Chapter 67: Who is Mest?

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Tsubaki's pov

"Guys... Do you know who Mest is?" I asked, walking beside Lucy. "Yeah, he went on that one mission with us that one time. I think it was before the whole Ethan thing. After we got back from Edolas." Lucy looked up, with her pointer finger on her chin. "Well, I don't remember seeing him in any of our missions." Cana said, shaking her head. "Cana on most of our missions, you were drunk." I sweatdropped, "Oh yeah, that's true but we handled  them well." She smiled, "Cana, seriously. I've never seen him in the guild before." I shook my head, "Wait if none of us have seen this Mest guy before, then who is with Wendy right now?" Lucy asked, "You're right. I don't remember there being a Mest in the guild before." Cana said, just as we arrive at the site where the winning teams meet up. I sat down on a boulder, "Hey guys." Levy waved, "Hey Levy, hey Gajeel. Have you seen my brother's?" Levy shook her head and I sighed.

I started getting this aching feeling in my stomach, no guarantee Carla can tell either. She's probably here with Lily. "So Natsu passed his exam? Who did he get?" I asked Happy, "He got Gildarts." I gasped and put a hand on my chest, "That is so awesome. He fought gildarts and passed. Wait a minute.... That's totally unfair!!" Lucy and Cana sweatdropped and I heard rustling noises to see Gray and Loke walk out.

"Gray!!!!" I launched myself on him and gave him a hug, "What I don't get a hug either?" Loke asked, "Nope," Gray wrapped his arms around me, "Why not?" He whined, "Because you're a pervert and a player." He pouted at my answer, "Where's Juvia and Lisanna?" Gray asked, after I let him go. "I'm not sure. We haven't seen them." I said, pushing back my blue hair. "Well it looks like you eight are the only ones to win your battles." Gramps said, catching everyone's attention.

"What?! Really?" Lucy exclaimed, "It seems that Juvia and Lisanna ran into Erza and lost their battle. Elfman and Evergreen beat Mira with some unknown force." He explained.

"Aw man! I expected Juvia to last longer than this." Gray said, making a face. "Gramps, what about Ethan and Ezra?" I asked, "Well, I'm not sure yet. They haven't finished the battle with Hairi. I'm guessing she's keeping them going for as long as they can go." Gramps said, "Aw man," I stated, making Gray snicker.

"Anyways since it's just you eight, I will tell you the next part of your test. The second part of your test is to look for our first master's grave. Her name was Mavis Vermillion and she was buried somewhere on the this island. You have to find this grave within six hours." Gramps explained and we got ready to leave.

"Bye guys!" I waved to Levy and Gajeel and Levy waved back before being dragged off by Gajeel. Lucy and I sweatdropped at the same time, that poor girl got stuck with the idiot.

"So Elfman what did you do to defeat Mira?" I asked, "Well, we kinda told her-" Elfman was kicked in the leg by Evergreen, who happened to be bright red. "Oh so it was that embarrassing that the mighty Evergreen is to shy to tell." Cana teased, "Cana, you shouldn't tease people like that." Lucy said, as I sighed.

"Sorry about that." I pushed Cana away and saw Natsu walking off. "Wait! Natsu!!" He turned his head back towards me, "What's up, Tsu?" Happy asked, "Well, I came to congratulate you on winning your battle with Gildarts." He looked down at the ground, it was like he was upset about something.

"I didn't really win. But I was able to push him back from his previous spot. He passed me anyways." Natsu sounded so down, "Hey, I'm sure he had a reason for passing you. Besides, it's awesome that you were able to push him from his previous spot. That's awesome sauce, Natsu!!!" I gave him a big hug, rubbing my cheek on his.

"You really think so?" He asked, "Yeah, I do." This made him smile, as I continued to rub my cheek on his. "Alright!!!!" I let go of him and we did our secret handshake. "Bye Natsu!!!" I waved him and Happy off, while he waved back and left.

I turned to Gray, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Bye Gray," I bounded over to Lucy and Cana and we walked off.

"Alright, so where should we start first?" Cana asked, "I'm not sure, but I'm guessing we should look further from this area." Lucy said, "Tsu?" She looked to me, as I looked back from the path Natsu took. "I don't have a good feeling about this. Something smells foul and I don't think it's the island." I said, still looking back.

"What do you mean, Tsu?" Cana asked, "Something feels off and it's making me tense. It's like someone is on the island, but they aren't supposed to be." I turned all the way around, facing the path and felt a strange energy.

As soon as I felt that strange energy, it felt as if someone knocked the air out of me and I fell to my knees. "Tsu!" Lucy and Cana rushed to my side, as I grimaced in pain. What is this? Why am I feeling so much pain? Who is on the island that shouldn't be here? My chest started hurting, as it got harder to breathe.

"What's wrong? Tsu, please say something." Cana said, I could hear the concern in her voice. "She's having trouble breathing. Tsu, can you point out what's wrong?" Lucy asked, "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Lucy and Cana said in unison, "What's wrong?" I finally found my voice, looking up to them.

"Your eyes are glowing. Like a golden yellow color." Lucy said, "That's the power of the clairvoyance dragon. What can you see?" Cana asked, as I closed my eyes.

I saw a black cloud of energy, heading towards Elfman and Evergreen but Natsu showed up. And I finally got to the see the person. It was a boy with black hair and once he set eyes on Natsu, he started crying. I opened my eyes and gasped, coming out of whatever had just happened.

"Someone's on the island. And he attacked Elfman and Evergreen, but Natsu stopped it. I don't have such a good feeling about this at all. Are my eyes still glowing?" I asked her, "No, they're back to their blue color. Come on, it's not good to dwell on things. If Natsu stopped it then we don't have to worry. Let's just keep going." Cana helped me to my feet, with the help of Lucy.

"Can you walk?" Lucy asked, "I think so," I walked forward, but my leg buckled a little and Cana caught me. "Here, I'll help you." Cana and Lucy wrapped their arms around me and we walked off.

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