Chapter 96: The Terror of Invisible Lucy

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Tsubaki's pov

I heard light snores from beside me, as the sunlight shined through the curtains near my bed. I rolled onto my side and was met with the sleeping face of my boyfriend, ever since he moved in, things have been so amazing between us. I couldn't help but stare at him as he slept peacefully, he was just so cute. I brushed some of his hair out of his face, running my fingers through his soft black hair before I let out a puff of air. Things had been so crazy as we tried to get back into the swing of things, especially after being gone for so long. Lucky had been staying with Ethan and Ezra, who actually lived in the same building as Lucy. Lucky wanted to spend more time with my brother's and give Gray and I time to adjust to living together which hasn't been that long. It was crazy to think we had been gone for so long, it made me worried that we were going to have face harder things before we could all feel normal again. I was so focused on Gray's face, that I didn't notice him watching me trace his features. This was something I often found myself doing, because it helped me relax when I felt anxious about something. "It feels nice to wake up to you doing this, you know?" My blue eyes met his indigo eyes, all I could see in his eyes was love and amusement. I gave him a bright smile, as I moved closer to him and threw my leg over him. "Why are you so adorable, Gray?" I giggled loudly, making Gray chuckle at my laugh. Gray pulled my face closer to him, pressing his lips to mine. I immediately closed my eyes, kissing him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Before we could go any further, my front door was thrown open.


Gray and I pulled apart, looking back to see who had come into my apartment. In my doorway stood both my older brother's, Ezra had a blush on his face and looked quite annoyed. On the other hand, Ethan looked really pissed and I let out another sigh. "What do you want, Ez?" I raised an eyebrow at him, "We came here because we wanted to go on a mission with you." He explained, "Will you get off of her?!! She's not your toy to make out with, get off of her this instant or I will make you get off of her!" Ethan growled, repeatedly stomping his foot as he pointed to Gray. "She's my girlfriend. I can touch her all I want when she wants me too." He argued, smirking at my brother who only got even angrier. Ezra let out a sigh at the same time I did, "Alright.. Stop it, you two. Let's go to the Guild Hall. Just let me get dressed first." I slid out of bed, letting Gray's shirt fall to my thighs.

"You.. You're wearing his shirt?!!"

"Of course I am! Get out of here already!!" I threw a large book at Ethan, which hit him in the face and made him fall backwards. Ezra let out a sigh, as Ethan twitched every so often after he laid on the floor.


"Lucy kicked you out, huh?" Hairi asked, looking at Natsu with a funny look on her face. "Yeah, she did. I don't think it was right." Natsu said, making me chuckle as I shook my head. Kinana handed me a cup of warm tea, to which I gave her a small thanks. She is such a sweetheart, always was. My eyes shifted over to my pink haired best friend, who was currently standing near my brother. "I think it was a good idea for her to kick you out. You even used her bath without asking her. That's a serious breach of manners." Carla scolded the two, "Not that they ever had any." I muttered, which got Bisca to chuckle since she heard me. "Lucy should be nicer to us, with behavior like hers, she'll never get boyfriend. She should be more like Mira." Happy said, this obviously annoyed me because it wasn't nice. Lucy and Natsu obviously had feelings for each other, I could tell just with the way they act towards each other. The rest of the members laughed and agreed with Happy' statement, I shook my head and turned towards the others as I slapped Ethan over the back of the head.

"Oww, what was that for?"

"For laughing with the rest of them. It's not nice to pick on Lucy like that. Besides, Lucy and I have a similar temper, yet I got a boyfriend." I glared harshly at him, making him back into Ezra. Ezra wasn't laughing along with the others, it seemed he probably didn't find it amusing and neither did Uncle Grayson.

"It's a wonder how Gray even deals with you, you have such a bad temper." Hairi teased, making me glare at her.

"Oh shut up, Hairi."

My nose suddenly picked up on a familiar scent, which happened to be Lucy's. Someone poured beer all over Macao, leading him to believe that it was Wakaba. At the same time, Jet and Droy get into and it wasn't long before the enter guild hall erupted into chaos. I made a face, watching everyone fight as Ethan eventually entered the fray and argued with Gray. During the fray, I saw Natsu fly into the wall but heard someone yelp as he hit the wall. I turned my head, to see Natsu get smacked in the face by a hand but I couldn't tell what it was. "Lucy?" Natsu called out.

Mira and Hairi gave Lucy some clothes and we all listen to her story about what happened, which shocked me. "This is crazy... How could a potion make you become invisible?" Ethan asked, holding his chin. "That doesn't matter at the moment. What I say is that we try to figure out why this happened in the first place." Uncle Grayson spoke up, to which I nodded in agreement. After Natsu and Romeo fail to turn Lucy back, Reedus decides to paint on her face. Ethan, Ezra and I all sweatdropped when Reedus stepped back, because what he had painted was not her face at all. Natsu, Gray, Happy and some others also stepped in to show their opinion of what her face should look like making me sigh and shake my head. They are so stupid. Lucy then gets annoyed and kicks them for thinking of her face as a toy, I was completely stumped as to what to do.

"I wish I knew what to do to help her," I crossed my arms, as Gray uses his ice-make magic to make an Ice-Head Lucy. However, the thing melts creeping everyone out. "I think I have an idea." At the end of it all, Mirajane places a picture over her face.

Wendy arrives with Lucky, holding Lucy's keys and the magic potion bottle. "Would your celestial spirits be able to help?" I asked Lucy, who nods and calls on Gemini to help but to no avail that doesn't work either. Levy and Freed continue analyzing what's in the Magic ointment. Freed then tries to uses his runes to dispel the Magic, but fails. As they continue to think, a pink mist appears and Lucy's clothes and everything on her starts to disappear.

"What's happening to Lucy? Levy, what's going on?"

"It's not just her body that's disappearing, but her whole existence as well." Levy explained. As Freed talks about Lucy's nonexistence, the bottle disappears and I panic. "If she disappears, then all her belongings will too." My breathe caught in my throat, as I gripped my brother's hand tightly. There was no way, I was going to forget Lucy's whole existence.

"Please, I don't want this to ha-" Lucy suddenly stopped talking, making me look around to find her. Only to find that everyone had basically just forgotten what we were doing in the first place, while I sat at the bar completely shocked.

"Is there something wrong, Tsu? You look a little out of it." Uncle Grayson asked, turning my brother's attention on me.

"You guys seriously forgot?!!" I shouted, "Forgot about what?" Ethan quirked an eyebrow at me, "About Lucy!!!" I stood to my feet, "Who's Lucy?" Lucky asked, making me gape at them. How was it that I was the only one to remember Lucy at all? This wasn't right. The more I listened to the others talking, the more I realized that they had completely forgotten about Lucy. I couldn't help but feel really upset about the whole situation, Lucy is my best friend and for everyone to forget her whole existence just makes me feel out of place. Without Lucy, we never would have been able to beat the Phantom guild, gain new members or even find out about my brother's.

Natsu suddenly lets out a shout about a job, mentioning Lucy. From this, everyone starts to remember Lucy, causing her to reappear and the Magic to be dispelled. "Lucy!! Thank god!!" I cried, throwing my arms around her as I hugged her tightly.

"The spell must have worn off because Natsu and Tsubaki remembered her."

'Thank you both,"

"We're a team, it would never be whole without you." Natsu said, "He's right, Luce. What kind of person would I be if I forget my own best friend?" I asked, making her smile and hug me back. I let go of Lucy as took the bottle, wanting to get rid of it. However, Happy suddenly slams into Lucy's back causing the bottle to spill all over everybody, causing everyone to disappear except Lucy and I.

"Maybe this will help them be more level headed," Lucy said, sighing at the situation. "Yeah, it just had to be Happy to run into you and cause this whole mess after what we just went through to get you back." I muttered, crossing my arms as my eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Sis, don't forget about me!" Ethan cried, while I only shook my head.

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