Halloween Special #5: The Attack of the Werewolf

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Tsubaki's pov

Things had been very hectic lately as Halloween was around the corner, it seemed that it got so complicated that we were getting strange job requests such as the current one that my team was taking at the moment. We had gotten a request that dealt with apparently a werewolf that had been terrorizing Acalypha Town, so we had left early in the morning to get there. We would have taken the train but Ezra, Ethan, and Natsu heavily protested against it. So we were stuck with walking which only took us a day, all of us weren't happy about the fact that we were stuck with walking. But we eventually made it to Acalypha Town, where we met up with the Mayor who explained what had been going on. At the moment, all of us were currently on a stakeout wondering why this werewolf was attacking people. "Something tells me that this is going to be a long night." Ethan sighed, "Yeah, well we would have time to sleep if we took the train but a few someones decided that they would rather make us walk which took a whole damn day." I snapped, I was obviously very displeased with the whole thing cause I wanted to sleep. "What's your problem?" Ethan furrowed his eyebrows at me, "Uh oh," Wendy mumbled, "I don't think now is the time to argue." Kai started, "They don't really care about that right now." Lucy said with a funny expression on her face, she knew that we weren't going to stop arguing just because we were on a mission. "You are my problem. Because you advocated so hard for us not to take the train I haven't been able to sleep since last night!" I glared at him, "Oh come on, it wasn't that long of a walk." I growled, ready to punch him but Ezra held me back from hitting our older brother. "Let me go, I'll kill him!" Ezra dragged me away from our brother, "You can't kill him, sis. We have a mission to finish!" Ezra said, I continued struggling against him and started shouting profanities at Ethan, who was appalled by my language.

"That language is unbecoming of a young lady!" 

"Shut up, you asshat!" 

"Oh god lord," Lucy sweatdropped, "I don't think those two ever stop arguing when we're on missions." Gray shook his head as he watched Ezra drag me over to behind the counter, rather than out where the tables and chairs were. The place we were staking out was a small cafe that had been constantly targeted since the werewolf appeared. There were a few customers that we had taken care of, some of them watching the spectacle in front of them while others ignored my outburst. "Can someone explain to me why we're staking out this cafe?"

"Because the werewolf keeps attacking this place for some reason," Gray said.

"Did the mayor say why?" 

"No, the mayor has no clue why the werewolf is drawn to this place," Erza said. I let out a loud sigh, annoyed with this whole ordeal but I knew that something was off. It struck me as odd that the werewolf was targeting this place unless... They knew somebody that either worked here or owned this place and there was a reason for them to attack. "I think I may have a clue as to why the werewolf may have been targeting this place." I spoke up, "And that would be?" Ezra asked, "That whoever this werewolf is, they may know either someone who works here or someone who owns this place." Just as I said that we heard the bushes nearby rustling, something was out there stalking this place. The customers sitting out in front became startled, "Miss, I think something is out there." A young mother said, she grabbed her child out of his chair and stood to her feet, backing away from the table. 

"Did you guys hear that?" 

"Yeah, something's out there." 

"Everyone be on your guard, we don't know what this werewolf is capable of or if there is more, out there that we don't know about." Erza said. I looked out of the window of the hut where we were standing when another rustle came from the left. My nerves shot into high gear when I saw a pair of yellow-golden eyes, the bushes closest to Wendy moving. "Wendy move?!" Just as I shouted, a large black wolf jumped out of the bushes and charged at Wendy. The customers sitting at the nearby table screamed and scrambled out of their chairs, leaving things behind. "Go, get out of here!" Kai ushered all the customers in the area to leave, "Lucky, grab Wendy!" Lucky immediately flew towards her, grabbing the young bluenette. She lifted her into the air as the wolf landed on the table that Wendy had just been standing in front of. Lucky panicked, quickly moving out of the way as the wolf swiped its paw at her. "Hey! Over here dog breath!" Ethan shouted, the wolf turned its attention to my idiot of a brother and what followed next shocked everyone. The wolf let out a loud bark, creating a sonic wave that blew everyone back into the hut. I used wind magic to keep myself grounded, blocking the wave of sonic pressure trying to get me off my feet. Ethan and Ezra crashed into the counter of the hut, the wolf releasing another sonic wave to get me off my feet. 


I started sliding back, losing the strength in my legs to keep me rooted but I kept pushing against it. Using my earth magic, I lifted my foot and slammed it back down on the ground. This caused a huge rumble, parts of the ground moving up as it made its way towards the wolf standing on the table. As if it sensed what was coming, the wolf jumped off of the table just in time and landed on the ground. It growled as I stood my ground, not letting myself be intimidated by the wolf's harsh stare. The wolf pawed at the ground, growling as it got into an offensive position. I had a feeling that this wolf was about to charge at me, "Come on, you stupid dog. Give me all you got." I challenged, the wolf let out a loud howl and barked. My eyes widened when a fireball shot out of its mouth, I was suddenly tackled to the ground as everyone dove out of the way of the attack. The fireball hit the hut, causing a huge explosion sending everyone onto the ground. Another fireball was shot at us, Gray using his ice magic to extinguish the fire. He looked down at Natsu and I, sending me a small smile which I returned.

"You okay?" I looked up at Natsu, he had been the one to tackle me.

"Yeah, thanks." He helped me up to my feet, the two of us turning our attention back onto the werewolf. 

"That wolf can use magic?!" Lucy exclaimed, sitting up.

"That's not an ordinary wolf," Erza said. "Something tells me we are in for a real challenge." Wendy said, "Yeah, you said it." Lucky placed Wendy down on the ground safely, keeping her paws on the bluenette's shirt. Carla sighed in relief, floating down with Kai in her paws. Lucy stood to her feet, holding Happy in her arms, and came over to stand by Erza. Most of us were spread out in front of the hut, on our guard for whatever was coming next. The wolf started shaking, the loud sounds of bones snapping and cracking making all of us cringe. The wolf in front of us was starting to change shape, the body glowing with a bright blue aura surrounding it. A bright light shined, making all of us cover our eyes as it blinded our vision temporarily. When the light died down, I rubbed my eyes and looked back at the spot where the werewolf had been standing only to find no wolf. Instead, there was a person standing there. He had thick, straight black hair that was tousled about and made him look wild. His skin was almost as pale as white, honey-colored eyes which were very intimidating but there was something about him that made him seem less intense. He had a friendly face, not one of a criminal which only further made me think of him otherwise. His black wolf ears sat perfectly in his hair, the strange part was that he had human ears as well and he had a large black tail that swung slowly behind him. He stood as tall as Gray, broad-shouldered and slightly more bulkier than Natsu. He wore a plaid black and white shirt, blue denim pants, and black boots to match. On either wrist, he had black wristbands which seemed to be made of cotton.

"Who are you?" Erza stepped forward, "Are you the werewolf that has been attacking this cafe?" She asked. The young man took his eyes off of Natsu and I, his gaze shifting to Erza who was ready to fight if need be. "Yes, I am." His voice came out smooth and soft, but it was deeper than I expected. 

"Who are you?"

"My name is Ryan."

"Why have you been terrorizing the town and this cafe?" I asked, Ryan shifted his gaze away from Erza and looked at Natsu, Gray, and me. He brushed back his hair, sticking a hand in his pocket, and sighed. "This has nothing to do with you," He said, "It does now that we have been requested to put a stop to what you're doing." Ezra spoke up, "Why are you doing this?" My brother stepped in front of the three of us, he stood tall with confidence and he was ready for anything.

"I'm here to get back what was stolen from me... And to lift this curse." Ryan said.

"A curse?" Wendy asked, looking confused.

"What curse?" Gray crossed his arms, "The curse that has trapped me in this cycle of being a werewolf." 

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