Chapter 33: The Strange Dragon Lady

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Tsubaki's pov (this is how she looks now)

"Those two idiots destroyed my apartment! Do you have any idea how much it costs?!!" I groaned as the landlady stood in front of my door, around six, in the morning. "Are you even listening to me? You should be listening, considering those boys are your friends and you are apart of their noisy guild!" She yelled, but I just stood there with a sigh. "Ms. Namaki, I'm sure they didn't mean to destroy your apartment building. I'm sorry about that. But I honestly have no idea, if they even did it. How do you know they did it?" I scratched my head and yawned, "I saw those boys do it! Don't question me! You better get my money or you're out!" She yelled at me. My hair was sticking up in various directions, and I was still a little sleepy.

"You tell those boys they owe me about 229599.84¥!" I shook my head at her being crazy, just how stupid does she think I am?

"That's not fair!! I paid my rent already!!" I yelled, becoming agitated with her. "Well too bad, get my money or else." She slammed my door for me and I stood there blinking rapidly.

"Why me?!!!" I groaned, turning away from the door.

I turned around, and trudged back into my room grabbing some fresh clothes. I looked over to lucky, who was still sleeping like a baby. "How the hell did she sleep through all that screaming?" I shook my head, walking into the bathroom. I scratched the back of my head and yawned, setting my clothes down on the sink's counter. I look in the mirror, letting out a loud girlish scream.

"My black hair!!! It's not black anymore!!!" My hair was not black anymore, instead, it was blue. How did that happen!? Why did this happen?

"What's with all this screaming so early in the morning- Aaaahhhh!!! Your hair!! What happened to it?" Lucky yelled, looking at me with wide eyes. "I don't know!!" I yelled back, "Maybe if I wash it, it will turn back to normal." I took my bath and washed my hair, hoping the blue would come off but that didn't happen. I was wearing a black crop top, a short-sleeved white vest and black jeans and black boots. My hair was parted in a different way, but it was still down. "I'm sorry, your hair didn't change back to its original color." Lucky walked beside me, as I walked trudgingly to the guildhall.

"There's no point in saying that. It's not your fault." I pouted my lips, puffing my cheeks out in a childish manner. "Is that really Tsubaki?" A villager asked another one, "Yeah, there's no mistaking her." The third one said, "I almost didn't recognize her with the blue hair. I thought she had black hair." The second one said, "She probably changed it. She looks hot with black hair though." The first one said. I was beginning to get annoyed, at everyone staring at me.

"What about my blue hair? Gotta problem with it?!" I yelled, my eye twitching in irritation.

"No, not at all. We love your new hair color." The three boys scrambled together, frightened by my attitude. I huffed and kept walking, until I reached the guildhall. At least someone in here will know it's me, hopefully, Gray and Natsu wouldn't pick on my hair.

"Hey, are you new?" Lucy walked over to me, Natsu standing by her side.

"Are you serious?! You've got to be kidding me!! How can you not recognize me?!!!" I got even more agitated, as Lucky walked out from behind me.

"Lucky, is she new to Fairytail?" She asked, looking down at my best friend. "No, it's me, Luce!! It's Tsubaki!!" I shouting, pointing to myself causing Natsu and her to shout in surprise.

"What? No way! What did you do to your hair?" Natsu yelled, "It was like this when I woke up." I explained, "Whoa," Gajeel pointed at my hair and started laughing. "Oh man, someone has got to be playing a bad joke on you, Tsu!" He laughed, as an irk mark appeared on my forehead.

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