Chapter 95: The Evil Butt Jiggle Gang

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Tsubaki's pov 

I heard the sound of loud banging coming from the living room area, which woke me up and I was not in the mood to be up this early. I rubbed my eyes, letting out a silent yawn as I sat up in bed. "Ow, what the hell man? Watch where you drop stuff." I crawled out of bed, grabbing one of Gray's over-sized shirts and put it on. I walked over towards the living room where I spotted Ethan, Gray and Ezra. They were all for some reason shirtless and moving furniture around the room, which made them constantly argue. "Hey man, will you stop dropping furniture on my foot?" Ethan snapped, "Well, maybe, you should pay more attention to what you're doing so you don't put a hole in the wall, which is something that you seem to do every time we move furniture." Ezra retorted, "It is not my fault that you are so bad at giving directions when moving furniture around." My eyes shifted towards my boyfriend, who was moving something else around and was seemingly agitated at my brother's, who wouldn't stop arguing. "Will you two just shut up? You will wake up Tsubaki with your loud arguing and frankly, you two are giving me a headache." Gray snapped. I slightly smiled at Ethan and Ezra and rolled my eyes, as Gray got fed up with the two of them since they were still arguing back and forth. 

"What are you guys doing?" I put on a straight face, crossing my arms as the three of them stopped what they were doing and looked over at me. Ethan dropped the furniture he was holding, making Ezra grunt in pain as Gray stood up straight. "Well, I wanted to move some stuff around to make a little bedroom for Lucky, so I asked these two to help me. Not that they have been of much help and it seems like I made a horrible decision." Gray said, making a face at the two of them. "Excuse me, I say otherwise. We've been moving furniture around for the past hour." Ethan pointed out, making me shake my head. "Well, if you three are done with whatever. I'm gonna take shower and head to the guild hall to find a job." I walked away, grabbing some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom. After I showered, I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom only to find that my brother's and Gray were all wrestling with each other, which looked absolutely insane because they had already started wrecking some of the nearby furniture. I shook my head, grabbing one of Gray's plaid shirts and put my combat boots on before walking out of the door. 

I finally reached the guild hall, managing to find Natsu who had a job in his hand. "Yo, Tsu!" I looked up from what I was holding, as Natsu came running over towards me. "What's up, Natsu?" I brushed my hair back as he stood in front me with a large smile on his face, which made me a little skeptical. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

Hours later.... 

I let out a small sigh, looking at Natsu who was laying across a bench while Lucy, Happy, Wendy, Carla and I were sitting near the cargo in our train car. I could tell that Lucy and Wendy felt bad about Natsu having motion sickness, while I just sweat-dropped as I looked at him. "This is torture. Come on, make it stop." Natsu whined, while Lucy just broke out into a smile which made me want to laugh. "Hold those guts in for two hours and that's it, we're done." Lucy smiled at him, holding her arm making me laugh. "Can he be anymore pathetic?" Carla asked, "But that's too long." He whined, turning his head slightly over to look at us. "You should put another troia spell on the poor guy? With all the sweating, crying and throwing up, I'm afraid that he's gonna melt away." Happy gave a small reluctant smile as he raised his paw in the air, while he was facing Wendy. "Yeah, you're right." Wendy stood to her feet, walking over to Natsu and placed her hand on his back. I felt so bad for him, he can never get through a car or train ride without getting sick about it. "Troia," Wendy spoke, for a moment Natsu looked much better but just as he seemed to be fine, he got sick again and this time he threw up. Poor Natsu, he can't catch a break, can he? "Poor Natsu,  he, ewww." Happy exclaimed as he floated near Wendy, looking at his best friend.

"I'm dying. Come save me, please." Natsu groaned, his face was melting and I felt a twinge of pity for Natsu. "I don't understand why it didn't work. I'll try to do it again. Troia." Wendy tried to use the spell again, which got me wondering why it wasn't working on Natsu anymore. "Ugh, I feel so funky." Natsu groaned, while Wendy repeatedly kept trying to use the spell. At the last time she uses it, she collapses to her knees feeling exhausted as she panted. "Why won't it fix me?" Natsu asked, "I don't know!" Wendy stood to her feet, looking panicked. 

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