Chapter 6: Changeling

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Tsubaki's pov

We were back at the guild hall and when we finally walked inside, I panicked and tried to run away but Erza pulled me back. "Hey guys, glad to see you came back safely. How did the mission go?" Mira asked, smiling at us. I looked around the guildhall, noticing the one person that was always here was not. "You lot are very lucky right now. Master Makarov just went out of town." Macao explained, making the others relieved. I felt uneasy because I knew that it would fall to Erza to punish us. Lucy panicked, asking us what we were talking about and Erza looked over at the four of us. "All of you, shut up!" She scared the crap out of everyone, even so much so that Gray and Natsu were actually hugging.

"You guys will still be punished!" Natsu and hugged Gray again, as I shook holding onto Lucky. "That poor girl," He was talking about Lucy, as Natsu and Gray started fighting with Wakaba since he didn't feel sorry for them.

A little while later we all surrounded the board, and Erza told not to take a job. It was a translation job, but the writing was weird. I knew that the only person that could read and cypher this, was Levy. Natsu read the paper and we all glowed, I felt that something wasn't right. I noticed that I felt small, Gray was switched with Lucy, Natsu and Loke switched, even Erza and Happy switched.

That means, I'm in Lucky's body. I screamed and Lucky yelled, "Why am I so cold and hot?" She was shaking, "Oh look Natsu, check it out." Happy said, as he started squeezing Erza's boobs. Erza hit the armor and started freaking out, which made me panic. Gramps came through the doors, noticing that we had done something stupid.

"It doesn't just switch bodies it also switches magic." We all panicked.

"If the spell is not lifted within 30 minutes from the time it was initially cast, you will never return to the way you were before or so says the legend." Gramps explained, which only caused more panic among everyone. "No, I don't wanna be stuck in her body!" I cried, I heard a commotion and saw Gray was trying to pull Lucy's shirt off, but she intervened. Happy requipped into this armor for fishing, Lucy starting dropping ice from her mouth while Loke dropped fire from his mouth. Levy finally showed up and out of sheer joy, I hugged her.

"Levy, thank god!" I cried and she giggled.

Levy started trying to decode the spell, we only had 10 minutes left. Levy couldn't figure it out, I started crying again since we had only eight minutes left. I sat on gray's shoulder, who was still in Lucy's body. "If we get stuck like this forever, none of us have a clue how to use our magic anymore. If we did take a job we'd never be able to finish it." Lucy said, "Oh geez, that means we're the weakest team in Fairytail!" We all shouted, "Let's go, Lucky!" I shouted and she responded by posing, which is what everyone in the team did. But we all sighed, "Levy!" She only gave us this thing, which didn't help our case at all and I started to cry. "I don't wanna be in this body anymore!" I cried, as my wings came out.

"Gray, I don't wanna be in this body!" I cried and when Gramps told us that only one pair could be changed back, we all started arguing. "Levy, you got it!" I smiled and then she read it backwards, but only Gray and Lucy were changed back. "I'm still stuck in this body!" I yelled, "No!!!!!!" Mira and Gramps were switched, as well as Elfman and Cana had been changed. Even Jet and Droy had switched bodies. I sat on Gray's shoulder and just cried, as everyone started yelling for Levy to change them back.


The next day, we were changed back to normal, Lucky and I were on a mission in Clover town. This mission has absolutely gone to hell, Lucky and I were currently stuck in a room. "Tsubaki, how are we gonna get out of here?" She was freaking out, "Shhhh! They'll hear us. Now don't worry about anything, I'm not gonna let them hurt you." I said and then this happened an alarm blared. Crap. I grabbed Lucky by the paw and ran down the hallway, I took out guards left and right, trying to get to this room. These people took a precious jewel from this rich family and our job was to get it back safely to them, I turned down a hallway. "Lucky, I can't get through there. I need you to fly me above them." I said and she nodded. She flew us above them, and we finally found the room. Twenty minutes later, we got the jewelry and I got back to the guild. I saw the picture of all of us as kids, when Happy was born. We were just coming back from a job, Gray and Natsu argued as usual while Erza separated them. I smiled at the both of them and laughed, when Lucky made a joke. "We are a team!" I said and Erza made me laugh.

Everyone was whispering and staring at us, I had no clue what was going on. We looked up to see that the guild hall had been destroyed, I felt my heart shattered just looking at it. "Oh my god," I was so shocked, "It was phantom," Mira said, leading us into the basement of the guild hall. Gramps was drunk, and Natsu was pissed about the whole situation. He walked away, something smelled familiar, like Ethan's smell. We were staying over at Lucy's place, she did hit Natsu with her suitcase when she got there. "Sorry Luce," I rubbed her back and we continued talking. I had taken a bath after Erza did, "Phantom has never gone this far." I said, sitting next to Natsu. "Natsu, he is not afraid." I said, "Their master is also one of ten wizard saints. They also have a group similar to our s-class called the element four." Erza said, I was getting a very bad feeling about this.


The next morning, we headed to the guild hall and but veered off course, when we saw a large crowd gathered around a tree in South Gate Park. I froze in my spot when my eyes traveled up the tree and landed on Levy, Jet and Droy. They were hanging from the tree, injured and unconscious. Those damn Phantom Lord goons put their guild mark on them, they are so going to pay for this. They have messed with the wrong guild. I was just as pissed as Natsu, when Gramps came out really pissed. He stalked towards the tree and told us we were going to war. I stayed back with Lucy to watch over Levy, Jet and Droy in the guildhall's infirmary. I sat on the other side of Levy, "Lucy, please don't cry." I wrapped an arm around Lucy, as she looked up at me.

"You know, to me... I think that it's not good to cry, because sometimes it doesn't help anything. This is one of those times, where we can cry about it and then we can go beat the everliving shit out of those phantom jerks. I'm pretty sure this war was started because of something. They haven't bothered us for a while." I said, "Thanks, Tsu." She wiped her tears away, "It's not fair." She said, shaking her head.

"I know it isn't, Luce. But you know when we found the guild hall a mess?" I asked, "What was it?" Lucy asked, still drying her tears. "I smelled something familiar, like my brother." She gasped, "I'll be back, I'm going to get some food." She stood up, grabbing her things. "Be careful out there, Luce." I hugged her tightly, I didn't think it was safe for her to go out. "Please." She nodded and walked out of the room.

Ten minutes later, I headed downstairs to get food and heard movement. I couldn't see anything or smell anything. I walked into the kitchen, looking for a snack. Not finding what I wanted, I walked out the kitchen and caught a whiff of a familiar smell. I turned around just as a figure jumped out, I got ready to attack but instead it attacked first. I couldn't block the attack in time, blacking out three minutes into the attack.

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