Chapter 79: The Tears of Love and Life

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3rd person's pov

Tsubaki cradled her side as she was curled up on the floor, Gray was getting over Juvia's first injury. Gray then crawled over to Tsubaki, "Tsu, what's going on? Why are we both in pain?" Tsubaki turned onto her side, still in pain.

"Juvia. Someone created a three way sensory link between that person, Juvia and you but she set one up where I'm apart of the link knowing my clairvoyance magic will pick it up." She stated as the pain went away and she sat up next to Gray. "Why are we following Ultear?" Tsubaki looked to Gray and he looked to her, as their eyes met. They stayed like that for two minutes, not once looking away. They we're never afraid of showing their feeling in front of each other, they had always been that comfortable with each other.

"She looks like my master, Ur. I wanted to see what she was doing. And to see why she was here." Tsubaki couldn't tear her eyes away from Gray, as he got a bit closer to her. Tsubaki's eyes shifted from his eyes to his lips and quickly moved back up to his eyes, Gray found himself staring at Tsu's lips and unintentionally licked his lips. Tsubaki's heart began to pump faster as Gray scooted closer to her and a light blush tinged her cheeks, "Gray..." She spoke softly and he leaned in, his eyes fluttered close and he leaned in further to kiss her. Their lips lightly touched, as they felt the spark between them bubble up but it wasn't only the two feeling this, Juvia felt it too and so did Meredy but that didn't stop her.

Meredy used her magic creating two swords and puts them to her neck attempting to kill herself, but Juvia attacks herself to stop her which makes both Tsubaki and Gray jump away from each other in pain.

"Damn it," Gray groaned as he sat up, "Damn," Meredy grits her teeth in pain, but pushes through to do it again. "The only option left is for all of us to die." Meredy stated looking to Juvia, who was recovering from the blow.

As the sword descends, Meredy has a flashback of the day she first considered Ultear to be her mother. She was a young little girl, whose town had been destroyed and she lost both her parents that day so she was left in the wreckage all alone and crying. Ultear came across her that day and took her in, seeing as she was all alone and the emotions flooded through the link, all four of them felt the strong connection as Juvia intercepted the sword and gave Meredy a giant hug. Meredy's eyes widened, as Juvia wrapped her arms around her neck.

"You should live on for the ones you love. Like I do. Killing Gray and Tsubaki won't solve anything." Juvia's emotions surges through the link and Meredy bursts into tears, as the two fall to their knees in defeat and the two begin to cry together.

Tsubaki wipes away a tear and looks at her wrist seeing that the link was gone, Gray realizes it as well and looks up at Tsubaki.

"Tsu, the link is gone. It looks like Juvia must have defeated another one of the seven kin of purgatory." Gray and Tsubaki smiled at each other, seeing as Juvia had been able to stop Meredy. "We should get going. I don't see her anymore so we need to find her. She looks like Ur and I need to know why." Gray stated, as he helped Tsubaki up. "Are you looking for me?" Ultear spoke which let them both know that she had behind them the entire time, Gray stays wary of her as they turn to look at her.

"Ur was my mother." She gives them a smile, but this only puts Tsubaki on her guard. "I've wanted to see you for so long. The boy that my mother took in. I'm on your side." Tsubaki clenched her fists and stood firm at Gray's size and Gray didn't believe Ultear. "I think you're lying. Ur mustn't have been to proud of what her daughter was doing." He stated, but Ultear gave him a look. "No, my actions are exactly what she wanted." Ultear replied, which put Gray on edge.

"Tsu, I want you to go find the others." Gray stated which caught Tsubaki off guard, her eyes shifted over to him as he stared intensely at Ultear. "No, I can't leave you here. Besides we're partners. I already-" Gray cut Tsubaki off with a statement, "The others might need you. Everyone on the island has probably already had some battle of not. Go find Natsu and Lucy, I don't want you to get caught up in this fight between me and her." Tsubaki started to protest, but Gray stopped her short. "I said go! Now Tsu!" Tsubaki was taken back by the fact that Gray had yelled at her and got angry, but let it go.

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