Chapter 49: Things are Getting Worse!!

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Lucy's pov

"Tsu!" Mirajane caught her in her arms and the two dropped to the floor. Tsubaki started coughing out blood, which made me worry. "Wendy..." She appeared immediately by Mira's side, as I bent down next to her. "I got this. Don't worry." She looked up at us, with determination. "That bastard, is gonna pay." Gray growled, causing all of us to look at him in shock. "Whoa, just take it easy, Gray." Erza had a shocked look on her face, she was surprised.

"I can't do that." I looked up to see Natsu, Ezra, and Ethan fighting with Kazuki, he was smirking the entire time. When Tsubaki and Mira hit the ground, Natsu got so angry that he charged at him even though both her brothers were fighting Kazuki together. He knocked all three of them back, they landed in front of us as Kazuki laughed. "Natsu, are you okay?" I asked and he nodded, he then knocked everyone else down on their feet and continued to laugh. "What's so funny?" Ezra growled, "One sibling down to go and two more to go. This is gonna be fun." He smirked and held his finger out, getting ready to shoot at us again. "That's not happening, if we can stop it." Erza and Mirajane stood up, leaving me to tend to Tsubaki.

"How are you fairies going to stop me? Not even she could." He pointed Tsubaki, who was barely conscious in my lap.

"Oh how scary," He said sarcastically and waved his hands. "You shouldn't tease them, they aren't the type you should tease." Natsu shook, making Ezra smacked him on the head. "Oww, what was that for?" Natsu shouted, turning to her. "You are an idiot." She said, as I heard groaning. I looked down at Tsubaki, "Tsu," I sighed in relief, she was barely awake but that was enough to make me happy.

"Fine if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get." Erza and Mira stood up as both of them, transformed into different armors. "Well, well, well if it isn't Mirajane's Satan soul." He smirked, "How did you know about that?" I felt movement from my lap, as I kept my eyes on the fight. "I did my research." He smirked and suddenly a head popped up. "Nobody's fighting him, but me." She said and we all looked over at her.

"There's no way you are fighting him, you are in no shape to fight him." Ezra shook his head, "And I said I will handle it. Freed, I understand you have my sword, do you?" Freed handed her the sword, as she made her way to the front of the group. "So the little one is going to fight me, huh?" He smirked at her and lifted his finger at her. He shot at her, but she dodged it and suddenly I realized who he meant to hit.

"You missed," She raised an eyebrow at him, "I wasn't aiming for you." She turned around as it made its way to Ezra and Ethan. Ethan pushed Ezra out of the way and was shot through the chest, "Nooooo!" Ezra shouted and we all reached forward to catch him. "You bastard!!!!!" Tsubaki shouted, I looked ahead seeing her rush forward. "Tsu, wait!!" Gray shouted, but it was no use. Tsubaki lost it and started fighting with him. Two minutes passed, the wind breezes past us blowing up sand and dust.

"I can't see anything, what's going on?" Natsu asked, it was odd because we could see each other. We heard two shouts of pain and each one sounded different, "Sky dragon roar!!" Wendy blew all of the dust, which cleared the area and we could finally see what was going on. "Oh my god," I Yelled, Tsubaki was impaled through her right shoulder while Kazuki was impaled through the stomach.

"She got him," Lisanna said, which made Ezra sit up. "Now Kazuki, who else was there that conspired to kill my parents?" Tsubaki's voice cracked, I could hear that she was hurt and angry. "I can't tell you that." He strained, "Why not?" Tsubaki asked, as she cringed in pain. "Because it's not my place to tell you." He strained and she pulled on his sword and was able to get it out of her shoulder, while also pulling on her sword.

"Then whose place is it, to tell me?" Ethan groaned loudly, making me look down as Wendy worked on him. "I can't tell you that either, you have to figure that out yourself. But I will tell you this. There are more people out there, like me. They want to kill all three Klein siblings." Kazuki explained, leaving us confused.

"But why?" Juvia asked, just as confused as we all were.

"Because of the powers, the daughter was destined to have. She was destined to become a dragon slayer, for a reason but she is also destined to become the protector of dragons or dragon slayers. People want the power of the dragons so they can cause harm to the world, so they voted to kill off the parents while she was still young, thinking it would be a good idea. Killing her brother and snatching the other one would be the best way, she would end up with those powers. After this, I'm supposed to die, but you will gain the powers to protect any and all dragons and dragon slayers out there in the world." Kazuki said and we all stood there in shock. There was no way this was possible, I've never heard of anything like this.

"No, there's no way that's possible." Ezra said, shaking his head. "What was the reason, they took me?" Ethan asked Kazuki, he was sitting up.

"They wanted to make sure the oldest and the youngest were nowhere near each other so that they could send me to kill Ezra. The day he supposedly died was supposed to mean that he would actually die, but apparently that didn't happen. But I know one thing for sure, the anima that was open that day didn't appear on its own. It appeared because of you, Tsubaki, which led to your brother being alive." Tsubaki shook her head and stepped back, not believing it.

"No, there's no way that could happen." She backed up more, as we all stood there in shock. "Whoa, so you're saying that she is supposed to become the protector of all dragons, and dragon slayers? But she triggered the anima?" Lyon asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes." Kazuki groaned, as he pushed himself to sit up. "Why do they want to kill Ethan and Ezra?" I asked, "They want to kill them, to get to her. The powers are so close to being awakened, if someone close to her whether family, friend, or guildmate is hurt or killed. Those powers could be awakened, depending on the situation she is put in." Kazuki cringed in pain, as he explained.

"So they are going to kill my brothers to use me, and get my powers?" Tsubaki stood there and a tear slipped down her face, while all of us looked shocked at what Kazuki just said.

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