Chapter 110: The Reborn Oracion Seis!

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Tsubaki's pov

Damn.. I never thought we would ever have to see them again. I stared up at the six members, who were looking down and at us. I curled my hands into fists, absolutely pissed off with them for showing up. "Who are they? Do you guys know them?" Kai asked, finally speaking up. "Yeah, I don't recognize them." Ethan shook his head, looking to me. "We fought them when the Balam Alliance formed several years ago. You were nowhere to be found, so of course, you wouldn't know." I stated, "The Oracion Seis. We fought them a long time ago." Erza said, "Yeah, I almost didn't recognize them. They look much different from the last time we encountered them." Gray said, I kept my eyes trained on the six staring down at us. "They have new members, ones that weren't around when we fought them last time." Erza said, keeping a watchful eye on them. She was right, there were two new people I didn't recognize at all. But for some reason, one of them looked really familiar. "We are the newly reborn Oracion Seis." The giant robot spoke up. "Are you really Midnight?" Natsu asked, my eyes shifting to Midnight who was standing in the middle. "You seemed surprised. A great deal has changed since the last time we met." He spoke up, I remembered exactly what he looked like the first time we met him. He was always sleeping.

"I remember you. You're Midnight." Natsu shouted, "I no longer go by that name. From now on, I request that you refer to me as Brain II." He said, placing a hand over his face. "I'll call you whatever I want. You wanna tell us what you're doing here?" Natsu asked, "I know you're up to something." I crossed my arms, "I have but one single wish. To make my Father's dream a reality. And that is to destroy all that has formed in this world." His words made my stomach drop, as I felt extremely uneasy about this. I knew something wasn't right and it all centered around that damn clock. "I can't believe you're spouting the same nonsense." Erza spoke, looking to Midnight or Brain II, or whatever you call him. He gave out a sinister chuckle, as I took notice of Angel. She was the celestial mage Lucy had fought when we were all separated during the fight against them to save Cait Shelter. That's how she ended up getting Aries and Gemini's keys. "You've been very helpful. Thank you. But I'm afraid we no longer require your services." I looked up at the assembled clock, which gave off a green glow, and marks appeared lit up. "What do we do, Lord Byro?" Dan asked, "Fight. We have to stop them." Byro stated, as I got into a defensive stance. "I'm all fired up!" Dan said, pulling out his lance. "What do you think you're doing, buddy?!! That's my line." I sweatdropped at Natsu's complaint, as the three of them charged at the group above us. "You stay out of this!!" Dan shouted. Midnight or whatever you call him, threw a large dark ball of energy at the three of them. Dan proceeded to get in front, trying to block the blast with his shield it didn't work and he was thrown back. "Oh no! Dan's shield has never failed him before!" Coco said, making me look over at Dan. I sweatdropped once again, when I saw where he was. "He's making a fool out of me!!" Dan screamed, crying waterfalls as he latched onto Lucy's leg. "Quit complaining to me, there's nothing I can do!" Lucy said. I snap my head around, walking forward toward Byro and Natsu. "You two stay back!" Byro exclaimed, throwing out his arm as he held up his staff. This immediately ticked off Natsu and I, especially since we both had fought Midnight before. "Say what?!" Natsu said, making a funny face at him. "All matters of magic are ineffective against me." Byro stated, thrusting his staff forward as another attack was thrown at us. "That doesn't matter!!! We've fought them before, you haven't." I snapped at Byro. I quickly dodged the oncoming attack, not wanting to get caught in the blast. "Wait. I thought the old guy could neutralize magic!" Gray said, "So did I." Erza stated, the two keeping their eyes forward.

"You're an absolute genius, Lord Brain." I stepped back, taking a closer step to Gray. This is not good. Not good at all.

"You may not be aware of this but once the infinity clock bear the seal of wizard, it becomes their property." Midnight said, before teleporting over to the clock. "You know what that means, don't you? That means the clock now belongs to us." He said, sitting atop the floating clock. The clock lets out a ringing sound, which makes me grimace a bit. "My, what a lovely sound." Angel spoke up, a small smile gracing her lips.

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