Chapter 100: Targeted Lucy

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Tsubaki's pov

I let out a loud yawn, stretching my arms out as I walked beside Levy and Kai. "So the whole time you waited tables, customers kept hitting on you?" Levy asked, looking over to me. "Yeah, I wanted to punch the guy in the face. But Ethan beat me to it." I frowned, "What do you mean?" Lucy asked, "He threw one of the large platters in the customer's face." Ezra sighed, "He what?!" Lucy yelled, "He had it coming. Flirting with my little sister like that." Ethan seethed, making me roll my eyes at him while Kai just sweatdropped. "Gray flirts with me all the time." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "He deserves a platter to the face too." Ezra muttered, this only made Kai sigh as he finally realized just how much Ezra and Ethan were protective over me. "No, he doesn't." I looked over at him, shaking my head at my grumpy older brother. "Oh lighten up, Ezra. You should be happy that somebody makes your sister happy." Levy smiled, looking over to him.

"Tch. Yeah, fine." He muttered.

I shook my head, looking forward and came to a stop when I spotted some familiar faces. "Coco?!! Long time no see. I mean, how did you get to Earth land?" Lucy asked, but I got the feeling that this wasn't the Coco we all met in Edolas. For some reason, I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was extremely wrong with this picture. Natsu, Macao, Elfman, Wendy, Mira, Kinana, Wakaba and few others were standing directly in front of Hughes, who was female. Sugarboy, who looked completely different from his counterpart and Coco, who looked much older. "It seems like they're totally mistaking us for other people." Hughes spoke up.

"Not important, Mary Hughes." The minute Sugarboy said that, I knew they weren't from Edolas, they definitely were the Earthland counterparts of those three. "That's not them," Ezra said, suddenly turning serious. "Let's hurry up and get to work, Sugar boy."

"Hughes? Sugar boy? The guys we fought in the amusement park." Natsu asked in confusion, "Sugar boy?!" Lucky shouted in shock. "Now that you mention it, the face is similar.." Lucy said, as I took a step forward. "And you were a man!!! What are you dressed like a woman for?" Natsu shouted, pointing to Mary Hughes, who looked like she wanted to hit him. "I just met him and I already want to kill him." She said, making a face at him. Ethan shook his head at Natsu's comment, as I just sighed. That idiot. "What have you come here for?" Max asked, for some reason I had a feeling they were after the clock piece. "This is our guild!" Laki spoke up and in response, Mary Hughes started to laugh. "The rumors were right. You are a bunch of pitiful wizards." Sugar boy said, making me growl lowly. Ethan grabbed my shoulder, hoping to keep me calm. "So why are you here and what the hell do you want from us?" I asked, not bothering to care for my attitude. "We've just got one demand. Hand over Lucy Heartfilia." My heart caught in my throat as I heard Mary Hughes say this, there was no way they were taking Lucy from us. We already proved that when Phantom Lord messed with us.

"Hand her over?!"

"What do you want her for? Even if you gave us a proper answer, there is no way that we would hand her over."

"That's right. There's no way we're handing Lucy over and you won't be able to take her from us. We already showed everyone what would happen when messes with the guild and with Lucy. There's no way in hell that we'll hand her over." I spoke up, I was not letting anybody touch Lucy. "The only way you'll get to her is through me." I took a step in front of Lucy, not backing down from them. I didn't care who they were, they were not going to take Lucy. Not again. "That group.. They might have been responsible for the attacks on the Church across Fiore." Kinana spoke, making me glare harshly at the three standing in front of Natsu.

"Fine.. You won't give us Lucy Heartfilia, I guess we'll just have to take her by force." Mary Hughes threatened, which only served to anger me. Sugarboy takes out a stick, using it as a microphone and starts to sing into it. As soon he started his song, a thick green mucus-like substance comes out of his body and starts to surround everyone. Getting a bad feeling about the slime or whatever it was, I acted quickly and froze the ground around Lucy, Michelle and I. Some of the other members end up getting caught by the stuff, shouting out a warning to the rest of us not to let it touch us. "What is this stuff?!!" Lucky panicked, jumping into Ethan's arms as I used my ice to keep the stuff away from him. "Damn, this stuff is resilient. Everything I throw at it has no affect on it." Ethan said, holding Lucky tightly. I could see that Kai was having trouble keeping himself and Rosie from getting caught in the weird substance, but he had Ezra to back him up. I looked over to the side seeing that Wakaba, Macao and Romeo were having trouble fighting against Earthland Coco. The three finally stop attacking everybody, laughing and saying that our guild is weak. This annoyed me so much that Lucy had to hold my arm, trying to keep me from going off. "If you didn't not hand over Lucy Heartfilia, we will attack again." Mary Hughes threatened, but this threat only angered Natsu. He rushed forward, but Mary Hughes uses her magic on him, in turn Natsu starts to attack the other members of the guild. I then realized that she had magic which related to control over the body, which was the type of magic I absolutely hated. "Lucy, get out of here!!" When the others try to attack, they also find themselves incapable of attacking their opponent. "Tsu.. You have to calm down." Levy spoke up, seeing just how angry I was getting.

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