chapter 65: Grave Robbing! The first challenge!

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Tsubaki's pov

It was so hot! Ethan and Ezra were basically hanging off the side of the boat, like Natsu and Gajeel were. I was laying on the ground in my bikini, "Tsu, are you okay?" I opened my eyes and saw Lucy and quickly sat up. We bumped heads, "Owww," Lucy whined, falling onto her butt. 

"Itetetetetetete," I held my head, with tears in my eyes. "Sorry, I startled you. Are you okay?" Lucy looked over at me, "It's just so hot, Gramps can't you do anything to cover us from the heat?" I asked, looking to him.

"Nope, sorry kids." We all groaned and I laid across the chair, which happened to be next to Gray. "Tsu, I'm so hot!" I used my ice magic and created an umbrella for Lucky.

"Gray, close your legs!!!" Lucy yelled and I looked over becoming bright red, "Close your legs!!!" Ethan yelled, when he saw the position I was in. "It's too hot!!! Get off my back!" I shouted, waving him away.

"Tsu!!! My umbrella was taken!!" I opened my eyes, seeing Lucky trying to grab the umbrella from Ethan. "Damnit! Just give her the umbrella! I'm too hot for this!" Elfman looked at her, but Ethan didn't give it back.

"Guys!!! I see it!!! That must be Tenrou Island!" Lucy yelled, and we all looked over to it. The thing that stood out the most was the big giant Tree, it was sitting in the middle of the island. "Wow, it's so big." Juvia said, as Gramps called for our attention.

"Here's the first set of rules. Each pair will choose one of the nine paths. Two pairs of paths intersect with each other that initiates battle with the meeting teams, four paths lead to one of the current S-Class Mages. Who the pairs will have to battle, while one path is free of obstacles. Only those that win in battles are allowed to move on and pass the first trial." Gramps explained.

"Guess we have to swim!" I pushed both my brother's off the boat, cause of their motion sickness. Everyone else jumped off which left Gajeel and Levy and then Lucy, Cana and I. "We can't be the last ones there. Let's go!!" I jumped into the water, followed by Cana and Lucy. I made water air bubbles for them, to breathe in while we swam. When we reached the island, we realized all the other paths are blocked.

I wonder which path led to Hairi, she's been an S-Class mage for years. When she came back, Gramps reinstated her as an S-class mage and I think Ethan and Ezra are gonna have to fight her.

"Come on! This is the last path." I grabbed Lucy and Cana's hand and pulled her along only to be stopped by Freed and Bixlow. "Damn it. The last time I fought Freed, I couldn't put a scratch on him." Cana muttered from next to me, she looked ready for a fight. "Yeah, I couldn't fight Bixlow without Loke's help." Lucy said, shaking her head.

"Well, lucky for you two. The last time I fought them, I managed to slightly injure them. Since I got more powers, I can fight on the same level as them and cause a lot more damage." I smirked and looked over to them.

"Will you girls please cover up? It's distracting, that you are wearing something like that." Freed said, which gave Cana an idea.

"Oh come on, are you kidding me? Let the ladies wear want they want, it's not disturbing to me." Bixlow commented, "You pervert!" I yelled, which made Bixlow chuckle at my reaction. Cana uses her sexy lady card and as the girls crowded Freed, he got all flustered. I laughed at Freed's reaction, because it was hilarious.

Lucy summoned Virgo to defeat Bixlow's dolls, but she is defeated so the dolls work to defeat us. "Fire Dragon Wing Attack!!" I jumped at Bixlow, who dodged my attack and sent his dolls after me. "Lightning Dragon Iron Fist!" I broke several of the dolls, "Open gate of the Ram, Aries!" Lucy yelled from behind me, as I continued to fight off the dolls.

"Lucy Kick!!!" Lucy was able to attack Bixlow, but Cana's card magic wore off.

He stood up and got serious, which made me get serious. "Ice dragon iron fist!" I attacked Freed, but he blocked my attack and hit me with his sword. "Damnit," I muttered, as I slid away and felt some blood drip down my arm.

"Tsu!!" Lucy stated frantically, "Don't worry, Luce!" I stood up straight, getting ready to attack him. "Ice dragon roar!!" I yelled, "Dark Ecriture reflect!" Freed reflected my attack, which hit me since I wasn't expecting it.

I hit the cave wall, bouncing off and hit the ground hard. "Tsu!!" Lucy yelled, so Cana took action. She used another card of Sexy lady card which caged him, I groaned as my stomach hit the ground. Cana then tricked him again, into stepping into a card trap which electrocuted him.

Lucy and Cana rushed over to me and helped me up, "You alright?" Cana asked, "Yeah, Yeah. He hit me when I least expected it. I'm alright." I stood up and shook it off. "Look the path opened up!!" Lucy yelled, "Alright! That means we cleared the path and won!" Cana hugged Lucy and I together.

"What's wrong, you seem worried?" Cana asked, as we walked off. "I'm just worried. I feel as if something bad will happen on the island." I said, looking down. "Like what?" Lucy asked, "I don't know. I just feel like we're going have a big battle on our hands." I said, looking to the two.

"Well, cheer up. Everything will be fine, okay. Besides, you have Lucy and I to help you if anything happens." I nodded, giving Cana and Lucy a hug and we started walking again. But as I looked back, I felt the pit of my stomach tense up.

Something was definitely up, and I didn't like it at all. It felt unsettling, "Tsu, your necklace is glowing. What's wrong?" Lucy called out, making me look down at it as I took it in my hands.

"I don't know, Luce. It might be because of my powers. I think they're trying to tell me something, and I think it's telling me something bad might happen. Let's keep going." The two nodded and we continued walking.

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