Chapter 23: Lyon's alive

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Tsubaki's pov

As we kept fighting with Sherry, I noticed that the beam of light was still glowing. Sherry disappears for a while, making us rush to find her. There was no telling where or when she would attack next, which had us on guard. "Where could she have gone?" Gray looked around, "I don't know." I shrugged, keeping my eyes peeled for any movement around us that could indicate where she was hiding. "Can you smell her?" Gray asked, "No, not yet." I shook my head at Gray's question. I picked up on Sherry's scent, making me sneeze loudly. "I smell her nearby. I've also picked up on Natsu and Lucy's scent." I said and I rushed forward, with Gray following me. Sherry finally appears, trying to attack Lucy and Natsu.

"Luce, Natsu! Look Out." They turn around as I quickly get in the way, catching the branch that was coming down. "Tsu, what's going on?" Lucy asked, looking over at Gray and I.

"Sherry was affected by Nirvana's magic. Lyon sacrificed himself to save me." I briefly explained, turning my head back to Sherry. "Gray, get her now!!!" I shouted, struggling to keep the branch up. Gray tackles her from behind, "Sherry?" Gray asked, "Is she back to normal?" I asked, holding the branch up. "No." I burned the branch while Gray held her down, stopping her from making another move. "You'll never make it out of this forest alive!" Sherry yelled, "You'll pay for what you did." Sherry said just as someone I thought I would never see again, walked out into the opening. "Hey, guys, what's going on?" Lyon stood there with Racer, he was holding the back of his outfit.

"Lyon?" Sherry asked and tears began to well up in my eyes, as I stared at him.

"Why happened to you guys?" Lyon asked, looking concerned when he saw the ripped clothes and bruises. "You're okay." I whispered, I could barely hold back my tears. Ever since I met Lyon after the Galuna Incident when he finally stopped being crazy, I had become fairly attached to him. I had talked to him all the time, usually we communicated through a lacrima or letters.

"What? Speak up Tsu, I can't hear you." He shook his head, "You're alive!!" I rushed to him, giving a giant hug. "T-tsubaki? What's gotten into you?" He stammered, not expecting the hug.

"I thought you died because of what you did. I thought you died because you saved me." I cried into his warm chest, while my arms were slung across his neck. "Tsu," Lyon wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug back.

"It's good to see you alive, Lyon." Gray said, as I let go of Lyon. "Oh thank goodness, you're alive." Sherry cried out before passing out, the darkness from Nirvana came out of her. "Why are you guys so banged up?" Lyon asked and I looked up at him. "After you exploded with Racer, Gray and I went to look for in the rubble. Sherry was quiet the entire time. She had become influenced by Nirvana's magic and attacked both of us. Although Gray was knocked unconscious, I kept trying to get through to her but it was too late. She started to blame me for your death and the more she kept saying it, the more I believed her." I explained, keeping my gaze to the ground. "You guys must have gone through hell. Tsu, you aren't to blame for what I did." Lyon said, "What exactly happened when you two blew up?" Gray asked, looking down at Racer.

"I tore off the bombs off of Racer's chest." Lyon explained the rest and I picked up a scent so familiar.

"Tsu, what's up?" Lucy asked, "It's nothing, it's just I smell a familiar scent is all. Nothing to worry about." I began to wonder where Erza went. "Lyon, are you alright?" I turned to him, "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, I just hope everyone else is doing alright. I didn't see Lucky come out of the bushes but Lucy did.

"Lucky?" Lucy asked and I turned around, she seemed out of it and injured. "Oh my god, what happened?" I rushed forward, as Lucky fell into my arms. "Lucky, what happened to you?" I was completely worried about her. "I found Erza and Jellal. He doesn't remember her or anything he's done. It was Cobra." She passed out in my arms and I growled.

"Cobra." I sneered, holding her small body close to mine. "That bastard's gonna pay for this. I hope that Erza doesn't get to him before I get to him. I'm gonna kill that guy." I threatened, which made Gray bend down in front of me. I was beginning to feel more and more hate growing, I could that Nirvana's magic was starting to take effect on me.

"Tsu, snap out of it." Gray shook my shoulders, making me look at him. "Don't go crazy on me, Tsubaki. Keep it together, do not let Nirvana's magic change you. We might not be able to snap you out of it." He said and I quickly snapped out of it, looking down at Lucky. "I'm sorry, it's just... Lucky doesn't deserve to get beat on like that." I let out a sigh, shaking my head. "...Wait a minute. She was with you! NATSU!" I stood up handing her to Gray, stomping over to Natsu. He immediately panicked and tried to run, but I caught him by his scarf which was really soft. He squirmed as I pulled him back towards me, not bothering to be gentle about it either. "Why didn't you watch over her like I asked you too?" I growled, gripping his scarf tighter than I already was. "I'm sorry but after I came across that bastard, I lost track of her." Natsu apologized.

"Like I said before Natsu, that wasn't really Gray." Lucy said, making me raise my eyebrows. "What do you mean, Lucy?" I turned to her, letting go of Natsu's scarf. "I had to face off with Angel, who is a celestial wizard like me. I had to fight Gemini, who posed as Gray to kill Natsu." I looked back at Natsu, "So what else happened, Luce?" I asked, "Well Natsu got sick cause he was on a moving raft, which left me to fight Aries. I tried to get Angel to let go of Aries from her contract because of what Angel did but she wanted my life for it. I defeated her, but I honestly don't know how." Lucy explained. "What about Hibiki? And Wendy?" I asked, "Wendy should be safe, but I don't know about Hibiki. I only saw Natsu and we fell off the waterfall." She said, with a small shrug.

"Sounds like you had it pretty tough." I quipped. "Well, Gray and I did too. Fighting with Sherry. She was possessed by Nirvana's magic, and kept attacking us." I explained.

"Uhh Tsu, now may not be the right time but your shirt is not there," Natsu said and I looked down. I blushed tomato red and screamed loudly. "Stop looking, you pervert!" I shouted and Gray, Natsu, and Lyon turned away. Lucy summoned Virgo, who appeared changing my outfit completely. "Thanks Virgo, you're a lifesaver." I sighed and she disappeared. "Come on guys." Gray handed Lucky to me and we headed off. "I hope Lucky will be alright. Who knows were Wendy and Carla went." I said, looking down at her in my arms.

"She'll be okay. Don't worry, Tsu." Natsu said and I nodded, "Thanks, Natsu." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

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