Chapter 102: Key of The Starry Heaven!

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Tsubaki's pov

Everyone was gathered at the guild hall, currently relaying all the information that was given while we were out being chased by the Earthland versions of the Edolas villains we faced. I was sitting beside Ethan and Ezra, while Lucky sat on my lap as everyone's attention was on Gildarts. He had been explaining to us who exactly these people were and from what I'm hearing, I could tell that they were a huge threat to Lucy and the entire countryside. I knew that Michelle would lead to something huge, I still had a bad feeling in the back of my mind about her. My eyes shifted over to Lucy and just from her body, I could tell that she wasn't too happy with losing the memento to Hughes. If anything I wanted to punch Hughes into the next decade if I could, she is the most obnoxious and annoying villain we have ever faced.

"What happened to the people who went in pursuit of those thieves?" Gray asked, looking to Erza. At some point in the conversation, Gray and Natsu fist bumped and I smiled, happy that the two were getting along at the moment.

"Warren says that they lost track of them. The crusade must be something of great importance to them in which they would need the clock hand." Erza said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Just what do they need that clock hand for? And what is the crusade for?" Ezra asked, it wasn't geared towards us but mainly to himself. "That guy that Gildarts fought... He seemed to know more than he was letting on.. That guy could have been in charge of this crusade." I started, looking over to Lucy and Cana. I couldn't exactly figure out what that guy really was after but what I do know is that the clock hand they took must have been extremely important.


Somewhere far away an old man sees the clock hand and he then recites, "Time is etched and then chaos descends." Just as he spoke this, Carla has a premonition of it feeling a weird vibe but decides to ignore it. Lucky on the other hand, noticed that Carla had just been acting strange and wanted to ask her about it. Cana and Lucy were talking amongst themselves, while Natsu tried to keep up with them but couldn't and the other members were all debating in what was going on. I saw that Ethan and Ezra were just as concerned as I was about this whole situation, I knew we were going to have really step up our game. Ethan, Uncle Grayson, Hairi, Ezra and I were sitting off to the side of the guild hall. "I don't think I like where this is headed." Ethan spoke up, "Me too. Something isn't right with this whole thing. The fact that they held a crusade and now they took Lucy's memento." Hairi crossed her arms, looking over at Lucy and Cana. "They're planning something. Something big and it won't be good for anybody." Uncle Grayson sighed, I stood up deciding that I wanted to investigate this some more. I wanted to know what was the goal for this whole thing, because I had a feeling it was linked to Zeref in some way shape or form. "Tsu, where are you going?" Ethan asked, "I wanna talk to the others about something.. I think Gildarts might be going on a mission." I spoke up, heading over to Lucy and Cana.

Elsewhere, Lahar and some rune knights are currently by the church. They were monitoring it in case there was an attack, but dismissed the idea completely since they had the church surrounded. However, a mysterious teddy bear shows up inside the church and blows it up, shocking the group. The mysterious and colorful teddy bear appears in front of Lahar, who became very skeptical of it. The bear introduces himself as Jackpot to Lahar and begins to tease the knights before suddenly launching an attack on then, which caught them off guard. After knocking out most of the knights, Jackpot disappears with Lahar making comments on how he is an unpredictable foe.


So why are we here at Lucy's mansion?" I asked, looking to Ezra. He was standing beside me, while Ethan and Kai were standing behind us. "We're here to look for clues surrounding the memento. Maybe Lucy's father left some kind of paperwork or something to help Lucy figure out why it's so important." Erza stated, "Alright, let's go in." Lucy led the way into the mansion. "I'll go with Gray. Lucky, I want you to go with Lucy and Michelle."

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