Chapter 69: Iron Soul

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3rd person's pov

"But honestly I get a strange feeling about Mest. I mean, I never remembered having him in the guild hall." Tsubaki said to them, "Yeah, I know. It's strange but I don't remember talking to him much. Besides we never talked to him much other than our missions with him." Cana said to them, "I don't like this." Lucy said and looked forward.

"Natsu, what are you planning to do?" Happy asked, "To find the jerk that turned my scarf black, while still looking for the first Master's grave." Natsu said, as he continued on.

Meanwhile, both Gajeel and Levy are still fighting against Kawazu and Yomazu. "Orient solid script magic, piercing sound!!!" Levy and Gajeel cover their ears, "This is solid script magic?" Lucky asked, "No, it's orient solid script magic. It's similar to my Solid script magic." Levy explained, "Solid script magic, mute!!!" Levy canceled out the noise and faces off against Kawazu while Gajeel faced Yomazu. "Solid script magic: Fire!" Levy burns the eggs thrown at her by Kawazu. But on the other hand, Gajeel is being overwhelmed by Yomazu's slashes manages to cut through his dragon scales.

"He managed to cut through my dragon scales. What the hell?" Gajeel thought, as he dodged another swing from him. Levy also gets in trouble, when she becomes overwhelmed by the amount of eggs Kawazu attacks her with. Lucky lifted Levy up in the air, helping her dodge the eggs being sent to at her. After getting continuously hit by Yomazu's sword slashes, Gajeel falls.

"Gajeel!!" Lucky and Levy yelled at the same time. "Listen, Levy take Lucky and leave. I want you to go warn the other guild members. Hopefully Tsubaki has figured out that something is wrong." Gajeel strained, "But I-" Lucky cuts her off, "Levy, we have to listen to Gajeel." Levy hesitates but listens to Lucky and runs off, but not before creating a large chunk of iron for Gajeel to eat.

Gajeel replenishes and heals, using the iron she provided him with. Kawazu and Yomazu perform numerous combination attacks against him, but through sheer power and determination, he counters them and manages to block Yomazu's sword with his iron. Gajeel remembers back to the day that Master Makarov invited him to the guild, even though he destroyed it. Gajeel breaks Yomazu's katana, "Karma Demon: Iron God Sword." He takes down both of them, but passes out shortly after.

Tsubaki stopped and looked back, knowing something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked, turning to look at her best friend. "I don't know, but I have a feeling one of our guild mates was in trouble." She said and they kept going. "Who is on the island? I know there is more than one person who is not supposed to be on this island. I don't like this feeling." Tsubaki thought, as she ran with Lucy and Cana.

Along the way, Erza and Juvia run into Ethan and Ezra. "Hey guys!" Juvia yelled, which caught their attention. "Hey, Erza! Hey Juvia!" They met halfway, "Have any of you seen Lucky?" Ethan asked, worry was etched all over his face. "No, why?" Erza asked, worriedly and looked to Ezra.

"During our fight with Hairi, this idiot kinda blew up our fighting area but we got separated from her. We've been looking for her ever since our battle ended." Ezra explained, "We'll help you look. We were looking for Mest and Wendy when we ran into you." Juvia gave them a small smile, and they started walking.

In the distance, Ezra spots a blue haired figure running towards them. "Hey, who is that?" Ethan squinted his eyes, "Isn't that Levy?" Erza nodded and they picked up the pace. "Ezra!!!!!" Lucky flew out of Levy's arms and towards Ezra, "It's Lucky and Levy!!" Juvia exclaimed, as Lucky flew straight into Ezra. She started crying, once she reached him. "Hey, hey. Stop crying, it's alright. Wait a minute..." Ezra looked up at Levy, who had managed to reach the four.

"What's going on? Levy, where's Gajeel?" Erza asked, in urgency. "It's Gajeel. He's in trouble." She panted, "What do you mean?" Juvia walked forward next to Erza, "We ran into some trouble, some guys from Grimoire Heart. They snuck onto the island and attacked us. But Gajeel told me to take Lucky and leave to warn everyone else." Levy explained, which caused their eyes to widen.

"Why would Grimoire Heart be on the island?" Erza held her chin, "Where is Gajeel now?" Ethan stepped forward, "He's still back in our spot where I was attacked. Follow me." She waved and they all ran off only to find Gajeel unconscious, and Yomazu still up.

"The Seven Kin Of Purgatory are coming and there's no way that you can stop them." Yomazu smirked evilly, but this only made Ethan angry. He had a bone to pick with Grimoire Heart, after running into them while he was on a mission.

"Why the hell are you on our island?" Ethan's hair covered his eyes partially, which made Ezra and the others take notice in his sudden change of mood. "Well, you will find out soon enough." Ethan didn't like this answer and beat the snot out of Yomazu, finally getting the answer he wanted.

Erza then sends out a red signal flare, to warn the other members on the island. Tsubaki looks up in the air, seeing the red flare as well the other members. "What does that mean?" Lucy turned her head frantically, to Cana and Tsubaki. "It means, Tsu was right this entire time. There is someone on the island and they aren't friendly." Cana was still looking up at the flare.

"I didn't want to be right at all. This is not good." Sweat rolled down Tsubaki's temple, as she started thinking. "Our objective is to get Zeref, the legendary black wizard. There is no hope for you now that one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory is already on the island." Yomazu smirked, which caused Ethan to turn scary.

"Ethan, what the hell is going on?" Ezra demanded, holding Lucky in his arms. He didn't like the sudden change in mood, it wasn't a pretty sight to see.

"Zeref is the most dangerous mage out there. We have to find him before they do or it's all over for us and the world." He said, looking down at the ground. "What do you mean by that, Ethan?" Erza asked, "He is the reason magic was created. He created light magic from dark magic. Right now, if he's on the island that means we are in danger." Ethan explained, which shocked everyone else.

"Tsu where ever you are, I hope you are okay." Ezra thought, as he held onto Lucky.

Elsewhere, Pantherlily and Carla find Mest and Wendy, but separate them causing confusion. "What's going on?" Wendy asked, as Lily turned into his battle form. "Who are you really?" Lily demanded Mest, while Mest had sweat dripping down the side of his temple and he looked nervous.

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