Chapter 103: Traveling Companions

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Tsubaki's pov

We were currently sitting in the guild hall with everyone commenting on how small Natsu had become, which I could see annoyed him. I shook my head, amused by the fact that Natsu was now so tiny. When Erza was fighting Dan, she explained that anything his lance touched either shrunk or grew bigger. When we were attacked inside the mansion, Natsu was hit with Dan's lance which resulted in him being so small. It was hard to find Natsu, when he was first shrunken because he was thrown out the window when he was hit by Dan's lance. I was shocked that my clairvoyance magic had barely reacted to Natsu's current condition, but I definitely felt what he was feeling at the moment. Natsu was currently sitting on Happy's head, not too excited about being so small. "Oh my, can he stay like this?" Mira had this big smile on her face, she was absolutely amused with the situation. "Get serious," Cana said, as I just shook my head. 

"I still can't believe he's this tiny." Ethan shook his head in disbelief, looking to Natsu.

"I know..." Ezra said, leaning against the bar.

"Hey Natsu, this is kind of uncomfortable." Happy said, "You sit on my head all the freaking time!!" Natsu shouted, which made me smile. Natsu was picked up by the back of his scarf by Gray, which made me chuckle as Natsu started fussing at Gray. I don't know why, but I enjoyed seeing Natsu that size, it was so cute. It was also just easier to carry him around, especially when he got sick when we got on any kind of transportation. Although I found this cute, I was bit worried because it was now easier to lose Natsu in his current state.

"You excited Max?" Gray asked, as Natsu started wiggling around his Gray's fingers. "Huh?" Max looked over at Gray, "This is your chance to open up shop again. A life-like Natsu figurine. I bet it would sell like hot-cakes." Gray smiled at Max, making me chuckle. "I'm not some collectible, you jerk!!" Natsu shouted, losing his temper which got everyone in the guild hall to laugh. I sat at the bar, next to Lucy and just watched the chaos unfold as Happy started teasing Natsu even more. "Would you pipe down?! I'm trying to concentrate!" Lucy shouted, making me look at over at what she was reading. 

"I figured something's out." Lucy turned to the group, which got Natsu's attention. He was sitting back on Happy's head, he turned towards Lucy and I. "Like this book for instance. My dad followed this story to the letter." Lucy stated, looking at the group. "What do you mean by that?" Erza asked and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Juvia fan-girling and oogling over Gray. It made want to choke slam her into the floor, but Gray sent me a knowing look which told me to stay in my seat. I turned my attention back  onto Lucy, "I'm saying there's more fact than fiction in its pages. The Key of The Starry Heavens is about a little girl who goes in search of six keys, because they are said to bring happiness when all six of them are collected.

"I know whose key will unlock my happiness." Juvia's eyes turned onto hearts, as she stared at Gray. I rolled my eyes, letting my jealousy shine a bit which caught Hairi and Uncle Grayson's attention. When I found them both staring at me, I furrowed my eyebrows at them in confusion and immediately scowled when the two smiled because they could tell I was jealous. "I know you're jealous." Hairi mouthed, "So what? He's my boyfriend and she keeps oogling over my boyfriend. She needs to stop." I mouthed back, turning my attention away from her. I heard her chuckle a bit before whispering something which I couldn't quite catch, to Uncle Grayson.

"Thing is, in finding her happiness.. The young girl unknowningly brought sorrow and misfortune to everyone around her." Lucy explained, looking at the pages of the book. "That's no good. What a crappy ending." Happy said, as he crosses his arms. "Criticism won't help solve this any faster, tom cat!" Carla scolded, as she explained the rest of the story to us. Apparently, the young girl had gone in search of the last key in a church which stood out to me.

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