Chapter 11: Heaven's Game!

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Tsubaki's pov

Natsu is an idiot, considering the fact that he wasn't gonna listen to anybody. We were running to find him, but Simon couldn't tell where they were. Something didn't feel right to me, it was as if something bad would happen. "Gray, I don't like this. I have a bad feeling about this." I said, since Lucky wasn't by my side it didn't feel right. "I just hope Lucky is okay," I said, "Millianna will take care of her." Sho turned his head to me, "It's not Millianna, I'm worried about. Lucky doesn't do well, when she doesn't have me around or whenever she is in a hostage situation." I said, remembering when she had been taken once on a mission. She almost ripped the kidnappers' face-off.

"I remember that.. She almost ripped the guy's face-off," Gray said. Simon, Lucy, Sho and Juvia looked at me like I was crazy, but I gave them a look and they looked away from me.

"Welcome to the Tower of Heaven. My name is Jellal and I am the ruler of this tower. I see the plays have been arranged. I'm delighted you've come all this way to see me. Shall we play a round of Heaven's game? The rules are really simple. I wish to use Erza as a sacrifice in my ceremony to resurrect Zeref. If I succeed, the gates of heaven will open crowning my victor. However, if you can manage to find a way to stop it, you will be the winners of the game. To make things a little more interesting, I've enlisted 4 knights to battle on my behalf the only way you will be able to get to me is if you can defeat them in other words 4 on 9 Battle Royale. And there's one more surprise, the Magic Council has the satellite square pointed on the tower and it's highly likely they will attack. At this very moment, they're in the midst of voting on whether they should fire an Etherion blast. There's no telling how much time is left, should it be that the Etherion strike complete annihilation is that risk no players left to win. Game over." Jellal explained, which made my eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"Oh my god. The Etherion blast. What are they thinking?" I said, "Erza!" I heard Gray shout, I looked up to see that Sho trapped her in a card and that worried me. "Now then, let the game begin." He said, disappearing off the PA system. "Sho!" I yelled, becoming angry with him as Simon ran after him. Gray told Lucy and Juvia to find Natsu, while I got split from all of them. I was looking for lucky but since the place was big, I got lost easily. I ran down the hall finding a man standing at the end of the hallway, he had on this weird armor that resembled Erza's a little.

"Ahh, so you're the ice fire dragon slayer of Fairytail. Interesting." He had long auburn hair, "Yeah, and what of it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "Nothing really." He held his hand out and a force of air hit me, making me hit the wall. I stood up to my feet, quickly recovering from the blow. "Let me introduce myself, the names Ruyo. I'm one of the knights, Jellal talked about. I've heard a lot about you." He introduced himself, but I wondered how he heard about me if he's been here with Jellal.

"Well since you already know me, I guess we'll skip the intro and get right to it. Fire dragon iron fist!" I jumped in the air attacking him only to hit the ground. What the hell?

"Oh really, is that all you've got?" He taunted, he had been standing behind me. "How in the holy hell did you get there?" I turned my face towards him, still keeping my guard up.

"Same way that a car goes by. Magic." He appeared in front of me in no less than two seconds and roundhouse kicked me. I caught the attack, flipping his foot and having him land on the ground. I walked closer to him to attack again, but he kicked me in the stomach which sent me flying back.

I quickly retaliated, making sure that I wasn't going to let him win. "Ice make dragon sword!" I made a really big sword, that had fire surrounding it. I swung it at him, he dodged in time and the sword hit the floor. Crumbling the ground a little, I lifted the sword and swung again but it missed again.

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