Chapter 91: Let's join Hands!! Tenrou Island vs. Acnologia

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Tsubaki's pov

I had been sitting alone for the past hour, I couldn't bother talking to anyone else after nearly killing them and Lucy. Sure they forgave me for what happened, but I couldn't stand the fact that I nearly killed them. Lucy had red fingerprints around her neck, no doubt they were from me. I just couldn't believe how bad I was towards them, I wanted to slap myself several times. Carson managed to get into my head, which means that I broke the promise I made to both Gray and myself. I knew just how dangerous my powers were, yet I kept my guard low and caused so much pain to the others. A tear slipped down my cheek, as I stared out at the view in front of me. I couldn't believe I called myself a Fairytail member after what I did, I just couldn't believe it. Lucy and the others did not deserve the amount of pain I caused them, they didn't deserve it at all. How could I bother to call myself a proud member of Fairytail? How could I call myself Lucy's best friend, when I nearly killed her? Everyone was already struggling enough to recuperate from all the battles that went on, but then they had to deal with me.

"There you are... I was wondering where you had run off to." I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, "How did you know I was here?" I didn't turn around to see who it was, since I was already not in a good enough mood. "I saw you walk off earlier. I wanted to come check on you." I let out a small sigh, as he came to sit next to me. "Tsu... I know you blame yourself for what happened... But I don't think it's your fault. None of us knew this would happen." A tear slipped down my face, but I quickly wiped it away.

"It still did... I broke a promise that I made. I honestly didn't want this of all things to happen.... I don't understand how I ended up being born with powers like these. I never wanted this... Cause all they do is cause pain and suffering to those I love." I wiped another tear away, keeping my blue eyes locked on the sight in front of me. "I remember when you were first born... Your parents were so happy. So were your brothers. I remember the looks on their faces when your mom held you for the first time. You truly were a miracle..." I looked over at Uncle Grayson in wonder, I couldn't believe he said I was a miracle child. "What do you mean miracle child, Uncle Grayson?" My eyes met his greyish blue eyes, "Your mother was told that you would be born as someone who would grow up to do great things. And that person was right. You have done great things in your life. I've watched over you and your brother ever since you joined Fairytail." He explained, looking down at his hands. "I should have done a better job at keeping watch over the three of you. I'm sorry that I haven't been there to help you through the difficult times." He apologized, but just before I could say anything I felt something horrible. It was the large sense of dread, which made me feel anxious. We headed back to the others as the island started to rumble, which made Gajeel joke that it was just Lucy's stomach. The rumbling stopped but that sense of dread changed when I felt an overwhelming amount of fear and anxiety run through my body, something wasn't right.

"Tsu, what's wrong?" Cana noticed the change in my expression, as I tried to catch my breath. "Something's not right on the island--" I was cut off when I heard a loud roar, I instantly covered my ears and my anxiety grew. 

"Tsu, snap out of it! What's going on?" I looked up at the sky as the others arrived, what I saw really made me scared. In the sky, headed for the island, was a large black dragon. I couldn't believe that all this time, there was a dragon alive. But the biggest question was, why was he attacking us? This dragon had blue spots all over its body, I hadn't seen a dragon since I was 12.

"What is that thing?" Lucky shouted, causing everyone to look up at the sky.

"Oh my god," Lucy let out a small gasp, looking horrified. 

"That dragon is the Black Dragon of Apocalypse, Acnologia." Gramps stated, when he said that my mind flashed back to when Gildarts had come back home. He told us that a dragon had done some really bad damage to him and for that, he lost his arm. "It's the same one that attacked me. Natsu, Tsu... I suggest you not try to communicate with it. It's too dangerous." Gildarts spoke up, my eyes never left the dragon as I managed to settle my nerves down. I couldn't believe this whole thing, I just couldn't. "What do we do if Natsu and Tsubaki can't talk to that thing?!" Gray asked, "The only thing we can do is run and some of us may not make it out alive." Gildarts explained, "Then that's what we need to do. Natsu, this dragon isn't friendly and it will not hesitate to kill us. We should go." I stated, finally taking my eyes off Acnologia. I spotted Juvia being held up on Gray's back, it was because she had been so injured that she couldn't run.

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