Chapter 92: Come back home!!

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3rd person's pov

Romeo stood on the port of Hargeon, looking out at the horizon. He was desperate to see any sign of the Fairytail members that had been away for seven years, everyone in the guild was suffering because of the loss of so many members, including their Guild Master. "Romeo, I think we should head back to the guild hall." Alzeck said, "But what if they're still out there, Alzeck? We can't just give up on searching for them." Romeo pleaded, "Romeo, I know how much you miss them. We all do... But to be honest, it's been seven years and no sign of them at all." Bisca shook her head, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Alright," Romeo deeply sighed, taking one last look back at the sea before turning back to Alzeck and Bisca and leaving.

Meanwhile, back at the guild hall, The fourth master and Wakaba were currently arguing while Vjeeter was showing off some new dance he created. Macao had been set to be the new guild master, after the first year of losing Makarov and the others on Tenrou Island.

"We have less jobs than we did before," Nab commented, looking at the job board. "Well, I don't think that should concern you.. Considering you haven't gone out a job in the last seven years." Warren countered. Jet compares Droy to Reedus, who had become slimmer now while Droy became much bigger in size. "Yeah, but it's not like Levy is here. She's not coming back." Droy said, making the air heavy as they realized that the others weren't coming back. Before anyone else could say anything, Thibault and some other members of Twilight Ogre had kicked in the guild door, asking Wakaba about the money that they owed them.

"Listen, about the money. We haven't earned as much this time around, since our jobs are limited. We will pay you double next month." Macao said, "You should be grateful since we saved you from disbanding in the first place. You better have my money." Thibault and his crew trashed the guild hall, before leaving. Just as they left, Reedus's art sketchbook fell onto the floor. It opened to a page of everyone that had been missing for seven years, which led them to reminiscing about looking for them when they first went missing.

"I miss those guys... Especially how Natsu often fought with Gray and Gajeel."

"What about Tsubaki and Cana? I miss them all." Another member cried out.

"Romeo hasn't smiled since they disappeared." Macao sighed.

Suddenly, they heard rumbling going on outside and rush outside to see what was going on. Outside the guild hall, was Blue Pegasus' Bomber ship, Christina version 2. Ichiya falls out of the ship to talk to them, while Ren uses his magic to help Hibiki, Eve and himself float down safely. They started flirting with Laki and Kinana, but Ichiya stops them from going any further. "What is going on? Why are you guys here?" Wakaba asked, "Tenrou Island is still out there and we have proof that it is." Hearing this shocked everyone, so they sent some people out to check this out.

While on the ship, they see a young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes standing in the ocean. Once she sees the Fairytail members, she brings the Island back out of hiding in the ocean. "Whoa," They all stared in amazement. Once the island is floating, the girl floats towards the island. "Should we follow her?" Bisca looked to Alzeck, "I think she wants us too." Max said, so they followed her onto the island. They continue to follow her, eventually finding Natsu who had collapsed.

"Oh my god, Natsu..."


Thibault returns to the guild hall, "You see, my master didn't really agree with you guys paying us next month." Thibault smirked, "Listen, we don't have the money right now.. So just come back later." Romeo said, angry that Thibault was messing with them again. Just as Thibault goes to attack Romeo, he is kicked across the room by Natsu. "Oh my god," Macao, Wakaba and the rest of the guild members stare in complete amazement seeing them all back, but they were also confused about why they looked so young. "Macao!! Wakaba!!" The two men look up to see a blue haired figure tackle them both into a hug, "T-Ts-Tsubaki?" Wakaba stammered, "It's so great to see you all. I've missed you guys." Tsubaki cried as she hugged them tighter, the two men put their arms around her and smile. "Why do you all look so young?" Nab asked, "Well..." Tsubaki looked over to the others, stepping back towards the group so Lucy explained everything.

When Jet found Natsu, he tried to wake him up. "Natsu, please wake up..." Jet begged, before long Natsu opened his eyes which landed on the group that had gone to Tenrou Island. "Why did you guys come? And why do you all looked so aged?" Natsu asked, "You guys have been missing for Seven Years, Natsu." Max explained, leaving Natsu in shock. "I found Happy!!" Alzeck shouted, pulling Happy from out of the sand. "Where is everybody? Who is she?" Natsu asked, pointing to the young blonde girl. "My name is Mavis Vermillion, the first guild master of Fairytail." She introduced herself, after leading Natsu and the others to finding everyone else. Alzeck and Bisca find Gray and Tsubaki holding onto each other tightly, they didn't want to wake them up but they had to. "You guys turned out to be such a great guild." Mavis stated, looking out at the members.

"I can't believe you guys were trapped there this whole time, under the first Master's protection." Laki said, looking over at Tsubaki and Gray. "Yeah, I'm just glad we all got out of there in one piece." Gray said, "Let's celebrate!!" Tsubaki smiled, hearing those words and laughed when Lucky started dancing with Kinana. "Romeo, you've grown so much." Hearing this, Romeo starts to cry with happy tears falling from his eyes. "It's good to be back," Ethan smiled, "Yeah, it is.. It amazes me how much the guild has changed." Ezra looked around, the two were sitting at the bar. "Well, we didn't have you guys for seven years... So of course, when we couldn't keep paying the money for the guild hall.. They put us here." Max explained, "Well... That doesn't matter now, does it? We're here now... That's all that matters." Hairi smiled, "That's right.. It's feels amazing being back home." Grayson smiled, watching as Jet and Droy cried while holding Levy. Macao and Wakaba happily watched as the guild members they had lost, were all now laughing, arguing and happy being back home.

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