Halloween Special #4

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Tsubaki's pov

Things in Magnolia were beginning to get really exciting and hectic, the reason for it was what I had been looking forward to for years. The town was going to be throwing a large Halloween parade, which I had only seen a few times in my life when I was much younger. The very first time was actually before my parents died, they took all three of us siblings to the parade and the Fairytail float inspired me and my brother's to one day be apart of the Fairytail Guild. I remember sitting on my Dad's shoulders, watching the floats pass by and trying to catch whatever goodies that were thrown into the crowd. Those were the best memories I had besides Christmas with my family around such a young age, not being able to have my parents now made me realize just how little I got to really experience their love. I was lucky enough that when I joined Fairytail, I had Wakaba, Macao, Master Makarov and even Gildarts to give me guidance throughout my years of growing up. And how could I forget about how much Hairi served such a big role in my life? She really did save me from myself and my own despair. I rolled over in bed, opening my eyes only to be met with a familiar face that was not Gray's, but instead was Natsu's. "Ahh!! What are you doing in my bed?!!" I kicked Natsu harshly in the stomach, sending him into the wall with a harsh thud. A small crater formed underneath him, which I knew Gray wouldn't be too happy about fixing. "Ow.." Natsu rubbed his head as I sat up in bed, pulling the sheets closer to my body. I was only wearing Gray's hoodies and a pair of Gray's oversized shorts to bed which I didn't want anyone to see me in. "Jeez, Tsu. You didn't have to kick me into the wall, you know. You could have just hit me." He complained, "Oh, I'm sorry. How would you feel if you woke up to someone in your bed that isn't your boyfriend/girlfriend?!!" I snapped, "Why in the world were you in my bed? And how did you even get in here? I made sure to lock the doors last night when Gray and I went to sleep." I raised an eyebrow at Natsu, who stood up onto his feet. "I got up super early today and kinda fell asleep on your bed after I first got in here. Oh, and Lucky told me about the spare key." Natsu brushed himself off, "Damn Lucky and that stupid hideaway key she never keeps secret like she's supposed to." I muttered, "Anyways, why are you here?"

"Because the town of Magnolia has asked us to put together a new float for the Halloween Parade." He explained, I looked at him with wide eyes and just took in the information. I then let out a loud, excited squeal, jumping onto my feet which startled Natsu. "Really?!! They want us to be in this year's parade?!" The excitement I could feel was like getting a pure shot of straight adrenaline, every part of my body was screaming with excitement. "Yeah, they do. And this year, there's a contest and a huge prize. Whoever has the best decorated float gets an all paid expense trip to one of the top luxurious spas in all of Fiore." Natsu explained, holding out a flyer. I squealed again, jumping excitedly on the bed. "Oh, Natsu! We've got to do this!!" I smiled, "Of Course. Gray is actually already at the guild hall with the others working on a design, he sent me over here to come pick you up." He said, a smile planted on his face. "Then what are we waiting for?!! Let's go!!" I jumped onto Natsu, who caught me in time and steadied us. I hugged my best friend tightly, before letting go and grabbing some fresh clothes to change into. After showering and getting dressed, Natsu and I headed out of my apartment. "So are we going straight to the guild hall?" I locked the front door behind us, adjusting my bag on my shoulder as I looked up at him.

"Nope! Our first stop will be the store. Erza and Mirajane asked if we could pick up a few more decorations for the float before getting the guild hall."

"Alright then, let's go."

Natsu and I took off for the store, to which I actually no clue as to what we were decorating it with. "Uh, Natsu.." I looked to my left, "Did they tell you what we were decorating the float with?" He looked at me with a smile, "Sure they did. I know exactly what they wanted us to pick up! Come on." Natsu grabbed my arm, dragging me along with him as he headed down one of the large aisles. In no time, we were had multiple things in the cart and the two of us were actually having a pretty good time bonding while we shopped. When we finally got the guild hall, I was surprised to see just how much stuff had been built for the float.

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