Chapter 57: A Big Mission

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Tsubaki's pov

My alarm beeped loudly, but I ignored it and covered my head with my blanket. It continued to beep, but I didn't want to get up so I rolled over. I rolled onto my left side, smashing the alarm clock into pieces. "Are you kidding me? That's the fifth one you've broken this week." The voice huffed, "Go away and let me sleep Hairi," I rolled over onto my stomach and stayed that way, before the covers were ripped off my body. "This is no time to be sleeping, we are going on a job with team Natsu. Don't you remember?" She said, but I just groaned and pulled the covers back over my body. "Oh, just wake up already." I felt my bed dip, once again the covers were thrown off of me. I groaned again and smacked the person with a pillow, "Ow, that hurts." I then kicked the person, who landed on the ground with a thud.

"You were asking for that, Natsu." Gray said.

"So that was Natsu that ripped the covers off of me the second time, the one I hit with a pillow and kicked?" I yawned and sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Hey, look who's finally awake." I looked in front of my bed seeing Erza, Gray, Lucy, Gajeel, Happy, pantherlily, Levy, Juvia, Wendy, Carla and Lucky. To my left was Natsu and to my right was Hairi, Ethan and Ezra.

"What are you all doing in my room?!!" I shouted, "For the same reason Hairi said. You promised to go on a mission with us." Gajeel said, "What time is it?" I pushed my blue hair out of my face, "Around 7 AM." Lucy said and I groaned, throwing myself back onto the bed. "We'll let you get ready. We'll be in the living room." Erza walked away with the others following in pursuit, I grabbed a pillow putting it over my face and screamed into it.

I got up from the bed and grabbed some fresh clothes, "I don't wanna be up this early!" I walked into my bathroom and took a bath. I washed my hair and washed myself, before rinsing myself off and wrapping myself up in the towel. I dried off and got dressed, brushing my hair wasn't that hard. It felt so soft and silky, maybe because it grew out a little longer. "So how you feeling?" I turned to see Ethan standing in the doorway, "I'm fine, thank you very much. Now move, so I can go see what this stupid mission is about." I walked towards him, so he moved and we walked into the living room.

"So what is this stupid mission about?" I crossed my arms, standing in front of the group.

"Well, we have to deal with this monster that's been terrorizing this town." Levy said, "Another monster?!" I shouted, "Yeah, I guess they just wanna come out to terrorize the world." Natsu said, "Natsu may have a point." Ethan said, "Shut it." I muttered, giving him a glare. "So where the hell are we going?" I asked, "A small town called Dower." Erza said, "And where is that?" I turned my head, seeing Ezra come out of my kitchen. He was eating something and then I recognized it.

"Hey!!!! That was mine!!!! Why are you eating my food?!!" I kicked Ezra in the face and he hit the wall, dropping the food on the floor. "Oh that has got to hurt," Gajeel and the others sweatdropped.

"Let's just get this over with," I turned to my left seeing Hairi with a bunch of suitcases. She's just as bad as Erza. "Whoa, that's a lot of suitcases!" Natsu, Gray and Lucy shouted together. "I love these suitcases! Where did you get them?" Erza was standing in front of Hairi, looking at her with stars in her eyes. "They must really love suitcases a lot." Pantherlily sweatdropped, "You have no idea." I shook my head, "Erza usually has a big wagon full of suitcases, I've seen her go with a wagon just full of them." Levy stated, shaking her head.

"Me too. But I never understood why." Juvia sighed, "Me neither." Wendy stated.

"Oh, you wouldn't believe the place I found them! They were so cheap, I just couldn't get over how beautiful they were. I thought that I should buy them, incase I needed it. Just feel the-" I cut Hairi off from her rant, which was getting on my nerves.

"Will you two stop fawning over stupid luggage and let us get on with the stupid job?!" I yelled, "You never let me have any fun." Hairi muttered, and I sighed turning back to the others.

"Come on, let's go." I picked up my bag and we walked to the train station. Once we got on the train, I was feeling relaxed. We had our own train car, because Hairi threatened the conductor if he didn't give us one. I leaned back into my seat and closed my eyes, enjoying the peace until everything came crashing down. "Hey! That was my last piece!" I sat up and looked to my right seeing Ezra and Ethan sitting in a booth, with food covering half of the table. They started arguing over something and which woke everyone else up and disturbed the peace.

"Stop being so greedy, Ezra!" Ethan yelled, "How am I being greedy?! You just stole my last sushi roll!!!" Ezra yelled at him and I tried to ignore them. I laid back down, but they didn't stop arguing. Finally getting fed up with their arguing, I stood up and walked over to their table. "Will you two shut up?!!!! You are disturbing the peace!!" I grabbed both of their heads, slamming it into each other. The others sweatdropped and instantly paled, when the two idiots hit the table.

"Never thought she would do that," Levy stated, "Yeah. Me too." Lucy sweatdropped.

The train came to a stop and pretty soon, we got to Dower town. When we first got off the train, Natsu tripped and fell into the snow face first and I started laughing at him.

"Hey! It's not funny!!" He shouted at me, as he stood up. "Oh come on you two, let's go." Erza waved to us and we started walking. We got to the town and I was in shock, "Oh my goodness. The town is destroyed!" Lucy said, "Do you think we got here too late?" Juvia asked, as I stood in between Gray and Lucy.

"Who knows, Juvi." I shook my head, looking around at the partially destroyed houses.

"Come on, we gotta see if there any survivors. Maybe we could find the village chief." Erza said and she slid down the small hill. We followed her down the hill and stepped into the village, but as soon as we did that we were trapped in a cage. "Where the hell did this thing come from?" Gajeel pulled on the bars, but it wouldn't budge. When he did, a bunch of people came out shouting and surrounding the cage. "Wait a minute, that's not the monster! It's just some people." A man growled, before he turned around and smacked a young boy on the head.

"You idiot! This trap caught people, not a monster!" He yelled, at the young boy. "Sorry, I thought it would work." I shook my head, "Are they mages?" Someone asked in the crowd of people, were they the townsfolk?

"Yes, we are mages. Mages from Fairytail. We received a job request from this village, to get rid of the monster that's been terrorizing the village." Erza spoke out, quieting everyone down. "They're from Fairytail!!! We are saved." The entire village group started cheering at Erza's words.

"I'm guessing they're cheering, because we're from Fairytail." Lucky said, giving them a small lopsided smile. "Let them out of that cage." A voice shouted over the crowd, and they parted ways. "It's the chief!" A woman cried out, "Koen, it's so nice to see you again." Hairi said, "Wait, you two know each other?" Natsu and Gajeel shouted in unison.

"Yeah, Koen is my brother. My older brother." She said and all of our jaws drop. Wait?!!! What!!!!?

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