Chapter 15: Another Mission Gone Wrong!

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Tsubaki's pov

We were going on another mission, with Team Natsu. In this mission, our job was to destroy another dark guild. They had been terrorizing a small town named Snowbush, which was near the mountains on the west side of Mount Hakobe. It constantly snowed there, for the first half of the trip we traveled by foot and the last half we traveled by train. I leaned against the wall of the train, sighing as Natsu laid against the floor. At first only Lucky, Gray and I were going on this mission but then Natsu, Erza, Lucy and Happy joined. As if that wasn't enough, both Juvia and Gajeel came along. I sighed, knowing that I couldn't act all lovey towards Gray or drop hints about what happened that day, we were fighting against Laxus's Thunder Palace. When we finally got off the train which felt like forever, we headed to the village. I wasn't really cold, although I was wearing an outfit made to wear in the sun.

"How are you not cold?" Gajeel asked, he looked over at me in amazement. "Oh please, this is nothing. My mother trained me in the cold. I use Ice Dragon Slayer magic." I shrugged, "Who were your parents? What happened to them?" Juvia asked, looking over at me as did Lucy and Gajeel. I was silent for a moment, debating whether to outright tell them because talking about my parents was a touchy subject. I shook off that feeling of doubt, deciding to tell them my story.

"They died when I was five. The men who killed them, would have killed me, if it wasn't for my brother's, Ezra and Ethan. Ethan told Ezra and I to run, while he held them off. Five months later, Ezra was sacrificed himself to save me. We had been attacked and I couldn't use magic back then, so I couldn't defend myself." I took a small breath in, trying not to let my emotions come out all at once. "A month later, I ran into two dragons. At first I thought that they would kill me, seeing as I was only seven but they took me in. Drakaneal, was a fire dragon so he taught me lots of stuff about fire and Li'aan was a ice dragon. They were like parents to me, they continued to raise me and teach me fire and ice dragon slayer magic. Then they disappeared. Before Ezra died, he told me to join Fairytail and so I did." I explained to them, Li'aan was a mom to me. She was a better one than my birth mother, which really meant a lot coming from me. Everyone took in my story while Natsu gave me a small smile and a pat on the head, I kept quiet as we walked. Finally, we made it to the small town of Snowbush.

"So this is Snowbush?" Gajeel looked around, the place didn't look all that great.

"It's so small." Natsu said, this place didn't give me a good vibe. So I kept my guard up, I didn't like that there wasn't really anybody around.

"It looks abandoned. It's like nobody is living here." Lucy added, she was right about that.

"This is where they said the chief lives." Erza said, we followed her to a small house. "Hello, is anyone home?" Erza knocked on the door, the door swung open and in front of us stood an old man.

"Oh hello, are you the Fairytail wizards that took the job?" The old man asked, "Yes." Erza nodded in response, "Let's see the emblem, then." A young man shouted and we showed them ours. He nodded and the chief let us in his home. We walked in and sat on this small couch that could barely fit all of us, so I ended up squished between Gray and Natsu.

"What is the name of the dark guild that has been attacking the town?" Juvia asked, "Thoruim Rage. They have been attacking this town since they first formed a guild here. The last time they attacked the town th-" The chief was interrupted, by a young man who had barged into the room. "Chief they came back. But this time they want Mizuno." A young man barged through the front door and in response the Chief stood up and rushed out the house, making us look at each other in confusion. We followed after the chief, coming to a stop at the center of the town, where I spotted a man about Elfman's size holding a girl who looked to be around my age, hostage.

"Let my daughter go!" The chief's son yelled, he was trying to get to his daughter but some of the men pushed him back into the building. "Don't come any closer or the girl gets it." The man holding her warned, "Now, I'll be taking my leave and her with me. Goodbye." He blasted three houses and disappeared with his crew.

"No, my baby girl. Please tell me that you'll save my daughter." The chief's son begged Natsu, Natsu nodded. "Their guild hall is somewhere a little east of the town. Near the woods." The chief explained, "Let's go." Erza said and we all headed east.

"Why do you think they are attacking the town?" Lucy asked, as we walked. "Not sure, maybe... They just want attention." I said, my arms folded behind my head as I walked. "They must have a motive for attacking the town. When we asked about how it started the chief seemed to keep us in the dark." Gray said, "Maybe the chief did something to the guild master. He could be using the guild to get revenge on the Chief." Erza said, holding her chin.

"It's highly possible." Gajeel said, "Wasn't it strange to you that when we got to the girl, the chief didn't seen so worried about her? Why is that?" Juvia asked, I was just about to say something about that. "Maybe, he doesn't approve of her." I shrugged, "Or maybe, he just doesn't like her." Natsu stated.

"That could be true." Happy said, with a nod. I noticed that the trees around us were rotten, it was as if someone had killed the trees.

"Guys, are you sure we are going the right way?" I asked, getting an ominous feeling. "I believe so. The chief did say it was east of the town near the forest." Erza said, "Well, I got a bad feeling about going this way and I don't like it." Natsu and I said at the same time. We kept walking until, I spotted a black building. What bugged me about was the look of how it was, like it had been abandoned.

"Whoa, this building belongs to a dark guild?" Happy shouted, as we all took in the tall building. "Guys, we're being watched." I stepped in front of the group.

"How do you know, where are they?" Gajeel asked.

"In the trees." Natsu made it very discreet.

"How many?" Gray asked, "At least five." I said, a tree rustled to my right and I looked closer, squinting my eyes. "I was wrong." My eyes widened, when I finally realized my mistake.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked, turning to look at me.

"I was so wrong, there aren't five people here. We are completely surrounded and they don't seem friendly to me." I said, causing the others to get into a defensive stance.

"What do we do?" Juvia asked.

"We're gonna have to fight them." Erza said, before anyone could say anything else the first one dropped down from the from the tree.

"Holy crap!"

A large man stood in front of us, with a giant bat covered in barb wire. Things are about to get a little crazy, and right now I don't think we need more things to go wrong.

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