Chapter 13: Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends

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Tsubaki's pov

We still couldn't get out so Gramps sent Reedus, who was the only member left besides Natsu and I, to go to the east forest to Porlysucia's house. Nab and Vjeeter were fighting, even Warren and Max were fighting. They were just dropping left and right with fights, Wakaba and Macao were fighting as well. "Warren won. Nab won. Laki defeats four others. Macao vs. Wakaba in progress." Happy read, "I wanna fight too!" Natsu pushed himself against the barrier, making Gramps smack him on the head. "I can't do anything to help Lucky. I need to get out of here!" I banged on the barrier, we only had two hours left and only 42 guild members were left. Why Laxus? Why did you have to do this? Gray and Bixlow were fighting, while Elfman fought Evergreen. "No! Gray! God damnit! Gray!" I banged on the barrier again, "Hey, calm down." Natsu pulled me away from the barrier, trying to keep me calm. "Elfman lost." Happy said, this can't be good. Freed started fighting Reedus, which must have meant he couldn't get to Porlysucia in time. In the end, Reedus had lost against Freed. I let out a frustrated sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"I'm just bluffing, am I?" Laxus smirked, I ran off stage to attack him. "Laxus, you bastard!" I threw a punch at him, only to realize it was only a hologram. "Oh hello, Tsu. Nice to see you again. What are the two of you being held up in this dump? Are ya scared?" He said, making Natsu growl. "Gray is pretty resourceful, you know," I growled, when he called Gray a loser. "Oh, I see... Does little Tsu like the loser?" His taunt caught me off guard and I blushed, "N-N-" I decided not to speak and then Gray lost his fight. "Damnit, Laxus!" I shouted, "Who will beat the Thunder Legion now?" Laxus laughed. "Gajeel will." Happy said, as Gramps decided to surrender. He wanted to give the guild master position to him, Gajeel came out from behind the counter eating metal.

"Gajeel!" I yelled, I was at least hopeful that he could help us with Laxus. "Will you fight for the guild?" Gramps asked, "Might as well. I got a score to settle with this guy. Don't worry, I'll handle him." He said, walking towards the exit but then he hit the barrier.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Gramps, Happy, Natsu, and I shouted in complete shock. "No!" I sank to the floor, this can't be happening right now. "Damn it all!" I punched the floor, as I heard that there were only three guild members left. Natsu and Gajeel started arguing, "You're the only ones left!" Gramps yelled and I sighed.

"Natsu, are you nuts?!!" He laid Erza down and tried to use his magic, but in doing so she cracked. "What did you do?" I shouted in alarm, "Erza, no!" Gramps yelled, as she cracked more. I sat there in anticipation, hoping that she wasn't going to completely break and turn into dust.

Erza popped out as normal as can be, which made me extremely happy. "Erza!!" I screamed with joy, she was the only one of us now that could get to Laxus. "I feel hot. It was you, wasn't it?" Erza looked at Natsu very darkly and punched both Natsu and Gajeel. "Erza!" I hugged her tightly before she left the guildhall, I knew that she was going to get back at Evergreen first.

"Wait, but the girls are-" I realized who it was, they must have been turned back to normal. "No, it's Mystogan. He's come back early." Gramps explained.

"Erza vs. Evergreen." I read and things are just about to get interesting. Erza and Evergreen have long since had a rivalry, it was only because Evergreen wanted Erza's title of Titiana, which meant Queen of the Fairies. The name only suites Erza, especially because of how extremely powerful she really is. I sat next to Gramps, who was still standing in front of the barrier. "Why did she have to turn Lucky to stone? Lucky isn't much of a threat." I looked at my fingers, "Whoa, Erza beat Evergreen!" Happy shouted, he sounded so shocked.

"Thank god." I thought.

Our happiness was kept alive as we noticed that Lucy and the others had turned back to normal, this meant that we would soon get out of here. Evergreen's magic must have canceled out because she was beaten by Erza, which is why she fit the name best. I hugged Lucky and Lucy tightly, not wanting to let go of them. "You're back to normal!" I yelled. We caught the others up to speed, while Natsu was the only one who still believed in Laxus. "Come on Lucy!" Natsu chased after her, "No way!" She shouted, running away from Natsu, I stood with the girls laughing at the two. Those two really do belong together. "Since I hate to end the battle early, I decided to activate Thunder Palace," Laxus said, his voice coming out of the giant skull. "You have one hour and ten minutes." I couldn't believe it, Gramps got really angry but then he grabbed his chest, not being able to breathe.

"Gramps!" I rushed over to him with Bisca by my side, this is getting so much worse than I thought. "I'll go get his medicine!" Mira said, we looked outside to see that it was everywhere. Everything will be burned to a crisp, Bisca attacked one taking it out but as a result, was shocked with lightning. "Bisca!" I ran over to her to check on her, only to find that she was out cold. He must have used Body link magic. Natsu was pissed, but when showed up Levy she told us she could break it. So she started right away, I sat with Gajeel watching her.

"Thanks, Levy." Natsu seemed to be restless about still being trapped in here, I didn't blame him. Lucy had to fight Bixlow, this made me really nervous but I kept my faith in Lucy, and in the end, she won.

"She won! Lucy won!" I threw my arms around Natsu, who was just as happy as I was but it was short-lived because of Gajeel.

"That cheerleader can fight?!!" Gajeel looked surprised, "Hell yeah, she can. You shouldn't underestimate her." I defended, but as Gajeel kept talking he started getting Natsu riled up. This led to the two to argue, I sighed and shook my head. Before the fight got out of hand, Levy announced that she had gotten the barrier down. "Thanks, Levy, you're awesome." I gave her a tight hug and let go of her, "Lucky, let's go..." I grabbed Lucky's paw, dragging her out of the guildhall.

"Where are you going?" Natsu shouted after me, but I didn't stop running. "I'm going to find Gray!!!" I shouted, not bothering to look back. So Lucky and I started our search for Gray, I really hoped he was doing alright.

"Gray! Gray, come on out! Where are you?" I yelled, walking down the streets until I found him. He was injured and unconscious, "Gray, wake up. Come on, Gray." I held his body close to mine, shaking his shoulders gently.

"Come on, wake up." I hugged him tightly, "Tsu, what's going on?" Gray spoke, I pulled back as our eyes met and I gave him a big smile. "Thank god, you're awake. I was worried, you wouldn't wake up. Bixlow did a number on you." There was a giant explosion and it was dark, meaning Mira transformed. "Come on, Gray." I helped him up, he was looking up at the sky which meant he must have seen it as well. "We should find Lucy, she had to fight Bixlow." I said as we started walking, "Laxus set up Thunder Palace if you attack it, it will throw the attack back at you. He's using body link magic." I explained, Gray didn't seem to like that. "We have to warn everyone about the Thunder palace." Gray said, "But how will we do that?" I asked, furrowing an eyebrow at him. "Warren. We have to find Warren." Gray stated, "Then let's find Warren." We started walking out of the alley and down the street.

I knew Natsu went to find Laxus, and I'm pretty sure that Gajeel had probably gone too. "Lucky go help Lucy, she went head to head with Bixlow. Besides she needs more help than we do." I instructed, Lucky nodded quickly and flew off. I just hope we can find Warren, in time to warn everyone.

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