Chapter 59: The Cove

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Tsubaki's pov

"Where's Natsu? Do you know?" I turned my head to Erza, as we continued up the mountain. "No, I haven't seen him since he was up ahead of us after we started up the mountain." Erza said, shaking her head. The window blew a chill across the side of the mountain causing Lucy to shiver, while I sighed. "Then where did-" I was cut off by a loud explosion, it shook the mountain a little and I sighed. "I guess we just found Natsu, didn't we?" Lucy sweatdropped and I sweatdropped along with her.

"Natsu!" Erza shouted, which sent shivers down my side as soon as she shouted. Man, how can Erza be so calm and scary at the same time? "Erza, I don't think it's a good idea to yell when were on a mountain side full of snow." I looked over at Gray, who had taken off his clothes.

"Gray, where are your clothes?!!"
Lucy screamed, when she turned to see what I was staring at.

"Oh my goodness." Juvia blushed, looking away quickly. "Put some clothes on!" Erza demanded, giving Gray a stern look.

"Oh crap, where are my clothes?" I started giggling, as he freaked out when Erza showed up behind him. "We should stop Natsu before this gets out of hand." I said, as we continued walking. "Yo, Pyro! You might wanna stop wrecking the mountain side! You're gonna cause that monster to come down this way!" Gray yelled up to Natsu, "Shut up, ice princess. You don't tell me what to do!" Natsu shouted, as he faced us and then crashed into a tree. "You see what you did! You made me crash into a tree!" Natsu shouted, popping back up with snow covering his hair as Gray got angry with him.

"Oh not again," Lucky groaned, "Of course this happens, those two never stop fighting." Happy let out a content sigh, as I shook my head in agreement.

"Oh jeez," Lucy looked away from the two, "This is what's gonna get us caught by that beast." She had a depressed look on her face. "Hey! Would you two stop it?!" Gajeel yelled at the two, causing the mountain to shake a little.

"Oh god, this is gonna go horribly wrong." Wendy said, giving off a look of perplextion. "I swear those two will never learn." Carla said shaking her head, which caught Erza's attention.

"Do they always have to fight?" Juvia sighed, "Is this normal?" Ezra asked, turning to me as I sighed. "Yeah, it is." As soon I said that, the two started fighting. Erza requipped and charged at them with her sword, she was in her flight armor.

"Oh, this is gonna take a turn for the worse." I slumped down and the mountain started shaking, "Uhhh guys, why is the mountain shaking?" I almost fell over but was caught by Gajeel, who was also holding up Juvia. "Damn it, someone needs to stop this before this gets any worse." I pushed myself off of Gajeel and rushed forward.

"You three, you gotta stop!! Now! If you don't, you'll cause a mountain slide or worse. That thing will come out and terrorize the town if we can't stop it!" I yelled, which shook the mountain more but it didn't stop them.

Suddenly, I heard screeching from above the area I was in. "Tsu, look out!!" Lucy shouted and I looked up, but it was too late. A giant bird like animal swooped down and picked me up before I could react, I was up in the air higher than what Lucky would take me when we scouted for the bad guys on missions. This simply caused me to freak, seeing that how the others down on the ground looked like ants.

"Put me down, you stupid bird!! Put me down!!!! Natsu!!! Gray!!! Get me down from here!!!" I yelled, shouting profanities as the bird started screeching again.

I looked down and squinted my eyes, seeing Lucky pick up Ezra and fly up towards us along side Natsu. "Alright bird, let go of my sister." Ezra pounded his fists together and as they made contact, there was a spark of blue flame. "This thing isn't gonna listen. Looks like were just gonna have to deal with it ourselves." Natsu pounded his fists, which made me nervous. Natsu was way more willing to destroy and beat things up than Ezra was, which again made me uneasy. As soon as Natsu started throwing his fire covered fists around, the bird kept dodging the balls of fire and each one almost hit me. "Natsu!!! That almost hit me! Stop being so reckless be-" I was cut off, when Ezra floated in front of the bird.

"Electric Flame dragon iron fist!!" Ezra charged at the bird, "No wait! Stop!" I shouted, but it was already too late. Ezra and Natsu both hit the bird at the same time, which led it to drop me. But Natsu and Ezra were both thrown back, when the bird flapped its wings. I screamed and saw that I was headed towards a chasm, a deep one. I closed my eyes tightly, so I couldn't see anything else. "Tsu!!" I could hear the others screaming my name. I was too scared to open them or do anything to stop myself from falling, and that's when I felt that I was going to die. I suddenly felt myself stop falling and a pair of warm arms wrapped around me.

"Tsu... Tsu, open your eyes please." I heard the voice beg, "He caught her!!" Lucy shouted down from below, and that's when I recognized the voice. I opened my eyes to see Gray holding me up, but we were still in the air. "G-Gray?" I shivered, "Yeah, it's me. Thank god, I caught you in time." He said with a sigh, he looked relieved. "You saved me?" I looked into his indigo eyes, "Yeah, but it was Pantherlily who reacted in time." Gray said, my eyes shifted to Pantherlily.

"No, it was Gray. As soon as that bird let you go, he told me to take me to you. So I flew him up here to catch you, the others couldn't get Wendy as high as I went." Pantherlily said, making tears pool in my eyes. "Why are you crying?" Gray asked, I just wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his chest. I could tell he was blushing, "Thank you, for saving me. Now get me down from here, please." I said with desperation in my voice.

Pantherlily got us to the ground but I couldn't bring myself to let go of Gray, Natsu and Ezra had apologized but I waved it off. Gray carried me up the mountain, and I closed my eyes still shaken up from what had just occurred. "Wait a minute, where did this come from?" Gray was standing on a patch of thick snow, "Natsu stop it, the snow might not be sturdy!" Erza warned, but he didn't listen and continued to stomp on the snow. It was just like the time we were on Galuna Island, he was doing the same thing. I heard a crack from under Gray's feet, making me panic a bit. "Natsu stop!!" Lucy shouted and before we knew it, the floor gave way from under us. As soon as Gray started falling, I held onto him tighter and felt his arms tighten around me as if he was afraid to let me go. "See what happens, when this idiot doesn't listen to anyone!!" I shouted, angry at Natsu's stupid action.

"Hey, don't call me an idiot!!" Natsu shouted, becoming angry with me.

"No, she's right. You are an idiot!" Gray argued just as pissed off ad I was, for a moment it felt like we had been falling forever. 

"It feels like we've been falling forever. How deep is this thing?" Lucy asked, looking down. "I'm not sure." As soon as Gajeel said that, we hit the bottom. The first one was Gajeel, after him came Juvia, then Lucy, Wendy followed after and then Natsu. Ezra fell on top of Natsu, who was followed by Ethan. Erza fell on top of three, causing them to groan and  I fell on top of Erza and then Gray. I groaned and looked up to see Pantherlily, Happy, Carla and Lucky fall on top of Gray, piling on top of each other.

The exceeds fell off Gray, when he got up and he helped me up. Which allowed everyone else to stand up, I brushed myself off as I stood up. "Where are we?" I looked around, seeing that we were in a cave or cove. There were flowers all around us that were a bright blue color, which served as a light.

"Whoa, look at the flowers. There so pretty." Wendy exclaimed, which caught everyone's attention. "Where are we?" Juvia asked, "I think we're in a cove." I said but as soon as I said, that there was a loud roar. I covered my ears as it echoed through the cove, "What is that?" Juvia shouted over the roar, "I think we're in the beasts home." Ethan said, as the roar came to a stop.

"That's not good." Lucy started shaking. "What did you get us into, Natsu?" Ezra sighed, making a face at him.

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