Chapter 86: The Man Without the Mark!!

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Tsubaki's pov

I was getting the feeling of something not right as Laxus fought with Hades, for one I didn't like that Laxus was back but at the same time a little part of me wanted to forgive him although he put the guild through a lot. It was like two sides of me were fighting about, whether to forgive him or not. As I watched him fight, it seemed like he was overpowering Hades which was amazing in my opinion. He and Hades seemed to be on par with each other but that also made me think back to Hairi and how she wanted to handle Carson on her own, I just hope she can hold her own without us being there to help. But after a while Laxus falls to his knees, making the others panic.

"It looks like he took a lot of damage. All those attacks didn't look like it fazed him but now I see it. He was taking them in and now he's reached his limit. He can't take anymore hits. I have to do something before Hades' kills him. But should I help him? After what he did to the guild. This is no time to be arguing with myself and pondering this. I need to act now."  I was brought out of my thoughts, as I heard shouting. I looked up to see Hades getting ready to blast Laxus and that's when I acted.

"You're not hurting anyone else!!" I charged forward, jumping over Laxus despite my brother's shouting for me to come back. Hades smirked before attacking me but I dodged it quickly, punching him with my ice and fire and then roundhouse kicked him. He flew backwards and hit his chair partially breaking off a piece of it, I stood up straight and shrouded my hands in fire. I could hear Laxus and Natsu talking behind me, but I didn't pay attention to it.

"So you want to fight me?" He wiped the corner of his mouth and stood up, recovering quickly.

"Tsu, what are you doing?!! Do you want to get yourself killed?!!" Ethan shouted, but I ignored him and stared straight ahead as Hades' stood in front of me.

"Tell me something Hades'.... What made you turn your back on Fairytail?" He didn't seem to like my question, but answered anyways. "Once I left, I realized just how much the world grew darker. I decided that I would no longer be that sunny person I used to be."

"Why did you come on the Fairytail's sacred Island if you aren't apart of Fairytail anymore?"

"To locate Zeref."

"Why? What is your goal by being here? And tell me the truth..... Why did you attack us?" I growled, I was angry at the fact that he had the audacity to attack the guild for some stupid reason.

"You would get in the way. Especially you, Carson warned me about you and your brothers. Which is why I need to put you and them out of commission first." I grew even more angrier, I didn't realize that I had frozen the floor of the airship.

"You bastard. You sent him after us." I felt my anger building up as I covered my fists in ice and fire. Lightning sparked off of my body, "Wait... Tsu.. I think you should think about this, before jumping into it." I scoffed at Gray's comment and shook my head, I didn't care whether I won or lost against Hades. All I cared about was keeping my guild mates safe, even if that meant having to protect Laxus. "I don't need to think about and I certainly don't have to time to worry about either." I argued, which took everyone else back.

"Tsu, think about this some more. I don't think, you should do this on your own." Erza pleaded, I looked over my shoulder towards everyone else.

"I am going to fight him. Are you guys underestimating me?" Lucy took a step forward to me, shaking her head.

"No, no. We don't doubt you, Tsu. It's just that we want you to be careful." She explained.

"I can handle it myself. Now all of you stay back and let me take over for a while." I turned my head, facing front and got ready to attack him.

"So.. You're going to fight me? Well, this shall be entertaining... You may be stronger than that young man who's lying in the floor. So much for Makarov's teaching." I growled at his comment and he smirked, knowing he hit a sore spot.

"That's it!! No more slandering Gramps' name!! Fire Ice iron dragon Talon!!!" I moved from in front of him quickly dodging his chain magic and flipped over him. As I came down, I kicked him in the back sending him flying forward and towards the group. I swiftly moved forward and punched him in the stomach hard, sending him into the wall. "Whoa," I heard Ethan shout, as I stood in defense mode.

"Look out, Tsu!! Behind you!" I turned around seeing his bullet magic head towards me and I couldn't dodge it in time. I was hit in both my arms and my stomach making me fly back, I flipped over using my hand as a way of stopping myself as I flinched in pain. I stood on my feet but as I did, a sharp pain hit my side and my back at the same time making me flinch. "Tsu!" I kept myself upright, despite being in pain and stood guard in front of the others.

"What's wrong with her?" Laxus looked to Erza. "She's destined to be the Dragon protector. Meaning she can use all of the dragon slayers and dragons powers in order to protect them. We learned that one of her powers is clairvoyance, apparently if one of the guild members get hurt she can feel it." Erza explained to him.

"Ahh, so that's the reason Carson said watch out for." Hades smirked attacking me again but it was blocked by Natsu, who punched him with his fire and lightning covered fists.

"Tsu, I know you want to handle him on your own but I'm gonna step in. You need the help." Natsu looked back at me, as Hades' flew backwards.

"Yeah, okay." I panted as Natsu stood beside me, Hades' stood up but he looked angry.

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