Chapter 113: Anti-Link

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Tsubaki's pov

"Tsu, are you alright?" I looked over my shoulder, just as Freed stepped forward. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just this cave is giving the bit of the creeps." I shrugged, walking alongside him. "Yeah, I gotta agree with you on that." Kai stated, shivering a bit as we walked. "You're not really scared of this cave, are you?" Ethan questioned, looking to Kai with one eyebrow raised. "So what if I am?" Kai asked, "You should be frightened about something more than that." Ezra sighed at Ethan's comment, smack in him on the back of the head. This sparked a small argument between the two and before I knew it, they pulled Gray into it. I sighed, shaking my head as Freed sweat dropped. "Do the three of them never get along?" Kai asked, "Most of the time they argue. But it's usually because of my idiotic brother's being overprotective." I shook my head, wanting to smack all three of them on the back of the head. "Do you think.. Natsu will be okay?" My eyes shifted to the floor, as we continued to walk. "Tsu, he'll be fine. He may be an idiot, but he can handle himself well." Gray stated, "Yeah, he's right. Natsu is an idiot. But he sure can handle himself well in a fight." Ethan agreed, nodding his head. "Yeah, but that's only if he can keep himself from doing something completely stupid." Ezra said, making me elbow him. "He's got Lucy, though." Kai said, "That won't stop him from doing something stupid." I said, "Yeah, she's right. He always drags Lucy into his stupidity." Gray said, crossing his arms.

"Well, hello there." The six of us stopped walking, as we heard a familiar voice speak up. I lifted my head, taking notice of Angel. She was standing on a rock face, looking down at the three of us. "She's with the Neo Oracion Seis!" Gray moved his arms, getting ready for battle. "Angel, if I'm not mistaken." Freed placed a hand on his sword, "What. A. Babe?!" I sweatdropped along with Gray, as Dan appeared. He was down on one knee, fawning over Angel's beauty. "Whose that?" One of her allies?" Freed questioned, making me look at him like he was crazy. "Are you kidding?!" Gray, Angel, Ethan, Erza, Kai and I shouted in unison, all of our eyes locked onto Freed.

"Dan Straight of the Legion Platoon, at your service. Lucy-Pie is old news, I have dedicated my heart to this angel." Dan introduced, a big smile on his face. This is the same idiot that shrunk Natsu and made Happy a raving Giant. "Did he just call Lucy... Lucy-Pie?" Gray sweatdropped, looking at Dan.

"That asshat." Ezra muttered.

"It appears so." I huffed, making a face.

"I'll have you know my loyalty is with Laxus." Freed stated.

"Why are you competing with each other?" Gray asked.

"Alright Angel, what the hell did you do with the Infinity Clock?" I questioned, looking up at Angel. "Hehe. What an idiotic question." She suddenly started reciting something, a bright light started to shine which put the three of us on our guard. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan stand next to Gray.

"Angel magic. Be on guard."

"She's so heavenly. But that darkness in her eyes bothers me. My spear will set her straight." Dan stated. My eyes locked onto Angel, becoming a bit worried that she might just over power the seven of us. It happened back in the cave, when they stole the damn clock. "Oh, angel of the sunlight, Shamsiel. I summon thee." A large angel-like statue appeared in front of us, "Hey... What's up, Elvis?" I took notice that there were no pupils in his eyes, which really freaked me out. He had large white angel wings, his hair was shaped like Sugarboy's which was so weird.

"What the hell is that thing?" Gray questioned, "I don't know but he's chubby and cute." Dan smiled, making me look over at him. "I can see where he's coming from.. But those eyes... They have no pupils." I shook my head, Dan's eyes turned to me as Freed nodded. "You..." Dan started, making Gray look over at him in confusion. Both Ethan and Ezra looked to Dan, already glaring harshly at him. "What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at Dan. "You know.... You're very pretty. Please be my bride!" He suddenly declared, getting down on one knee as he took my hand in his. I blushed, taken back by his sudden declaration and turned my head the other way. "I'm flattered but.." I started, but was cut off when I saw Gray step forward. "She's taken! Get your hands off of her!" Gray kicked Dan harshly, making me sigh as he started arguing with Dan. "You keep your hands off my little sister, you got it, ya creep?!" Ethan shouted, making me shake my head and sweatdrop. After they settled down, the giant statue made his move. Dan stupidly moves forward, laughing and blushing as he threw his lance and shield away. He was then punched, causing him to fly backwards.

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