Chapter 101: Showdown! Kazuki reappears!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Ahh!!" Currently Lucy, Kai, Michelle and I were falling off of a cliff due to Mary Hughes' attack. "Open gate of the ram, Aries!" Lucy quickly summons Aries, who makes a wool cushion for us to land on. "Thanks Lucy, I thought we were goners for sure." Kai said, looking to her. "It was no problem." She smiled at him, I looked around, keeping my guard up. "You think you can easily get away!" I looked up from the ground, seeing Mary Hughes, who seemed intent on coming after us. Lucy summons Taurus, who only becomes amused by Hughes' boobs which made me sigh as he refused to attack her. "Perverted cow." I muttered, "Open gate of the Scorpion, Scorpio." Lucy quickly summons Scorpio to attack in his place, which worked. "Fire Dragon Roar!!" Mary Hughes jumped out of the way, turning towards me. She sent an attack my way, but I quickly dodged him and slid back besides Kai. As I landed on my feet, she sent another attack my way. I quickly dodged the attack, but didn't anticipate what was about to happen next. The blast hit Kai, causing him to fly backwards into the trees. I turned towards Mary Hughes who seemed pleased by her actions, which only pissed me off. I noticed something strange about Hughes' powers, it was like she could only do one thing to the body. I quickly disappeared, before reappearing to her right. She narrowly dodges my punch, sending a kick to my side but I quickly dodge her foot. "Ice dragon iron fist!!" She dodges my attack again, sending an attack of her own towards me. I dodged the attack, sliding back in between Lucy and Scorpio. I kept my eyes locked on Hughes, as she kept her gaze towards Lucy. "Luce, you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked, shifting my eyes to hers. "Yeah, she can't control anything that isn't human." Lucy said, in a low voice so only I could hear her. "That means your spirits are safe, she won't be able to control them." I said, "You know what that means?" The two of us made eye contact, nodding our heads before turning our attention to Mary. "You two done making conversation?" She smirked, "Yeah.." I nodded, giving her a look before disappearing on her again. "Dammit, where the hell did she go again? How does she do that?" Hughes' asked, looking around.

"You didn't know?" Lucy asked, as I moved from tree to tree quietly. "Know what? What am I supposed to know?" Mary asked, looking to Lucy with intrigue.

"Tsubaki isn't an ordinary dragon slayer. She's the Dragon Protector." Lucy started, which confused Kai and Michelle.

"And that's supposed to scare me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You really are stupid, aren't you? Tsubaki isn't someone who easily goes down, she has the powers of many dragons running through her veins. She's got abilities any top notch strong mage would desire." Lucy said, she gave me a look and I got the message. I immediately popped out from where I had been hiding, attacking her from the side. She jumped back, dodging my attack and sent a kick towards my stomach. I quickly dodged her attack, but didn't anticipate the second one. I went to attack her, but as I was in the air, I was hit with a magical blast.

"Tsubaki!!" Lucy shouted, as I flew into a large boulder. I broke through it, causing a bunch of rocks to fall on top of me. I let out a groan, pushing myself up from the rocks. "Who did that?" Mary Hughes looked around, as someone stepped out from the shadows. "No way.. What are you doing here?" Lucy asked, which peeked my curiosity. I pushed myself to my feet, coming from under the rubble. My eyes shifted up from the ground and I froze when I saw who was standing a few feet away from Mary Hughes', who looked confused. "How are you still alive?" I asked, "I thought.. I thought you died." I quirked an eyebrow at him, "I was about to, when Carson found me. He managed to take me to Emilia and they both saved me. Then I found out you were on Tenrou, and I also found out what happened there. I know you have those powers, Tsubaki. So just give them to me, and I'll let you go." He said, his pink hair now grown out to his shoulders.

"No way in hell." I snapped, glaring harshly at him.

"Fine then, I guess I have to play dirty." Before I could take a step, he shot off a blast towards Kai and Michelle. Kai quickly pushed Michelle out of the way, leaving him open to the attack. But before it could hit him, a bright yellow light flashed and the spell was diverted. "Kai, how many times have I told you not to leave yourself out in the open in the middle of an attack?" Acetes and another new celestial spirit appeared in front of him. This celestial spirit was also a guy, he had long black hair, honey-colored eyes and dog-like ears. He wore a black leather jacket with a white T-shirt underneath, black pants to match and brown boots.

"Sorry, okay. I wasn't expecting it." Kai said, looking to the two.

"Fire dragon roar!!!!" I sent the attack to Kazuki, who quickly moved out of the way and headed for me. "Whoa!" The boy with dog ears shouted, seeing a crater from where my attack had made contact. "You Bastard!!" I charged at Kazuki, leaving Lucy to deal with Mary Hughes. "Ahh! Ice dragon iron talon!" He quickly dodged my attack, jumping into the air and sent several blasts towards me. I dodged each one, throwing and attack of my own. He reflected the attack back towards me, but I dodged it. The attack flew back, nearly hitting Kai and his celestial spirits.


"Damn, what the hell is this guy's problem?" Acetes muttered, "I don't know.. But he really wants those powers of yours, Tsubaki." The celestial spirit that showed up with Acetes, named Dawson said. We had moved to a different area, away from Lucy, Michelle and Mary Hughes as to not get in the way of the fight. I stood in between Dawson and Acetes, while Kai stood behind us. I suddenly felt a pain in my side, I held my side letting out a groan as the pain intensified. "Tsu, what's wrong?" Kai rushed over to me, "Something's wrong.. Someone.." I strained, gritting my teeth in pain.

"What the hell?" Kazuki started, I looked up through the pain and saw that his blue eyes were trained on something behind us in the sky. "What is that?" Dawson asked, making me follow his line of vision. What I saw was a flare and it seemed to be coming from where Lucy and Michelle were fighting Mary Hughes. My eyes widened and I struggled to stand to my feet, Lucy was in trouble and I needed to get to her. I took off as fast as I could, leaving the three of them behind.

"Tsu, where are you going?!" Kai shouted.

"Lucy is in trouble!" I shouted, not bothering to look back as I struggled to keep moving forward.

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