Chapter 56: The Fight Has Begun! The End of Another Big Battle!

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Tsubaki's pov

Everyone was fighting hard, to keep Emilia away from me. I was so surprised, to see them fighting so hard. I was brought out of my thoughts when the train started shaking, "Crap, not good." Lucy said and grabbed Plue. I turned to my right, to see soldiers coming towards me. "I can't let them fight them off by themselves. I'll fight too." I slammed my palm into the stomach of one, which sent him flying. When I did that some wind came out of my hand. "Wind! That means you must be able to control wind magic like Wendy!" Natsu said and a soldier popped up behind Natsu, who was fighting another guy. "Natsu!" Lucy yelled out, "Ice dragon wing Attack!" I kicked the soldier into five others and they flew back.

They hit each other and then hit the wall of the train car, "Men! Don't stop fighting!!!" Emilia shouted, but something was wrong. The train started moving again, making both Gajeel and Natsu fall ill. "Why is the train moving?" Ethan shouted, "I had one of my men start it up but this time, if you stop it it will blow up." She smiled, "What?!!!" I shouted at her, "How do we turn off the bomb?!" I asked, but she didn't answer and charged me. She was about to shoot me, but she was kicked in the face by Hairi.

"Tsubaki, take someone with you and try to find the bomb. The more blows this train receives, the less we will have time to get out before it blows." She shouted and I nodded, grabbing Gray's hand. "Come on! We have to find the bomb!" He nodded and we ran towards the front of the train, but of course guards got in the way. "We don't have time for this!" I punched one of them in the stomach and kicked another one. Gray made a large block of ice, so that we could get to the bomb and keep out the soldiers.

"Be careful!!" Ethan shouted, from the other side as we started running.

We finally got to the front where all of the controls are, and started looking around for the bomb. My ears started hurting, as I heard beeping coming from inside of the car. Since we were closed in all I could hear was the beeping, which made me feel sick and dizzy. I guess because I have the power to protect and control the powers of both dragons and dragon slayers, little things like this hurt me more. Meaning, my senses must have enhanced. I fell onto my knees, knocking some stuff over which brought Gray's attention on me.

"Tsu, are you okay? What's wrong?" He rushed over to my side, helping me stand. "I can hear loud beeping, it's making me feel sick." I said to him, "Meaning your senses must have been enhanced, because of your powers." He said, looking around. "Can you tell where the beeping is coming from?" He asked and I looked around, the smell of gunpowder and metal filled my nose and then I smelled in the direction to my right. "It's coming from under that wooden panel on the floor." I said as he rushed over, trying to pry it open.

I made a make shift crow bar, and walked over to him. "Here let me," He moved back and I started using the crowbar. Finally I was able to get it open, so I picked up the panel and threw it to the side. "Gray, we have to be extremely careful with this thing." I looked up him, "On three together, we will lift this carefully out of the small panels and I will handle defusing it." He nodded, "Alright, 1......." He got ready, "Two," I placed my hands over the panels, "Three, Now!" We lifted it slowly up, placing it carefully on the floor next to the panel. "Gray, we cannot stop this train no matter what. It's still attached to the train. Can you find me something to cut with?" He walked away from me and on the screen it flashed 23: 45. He came back with a pair of small scissors, "This was all I could find in here." He handed them to me and I looked around. Hairi taught me how to get out of tough situations like this, when I trained with her.

"Alright," I sucked in a breath and blew out, making sure that my hands weren't shaking while I was doing this.

"Breathe in slowly, you got this." Gray said to me, "Thanks Gray.  You're not making me more nervous or anything." I said and he moved away from me, I heard yelling and tried to block it out. We only have five minutes on the clock and I was still busy trying to reattach from the train.

Finally, I cut the wire and detached the bomb. "Gray, open the window." He opened it wide and I chucked it off the train and after a few minuted in the air, it blew up.

"We did it!! We got the bomb off the train!" I jumped onto Gray, who caught me and spun me around. "We did it!" I laughed, as he spun me around in circles and then he set me down. I was a little dizzy when he let me go, so I held onto him for support. I laughed when he did and I looked up at him, "You know Gray, you are the best guy friend a girl could ask for." I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. "You are the best friend a guy could ask for." He said and I hugged him. I looked up at him and he looked at me. We stayed staring at each other for a few minutes, before he leaned in. Our lips touched for a brief moment, which made my insides melt but I pulled away after a few minutes.

"Alright, we should probably stop the train." I said, "Right," Gray said and just as we walked over there was a large explosion and it rocked the train hard. We hit the ground with Gray on the bottom of me, breaking my fall. I opened my eyes and realized that the train had been tipped over on it's side. "Oh god," I looked around, getting off of Gray. This mission just keeps getting worse and worse, why is the train tipped over?

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