Chapter 98: Father's Memento! Lucy's Distant Relative Arrives!!?

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Tsubaki's pov

I was currently sitting in the guild hall, watching Ethan try to win a card game against Cana and Ezra. I was watching the three of them play against each other, but as Ethan had managed to lose for the third time, he became agitated and lost his temper. Our newcomer, Kai was sitting at the same table with watching as my idiot of an older brother lost his temper. "That's not fair!! How do you keep beating me every time?!!" He shouted, standing to his feet. "Maybe you just have really bad luck," Cana smirked, "Maybe you gave me bad cards!! I smell cheater!! You cheater!!" Ethan shouted, throwing his cards down as he waved a finger at Ezra and Cana. I sweatdropped, watching as Ezra just shook his head in disagreement. "Ethan, did you ever stop and think that you are just very bad at this?" Ezra taunted, making Ethan angrier than he already was. "You shut your pie hole!" He shouted, making a face at him which seemed to amuse Cana. "You know, now that I think about it... You always were really bad at playing card games. You really must like losing, because I was always beating you in every card game, we played as kids." Ezra smirked, this made Ethan seethe. Before I knew it, Ethan launched himself across the table, tackling Ezra to the floor. The two started to wrestle with each other, while the cards Ezra had been holding fell to the floor. Cana backed her chair away, allowing the two to continue to wrestle while I let out a sigh. Kai sweatdropped along with Cana, as I rose to my feet and shook my head. I knew that saying anything wouldn't stop them from fighting, so I had one choice. And that was to join in and stop them, I seriously hate doing this though and they often fought like this when we were little.

"Tsu, are you going to join them in their fight right now?" Kai asked, "Yeah, she is... I mean, she is just as impulsive and violent as her older brother's over there." My eyes shifted over to Cana, giving her a not so nice look. "Will you two stop fighting all the time?!!" I tackled both my brothers, causing the three of us to hit the floor.

"Does she always do that?" Kai sweatdropped, watching me wrestle with my brothers'. "Just face it, Ethan... You are horrible at card games!! Just admit it already!!" Ezra shouted, he was pushing Ethan's face with his hand while I was in the middle of the two of them. Ethan reached across me, pushing on Ezra's left cheek. "No way!! I am not horrible at card games!! You cause me misfortune!!" Ethan argued, pushing himself into me. "You two need to stop fighting all the time!!" I shouted, frustrated with the both of them. "Sorry, but until he apologizes for giving me such bad cards, he'll keep getting a hand to the face!" Ethan shouted, "Well if he wasn't so horrible at card games, he would have a chance at winning! Plus, I have never cheated! I never had too." Ezra sneered, this made Ethan growl and the two basically squished me. I caught onto a new smell, abruptly stopping my fight with Ethan and Ezra as I pushed them away from each other. "Stop it, now!!" I smacked them both on the head, making them hit the floor as I stood to my feet. My nose followed the scent, as my eyes scanned the guild hall, trying to figure out where the smell came from. My eyes landed on a young blonde girl standing in the doorway, she was carrying a large brown case. She wore a large pink dress and a pink hat to match, looking like a little girl's doll. Beside her stood Romeo, "Hey, Lucy.. You have a visitor." I looked over to Lucy, who came towards the guild hall door as the young girl and Romeo walked in.

"Excuse me, but who are you? Do I know you?" Lucy asked, seeming confused but she pointed her out, as the same girl that she saw on train ride.

"My name is Michelle Lobster. I'm a distant cousin of yours." The blonde girl responded tearfully, as this sent shock through the whole group. "What?!!" Ethan, Ezra and I shouted in unison. Even Lucy was surprised to hear this, which seemed to tell me that she didn't even know she had a cousin in the first place. I remember that Lucy had told us that she was an only child and the only friend she really had were her father's house staff. Lucy had also told us that her mother died when she was young, so she never knew if she had any other relatives.

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