Chapter 70: Makarov Strikes

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3rd person's pov

"Who are you and what are your intentions?" Pantherlily held out his sword, standing in front of Wendy and Carla. Instead of giving an answer, Mest disappears suddenly and then reappears behind Wendy.

"Wendy!!" Pantherlily and Carla yelled, thinking Mest would hurt her but instead he saves her from an incoming figure that was trying to attack her. "What was that?" Carla asked, as the figure emerges from the tree. "Who are you?" Mest ordered, as he stood with Wendy still in his arms. "I'm Azuma. One of the Seven Kin Of Purgatory." He introduced and Mest finally introduces himself to the three.

"My actual name is Doranbolt, I was sent here to be undercover in finding Zeref. That was my main goal. He is on this island." Doranbolt explained to the three.

"But why are you on the island?" Carla asked, "I was assigned to come here to get dirt on the guild to disband it. I have warships stationed outside the island but it's good that Grimoire Heart has brought itself here." His hopes were crushed, when Azuma blew up the warships. "The warships!!" Wendy yelled, "Oh no, all those people on board!" Carla gasped in horror which, caused Pantherlily to attack Azuma but when he starts having difficulty, Wendy uses her sky dragon slayer magic. She then formulates a strategy to defeat Azuma with Mest despite the fact that he is from the Magic Council. They attempt a sneak attack from behind him while Panther Lily distracts him from in front.

"You are really stupid to think that you can outwit me. Tower Burst!!!" He defeats them all with ease as the airship, belonging to Grimoire Heart continues to move towards the island.

But in stopping them, Makarov grew into a giant blocking the island from Grimoire Heart. Before anything else could happen to Wendy, Mest and the others Natsu stepped in.

"Natsu!!!!" Wendy yelled, "Natsu, what are you doing here? And why is your scarf black?" Lily asked, "That's not important right now. Is everyone alright?" Natsu asked, "Yeah, we're fine." Mest helps Wendy up and Pantherlily helps Carla stand, as they take their place behind Natsu. But he was already getting surrounded by Grimoire Heart lackeys.

Tsubaki sensed that Natsu was up and moving, but she felt something else wasn't right. Makarov attacks them, but all the damage is repaired by Ultear and her lost magic.

Tsubaki stopped walking and turned around, "Tsu?" Lucy asked, "It's Gramps. He's fighting someone." She said with a stern look on her face, "I hope that he's okay." They walked off so in turn Capricorn uses his magic to carry all the Grimoire Heart members, while Hades deals with Makarov. Makarov gets ready to use Fairy Law, all the members scatter across the island. But while this happens Makarov fires his spell, but Hades counters it with Grimoire Law.

"I suggest that you not be so reckless and stop your attack. If you don't, we both will see to an unfortunate end." Hades warns him about this and he realizes something. It was the second master of the Fairytail guild back when Makarov was younger, the one who gave him the title 'Master'.

Meanwhile, Lucy and her two best friends figure something out. "Have you two been following us the entire time?" Cana asked, with her hand on her hips. "Well, yeah. You figured out where the grave is, like I thought you guys would. All we had to do was get there before you but you found us." Gray sat on a boulder next to Leo, "You idiots!" Tsubaki smacks them both on the back of the head.

"What was that for?!" Gray yelled, "Because, you followed us. You Stripper." She said, "Hey, will you stop calling me that!!? Besides I still have my clothes on!!!" Gray got in her face, "That doesn't mean you won't eventually lose your clothes, like you always do!" Tsubaki shouted, getting in Gray's face. "Oh Great. Just what we need." Cana sighed, "And what's that?" Lucy sweatdropped, looking over to her. Lucy and Cana sighed, watching the two lovers argue.

"A lover's spat between the two secret love birds." Cana sighed again, rolling her eyes which made Leo crack up. "Shut Up, Cana!!" The two shouted, turning to Cana then back to each other.
"Well, jeez. Calm down." Tsubaki's mood turned sour, as she suddenly became more alert. She stopped growling at Gray, who noticed her change in mood. Tsubaki looked around the area, becoming both alert and quiet as she put her guard up.

"Tsu, you feel that?" Leo asked, looking over to her. Gray didn't know what Leo was referring to but he assumed it wasn't good. "Yeah, some more people have just gotten on the island. And they aren't too friendly nor are they apart of the Fairytail guild, meaning we have a dark guild on the island." She said and looked up at the sky.

"Gramps, what's going on?" She asked herself, looking up at the sky. "Come on, we should go find the grave." Cana stood up to her feet, when Tsubaki felt strange presences throughout the island. She didn't like the feeling she was getting, she knew that she was going to have to keep her guard up.

"If a dark guild is on our sacred Island, then that means something or someone important us here. That something or someone is who or want they want to get their hands on. But they want to take us out first, so we don't get in the way." Gray, Lucy, Leo and Cana give Tsubaki a look of shock and confusion. They couldn't believe how she was able to come to that conclusion.

"How can you tell?" Lucy asked, "My clairvoyance powers." She stepped forward and looked around. "We need to find everyone and fast." She turned back to them and they nodded.

"But first we're gonna find that grave." Cana said with confidence in her voice.

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