Chapter 116: The Spiral of Time

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Tsubaki's pov

I couldn't help but worry for Mirajane, who was currently fighting off one of the Neo Oracion Seis members at the moment. At the moment, Christina was on its way to the Zentopia Church so that we could save Natsu and Lucy. I felt extremely worried for both of them, they both had been taken the enemy and there was no telling what they were doing to them. All that was on my mind was saving my best friends. Gray wrapped me in a hug from behind, resting his head on top of mine. "Are you alright?" He asked, "I'm trying to be.. I'm worried about Mira. I know she can handle herself, but.. You never know.. And Natsu and Lucy.. Those people could be doing anything to them." I sighed, leaning back into him. "Does your clairvoyance magic feel anything going on?" Gray asked, "No... At the moment, I don't feel anything. That's what worries me." I shook my head, looking out at the view. "I know. I'm worried too. But I have faith we can get there in time." Gray turned me to face him, I gave him a small smile and wrapped my arms around him. But before I could say anything, we heard explosions coming from nearby. Gray and I pulled away from one another, looking at each other in confusion. The two of us quickly rushed outside, where everyone else was standing.

"What the hell is going on?!" I asked, looking to Erza. "The Fiore Guards are firing at the Infinity clock." We watched as they continued firing at the clock, but they all were rebounded due to the effects of the Real Nightmare Spell. I stepped back, watching the fallout below and it shook me to my core. The thing that followed was strange, everyone onboard the Christina started acting strange. As I looked around I noticed that Hairi and Grayson were both laughing, giggling and just being weird. I furrowed my eyebrows, becoming a bit worried as I noticed that I was the only one not affected. Ethan and Ezra were arguing with one another, which isn't unusual but what worried me was how aggressive they seemed to be with each other. Kai, who was standing a few feet away from me suddenly came marching over to me.

"Youuu!!" He slurred, swaying a bit as he stepped in front of me.

"What?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, "Youuu!" He waved his finger, as I looked up at his eyes.

"You are so pretty. And cute." I blushed at his comments, as he swayed a bit but he caught his footing.

"Thanks." I said, "Why don't you give me a small kiss?" He threw himself forward, poking his lips out which made me panic. Before he got too close, a fist flew in front of me and clocked him in the face. I let out gasp, stumbling back a bit as Kai hit the deck of the ship. I looked over to my left, spotting Gray who looked pissed. Okay, he looked more than pissed off and it was directed at Kai, who was still on the floor. "Hey!!! That's my girlfriend!! What do you think you're doing trying to kiss her?!! Huh? Who said you had permission to throw yourself onto her?!! She's mine!" He snapped, as Kai stood back up to his feet. I backed away from the two who were arguing and looked around, everyone was acting so weird. "You bastard!! Don't you ever try that again! She is my girlfriend!!" Gray shook his fist, but Kai said something which only seemed to make Gray even angrier. So he punched Kai in the gut, making me sweat drop at the violence used against Kai. Grayson was now arguing with Gajeel, while Hairi was messing with someone else.

I spotted Erza who was standing a few feet away and I noticed, she looked unaffected by whatever this was. "Erza!" She looked over at me, a bit surprised but looked relieved. "Are we the only two not affected by Real Nightmare?" I asked, "Seems like it." She sighed, as we watched everyone just be weird. "I have an idea which could possibly reverse this." She spoke.

"Great. What do you have in mind?" I looked over at her, sweatdropping as she suddenly summoned a large magical hammer.

"Are you going to hit somebody with that?" I shivered, knowing that she definitely was going to use that thing.

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