hope you guys trained lots and lots!" Droy said, that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. We were out of time to train, that one trip cost us time to train. There's no way we are ready to fight against the guilds like Sabertooth and others, not like how we are now. "It's all over." Juvia said, all of us still standing around in shock. Natsu, Gray and Erza all ended up falling fast first onto the sand while the rest of us were still standing. At this point I was absolutely fuming, "How could you forget to tell us this?!! That's important information!!" I turned to Kai and Lucy, "It slipped my mind. I didn't think about it since they took us there under the pretense that the Celestial Realm was in trouble." Lucy explained, I sighed heavily and put my head in my hands.

"This is not good. Not good at all." Wendy shook her head, letting out a sigh of her own.

"Mustache man!! Give us our time back!" Natsu shouted.

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