Chapter 1: Building Team Natsu

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Natsu's pov

I took Lucy to the guildhall after we met and I started a fight with another guild member started as soon as I walked in the door because he lied to me. I ended up fighting with Gray, who had been knocked into me by Elfman. Both of us kicked Elfman and then I took Gray's underwear, which left him bare naked. He tried to take Lucy's clothes but was smacked by Lucy, who hit him in the face with a rolled-up notebook. I could hear laughing behind us, which caused us to look up to see Tsubaki standing at the top laughing at all of us. She jumped down, locking both Gray and me in a chokehold. "That's no way to greet a lady!" She growled and then stood up. I saw her walk over to Lucy, as I shook my head and recovered from the chokehold I was just in.

"My name is Tsubaki, I know you must be new and all. It must be a little crazy for you. Oh my god, Mira!" She shouted once she saw Mira, who was crushed by the weight of her younger brother. With everything going out of whack, Gramps' came out and told us about the letters he received from the Magic Council. We were a very destructive guild, which always got us in trouble with the Magic Council. He burned the papers and threw them from where he was standing, I jumped into the air to catch them. We all held up the Fairytail symbol after Gramps's little speech and I saw Lucy smile, hopefully she was going to like being here.

When everything calmed down, we decided to hang around the guild hall. Tsubaki and Gray got into some kind of argument, which resulted in them both using their ice power. I moved Lucy somewhere else, so she didn't get hit by Tsubaki and Gray's magic. Lucy went with Mira to her guild mark, while I picked out a job from our board. Romeo asked about his dad, who still hadn't come back from his mission which only worried Romeo. Gramps' told him not to worry but that only made Romeo angry so I decided to go after his Dad. Romeo stopped me just outside the guildhall, hoping that I was going after his father. "I'll get him back, Romeo. Don't worry." With that, I walked off back home.

The next morning, Lucy, Tsubaki, Lucky, Happy, and I rode in a carriage and headed for Mount Haboke. This was where Romeo's father had come for his mission and when we arrived, Lucy freaked out. "Oh lighten up Lucy. It's just the cold, it's always like this." Tsubaki grew up accustomed to cold and hot weather. But as we were walking, we encountered a giant monkey that went after Tsubaki and Lucy. "Giant Vulcan!" Tsubaki yelled while running away and I ran after them. "Hey, do you know where Macao is?" I asked, "Natsu, wait!! I don't trust that thing!" Tsubaki shouted, but I didn't listen and waved it off. He was about to show me, when he kicked me out of the cave. I spent a lot of time trying to get back up to them and when I finally did, I saw a cow that looked like a threat to Lucy. I kicked the giant cow, but only managed to make Lucy mad. "That bull is her spirit!" Tsubaki shouted as I battled with the Vulcan, who was putting up a good fight. "Natsu!" I heard Tsubaki shout and then he tried to kill me with an ax. I melted the ax and ate the small dropping of fire coming off of it, finally defeating the Vulcan. "You did it!!" Happy shouted, "But we still don't know where Macao is, Natsu. What are we going to tell Romeo?" Tsubaki questioned, as we were trying to think the Vulcan turned into Macao. "Macao!" Tsubaki ran past us and pulled him up, before he could fall out of the cave. Lucy wrapped his wounds, "What happened to you?" Happy asked, "I was almost done fighting them, when the 20th snuck up on me. I thought I was a goner for sure. Thanks to you guys, I can finally go home." Macao explained, "I'm so glad that you're okay, Macao!" Tsubaki hugged him and we finally got him back to Romeo, who cried when he saw Macao. We walked away and Tsubaki jumped on my back again, Romeo called thanks to us. Before the night ended, we got back in the guild hall and we were all having a good time.


On the next job, we were going to the Everlue mansion. This would be Lucy's first official job for Fairytail, "Whoa, this place is awesome!" I said, Tsubaki, happy, Lucky and I were sitting in Lucy's living room. She came out in only a towel, she kicked me into a wall. "Lucy, are you writing a book?" Tsubaki fell back into me after Lucy had snatched the papers away from her, Lucy then yelled at us for invading her private space. She then proceeded to show us her spirits and how they make a contract. "Awww, he's so cute." I grabbed Tsubaki by the waist to keep her from hugging the spirit, I didn't want her to scare it off. We kept sipping on our tea and then Tsubaki hugged Plue, which Lucy named. "Plue, you're so cute." She squealed, making me shake my head. "You're gonna be in our team!" I said, "Tsubaki is already on our team!" Happy added, "As well Lucky!" 

On the way to the client, I told Lucy she was nice but that she was weird. After we got off the carriage Lucy and Tsubaki walked away to change, when they came back Lucy was in a maid costume. Happy and I made some jokes which only grew to annoy both Tsubaki and Lucy, as we headed to meet the person who assigned the job. We had to destroy a book that had been written by the client's father, which was currently being kept in the Everlue mansion. Tsubaki and I hid behind a tree, while Lucy served as the distraction. A giant lady, along with Duke Everlue came out to evaluate Lucy, only to say that she was ugly and he rejected her. Tsubaki only laughed at Lucy's reaction, as she yelled at Duke who had gone back inside. "Well.. Looks like we're going to have to sneak in." Tsubaki shrugged, making us look over at her. "That's a good idea." Lucy nodded, crossing her arms. We found a way into the mansion after walking around, entering a room through a window. Tsubaki helped Lucy climb through, helping her in as Happy wandered off into the room. He came back with something on his face, making Lucy scream while Tsubaki got annoyed. "Will you stop that, you stupid cat?!" She snapped. Happy and I acted like a ninja, which annoyed Lucy to no end. Tsubaki decided to help me beat Virgo, and afterward, we immediately started looking for the book. I found the book only to have it snatched out of my hand, while Lucy fawned over the book. It was written by the Client's father, the title was called Daybreak.

"Come on, we found the book. Now let me burn it." I stated, "No, we can't burn this book." Lucy snatched the book from my hand, "We can't take a mission and lie about not completing it, Lucy. Whether you like it or not, we have to destroy the book." Tsubaki meant business, whenever we were on a mission she always took them seriously. Duke came out of nowhere, chasing after Lucy. She had taken off with the book while I held off the Vanish brothers, or whatever they were called. "Lucky, Happy... Go help Lucy. Tsubaki and I will handle this." The two nodded and ran off after Lucy, while Tsubaki stayed with me to fight the two idiots standing in front of us. I attacked the two but it didn't work since they had the upper hand, Tsubaki stepped in and started fighting with one of them. They used the combo attack on Tsubaki and I, which really hurt and only made Tsubaki angry. "Fire dragon roar!" We combined attacks but one of the brothers blew it back at us, he thought we were done for but we ate the attack.

"Fire dragon wing attack!" We both attacked the two, knocking them out. But we managed to destroy a lot more things than we originally planned. "Oops, did we overdo it?"

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