Chapter 28: Zero

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Gray's pov

"Nirvana will not be stopped, our target is getting closer. Cait Shelter." Klodoa said, and Tsubaki got angry again. "You dumb staff, I'm gonna tear you to shreds and then I'm gonna burn you to ashes." I held her back, as she shouted at him and a loud bell rang. "What is that?" I asked, holding onto Tsubaki. "It sounded like a bell." Lucy said, but Tsubaki was still struggling against me.

"Calm down, Tsu!!" I tried to keep her calm, but all I got in response was a kick to the stomach. I got angry and started yelling at her, but this only caused us to argue. It felt just like when we were younger, always arguing over the stupidest things.

"Will you two stop fighting!!??" Lucy pulled us apart and Tsubaki calmed down enough. Natsu tried to fight the damn staff, but was losing. "Natsu!" I shouted, I was getting frustrated with the fact that he couldn't handle a staff. 

"Okay!" I started to use my magic, "Lucy, did you see Natsu rolling on the ground over there?!" Happy shouted.

I got hit in the stomach and Natsu grabs the end of it again. "Yes now that we got this clown where we want him, we can see if we can-" I got hit in the head by the staff, in which he kept hitting Natsu and I on the head. "Get out the way, you idiot!!" Natsu shouted at me, making me get angry with him. "Try to hold him still, you freak!" I yelled at him, which made him angry. "Try and dodge it, you slowpoke!" Natsu said and we started fighting. "Aww, I always the creepy stares!" Lucy complained, but I wasn't paying attention to her. "Your ego is showing!" Happy teased, "Shut up cat! Once again, my beauty is getting me into trouble." Lucy stated, making this weird face.

"The stress is getting to her guys!! She's finally gone completely insane!" Happy yelled, while we were fighting. "Let's go!" I yelled, "Yes!" Natsu shouted as we charged at him, but he knocked us back again.

"A bunch of annoying kids!" He shocked us and suddenly, he hit the wall. "I've had it with you! You damn staff!!!" Tsubaki kicked him into the wall, still pissed off from earlier. "No, this cannot be they all have fallen. I can't believe it, the six demons have been defeated! The horror, it's imminent the great one is coming!" He yelled, "Who's coming?" I asked, looking over to Klodoa.

"I bet whoever this great one is, its not gonna be good for us!" Happy shouted, "I don't like this." Tsubaki shook her head, "So who are you babbling about?" I asked, "He's getting super juicy!" Happy said, "It's sweat, you dope!" Lucy yelled at Happy. "It's brain," He said, "What??" I asked, "The old bald bruiser, we already put that creep on the ground." Natsu shrugged with confidence.

"I'm aware of that, but what you don't know is that the personality lurking inside of him. You've seen the outer one brain, but there is a hidden face of Brain's destruction they call him Zero." He explained, "Zero's worse?" Happy asked, "He possesses incredible power, but Brain was able to seal him away using six magical keys." He said.

"And those keys are the oracion seis." I suggested, "Correct bound together, using body link magic. And once those six demons fall zero will be free once again to roam the land. Annihilating everything in his oath with the misfortune to stand in his path." I saw Tsubaki looking down, "That sounds like a challenge to me!" Natsu said, just as an explosion went off. In front of us stood Zero, who came out of the smoke and dust.

"Things have taken an interesting turn, haven't they Klodoa? even Midnight fell in battle." He stood there, "Please sir, grant me forgiveness." Klodoa, who was on the floor cried out. "You misunderstood me, I'm not displeased. On the contrary, it's been far too long, this feeling I have. This flush, this power. I've longed for it. Its time for me to begin the task for which I was summoned." He said, I didn't like the look of this guy.

"Yes sir," Klodoa took of his cape and his power rose. "You scum, you've done an admirable job of destroying my guild. But as it's master, I am bound by my obligations to take my revenge." He turned to us, "No, he's the true leader of the Oracion seis?" Lucy looked just as frightened as Happy, "Afraid so," Happy stated.

Zero's power grew even more, putting us on high alert. "His power is making the ground shake." Lucy said, "So you fired up and ready to Natsu? Tsubaki?" I asked, looking to the two. "The guy's got some crazy magical power going on. I can't wait to take him down." Natsu said, "What about you, Tsu?" Natsu asked and she cracked her knuckles, pounding her fists together like Natsu. I swear those act like siblings sometimes, it's a bit scary.

"Hell yeah, I agree with Natsu. I'm as ready as I'll ever be." She smirked, "Hmm, that's it. I'll be with the bald one, who harmed this body while Brain was in charge of it." He said and sent a blast towards Jura, but I blocked it.

"You'd really attack somebody, who is not even able to move? You're a coward!" I shouted, becoming angry. "Nonsense, spare me your foolish ideals." He said. "My shield, it's no match for it." I thought to myself and I blew back.

"Gray!!" Tsubaki yelled, while Natsu attacks him. He blasted Natsu into the roof and Tsubaki got angry. The last thing I heard was Tsubaki shouting Lucy's name, and then I passed out.


Everyone was down, Gray, Lucy, Happy, and even Natsu. I slowly got up, after he blasted me and Lucy. I felt Nirvana moving, I could tell we were getting close. I charged at him, "Fire dragon roar!!" I attacked him, but he blasted me and I was sent flying back. "Oh so you can still stand, can you?" He smiled as I stood up to my feet, Lucy was right when she said he was powerful.

"You aren't gonna get away with this! Ice dragon iron fist!" I charged at him again and actually hit him. I smirked, but didn't see his attack coming as he punched me in the stomach. I flew back, hitting the wall, and slid down. I tried to get up, but couldn't move and felt my vision going blurry.

"No, I can't give up. Everyone is counting on me, right now. I'm the only one standing right now in here. I have to save Wendy's guild, I made a promise to her. He's so strong, how do I take him down?" I thought to myself and struggled to stand up. I can't let him get away with this, he blasted me again and I fell down. "No," I whispered, passing out next to Gray.

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