Chapter 19: The Enemy of my Enemy!

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3rd persons pov

Lucy and Hibiki stayed with an ill Erza and Tsubaki, who hadn't lost consciousness and was still hanging on. She wanted nothing more than to get up and go search for her best friend, but despite the fact that she had been poisoned, she knew that she was in no shape to go find her. The rest of the allied group had split up to help find Wendy, Happy and Lucky. Gray, Natsu, and Carla were teamed up, tasked with finding the trio.

"What type of dragon slayer magic does Wendy use?" Natsu asked, "She uses sky magic," Carla replied, "Whoa," Natsu exclaimed, "She was raised by a dragon named Grandeeney, but she disappeared seven years ago." Carla explained.

Meanwhile, Brain has taken Wendy, Happy and Lucky to an abandoned town and told Racer to get him, and for Cobra, Hoteye and Angel to go find Nirvana. "Now, you will be helping us. You will use your healing magic to revive him. Just to be clear nirvana is a magic, that when used can change light to darkness or darkness to light." Brain explained to Wendy.

Back with Natsu, Gray, and Carla, they were confronted by a dark guild named the Naked Mummy. Racer returns to headquarters, pushing the coffin that held him. They opened it up and the person who was inside was Jellal Fernandez, he was in a comatose state due to the etherion he absorbed. "He will help us find Nirvana." Brain said, "It's him!" Lucky shouted, fear set in as she remembered what happened last time. "It's Jellal!!" Wendy's eyes widened in shock, "Happy, how is he still alive? I thought that Natsu beat him and that he disappeared!!!" Lucky said grabbing his paw, Happy could feel the fear coming from her. "Wendy, don't do it!! He hurt Erza!!" Happy said, which confused Wendy, who didn't know what to do.


Back with Lucy and Hibiki, the two were talking but they didn't notice Tsubaki get up and wander off. Tsubaki wanted to find Lucky, Wendy and Happy so bad that she willed herself to get up and wander off to find them. "Where's Tsu?" Hibiki looked over towards Erza, finally realizing she was not where she should be. "Oh no!! She must have gotten up and wandered off." Lucy shook her head, "Oh no," She whispered. Tsubaki made her way to a river and continued to walk, until she ran into Lyon and Sherry. "Tsu, what are you doing? You shouldn't be up. You should be resting." Lyon rushed over to her, concern laced in his voice. "I have to find Lucky, Wendy, and Happy. I'm not leaving them to those bastards, especially Lucky." Tsubaki said and pushed herself off the tree, she had been holding onto. "Come on, we gotta get you back to Lucy and Hibiki." Sherry reached out but pulled back, when Tsubaki shouted. "No, I'm going to find them and you can't stop me!" Tsubaki shouted, she started walking away but collapsed and Lyon caught her.

"She's burning up, the markings are almost reaching her heart," Lyon informed Sherry.

"I'm fine. Lyon, please let me get to them." She looked up at him with begging eyes, "Alright." He helped her stand up and she started to walk away. "Please, be careful." Sherry yelled after Tsubaki, "Okay." She said and walked even farther. She was now closer to Carla, Natsu, and Gray but hid behind a tree seeing as they were fighting a guild.

Back at the cave, Happy tries to convince Wendy not to bring Jellal back, but she is frightened by the threat Brain has made. That he would stab Jellal with a dagger if she didn't help. "I have to help him, I love him and he saved my life so I owe him." She said, "But you don't know if this is your-" Lucky was cut off, when Brain spoke up again. "Very well, you have five minutes to make up your mind." Brain walked away, "Wendy, don't do it. He hurt Erza. I don't think this is the same Jellal that you knew." Lucky said and Wendy looked at her back at Jellal.

Meanwhile, Gray and Natsu just finished beating up naked mummy while Tsubaki leaned more into the tree. "Where the hell has the Oracion Seis taken Wendy, Happy and Lucky?" Gray asked, holding one of them up by the shirt but they didn't even make a peep. "Gray," Tsubaki whispered, and then she fell to her knees. "What was that?" Natsu turned around, dropping one of the guys to the ground. "I smell Tsubaki." He sniffed the air, he turned to the tree she was behind. "Tsubaki??!! What are you doing here?" Gray rushed to her side and put his arm around her, supporting her. "I need to find Lucky. I couldn't just sit there and be like this and not go get them." She said, "Tsubaki you shouldn't be up, you should be back with Lucy and Hibiki resting with Erza." Carla scolded her.

"And I said that I needed to help. I'm not gonna sit there and not help rescue my best friends and Wendy." She said, "But you're in no condition to fight you need to rest up." Natsu countered, "Listen to me, I will go and find them with you so stop arguing with me." Tsubaki said and then she started coughing.

"Alright, fine. But you need to stick close to me." Gray said and Tsubaki nodded, as they headed to the cave when they finally got an answer from those goons from the Naked Mummy Guild. Once they reached the cave they were met up with Racer, who decided to pick a fight so Gray decided to take him on. Natsu took Tsubaki and Carla, and the trio got to the cave just in time to see Jellal alive and well. "Jellal?" Tsubaki whispered in fright and Natsu let her go and went to fight Jellal, but he took Natsu out with a spell causing Tsubaki to yell. "Natsu!!! Jellal, what did you do?!!! You bastard, what did you do to him?" She said and started coughing, he turned to her, simply ignoring her. Jellal turned to Brain, quickly taking him out with the same spell as Natsu, and then he left. "Natsu," Tsubaki reached out for him, but collapsed not being able to stay awake any longer. After Natsu wakes up, the group leaves to go save Erza and heal Tsubaki. As they were getting away, Gray and Racer were still fighting. Lucky carried an unconscious Tsubaki while Carla carried Wendy, and Happy carried Natsu. Racer spotted them and knocked them out of the air, but Natsu catches all of them and makes a run for it. Gray prevents Racer from going after them and blocks Racer in with his ice wall.

Somewhere else, Jellal has beaten a goon from the Erigor guild and took his clothes, and before he leaves he mutters Erza's name.

As Natsu is running through the forest carrying his unconscious friends, Hibiki contacts him using the magic archive which sent a map to him to find where they are. Lucky wakes up and receives the same map that Natsu got.

"Natsu?" She asked, "Lucky, you're awake. That's good that means you're okay." He said, "Natsu, where's Tsubaki?" She looked down at Natsu, since she was laying on his head. "She's here but she ain't doing too well neither is Erza, they were injected with poison from Cobra's snake. After you guys were abducted, Erza passed out and Tsubaki argued with us until she passed out. Later she decided to come after you, Wendy, and happy although she has been poisoned." Natsu explained, looking at unconscious Tsubaki in his arms.

"Where are we going?" She asked in curiosity, "To find Erza, Lucy and Hibiki." Natsu stated.

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