Chapter 45: Ezra comes to Magnolia

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Lucy's pov

After I was sent flying into the bar, other members of the guild started waking up. "What's going on here?" I looked up, seeing Master Makarov stand up to his feet. I was extremely worried about the situation, Ethan had harmed her before so I knew he was capable of doing it again. It just made me wonder why, this is his little sister not some random family friend, he shouldn't be doing this to her. "Stay back," Tsubaki looked back at us and he waved his hand again, making everyone else fly back. I looked up and saw him attack Tsubaki, when she least expected it and he knocked her unconscious. "What did you do to her?" Natsu growled and charged at Ethan, who just chuckled. His laugh seemed so disturbing, it wasn't normal for a brother to be acting this way. There has to be some kind of reason for him to act this way, like, the possibility of making it seem like he's the bad guy so he can protect her from someone worse. He waved his hand again, knocking everyone down and picked Tsubaki up bridal style and with ease. "Hey, where are you going with her?!" Natsu shot up and Ethan waved his hand again, but this time Natsu held his ground. "You aren't taking her anywhere!" Natsu tried to punch Ethan, but he caught Natsu's fist and kicked Natsu into the bar. I knew that Natsu had a special bond with Tsubaki, the two acted like siblings, they argued but they had their moments where they just got along and enjoyed each other's company. "Ice make lance!" Gray attacked Ethan, who seemed to dodge every attack coming after him. "Be careful with him you two, he is holding Tsubaki." Erza warned, she kept a wary eye on him. From the look in her eyes, I could see that she was extremely scared for Tsubaki's sake and I didn't blame her, I felt the exact same way. "Iron dragon iron club!" Gajeel attacked Ethan, who barely had time to dodge it. "I bid you farewell, Fairytail." He disappeared and Natsu got angry, he shouted and punched a large in the wall, causing me to sigh. "Please tell me, we are gonna get her back?" Lucky stood up, sorry etched all over her face. "Yeah, don't worry, Lucky. We'll get her back." I looked forward, "Lucy, what exactly happened?" I came from behind the bar and sat at a table, with everyone sitting around the table I chose to sit at.

"Tsu and I were the only ones awake. The entire guild was a mess, so we decided to clean up. The area where Gray was sleeping was all messed up, so Tsubaki cleaned it and I asked her a question. She was telling me the answer and then had a flashback of something." I looked at my hands, I didn't want to blurt out what I had asked her. "What was the question?" Erza asked, "I can't really say, it was personal." I chuckled nervously, "Well.. You can tell us, can't you?" Erza asked, "Nope, it's just between me and Tsu." I said, shaking my head.

"Tell us." Natsu whined, "And I said I can't." I shook my head, "You can tell me, can't you?" Gray asked and I stared down at the floor, blushing. "Alright," I whispered what we talked about into Gray's ear, and he blushed slightly and then pulled himself together. "So that's when he showed up, ruining the moment." He nodded, "Well, what do we do now?" Natsu asked, looking at Erza. "We have to find some way to get her back. But we don't know much of what type of magic he uses. The only person to know that is Tsubaki." Erza said, holding her chin. "I would have an answer if somebody told me what happened." Erza turned her head to me, "It's alright, you can tell her Lucy. She just can't tell anyone else." I nodded at Gray and pulled Erza away from the group, sitting her down at another table.

"So what's going on between Tsubaki and Gray?" She asked, "Well, they kinda kissed a while back. During the battle with Laxus." I rubbed my head, "They what?!" Erza yelled, "It's alright! Everything's fine." I waved off the others and turned back to Erza. "I knew she liked him." Erza snapped her fingers, "What? How?" I asked, "Well, I got that feeling after they liked each other." She said, which didn't help me understand. "How?!" I quirked an eyebrow at her, did she figure this out herself. "I first got that feeling after Tsubaki found Lucky and raised her with Gray until she hatched. They are still raising her together, I had a feeling that Tsubaki liked him and that he may have liked her back. I'm pretty sure that's why they ended up arguing because they couldn't admit they like each other. So what did you ask her?" She asked, "What made her like him." I answered, making Erza interested.

"What did she say?" Erza asked, "She was telling me that when Ethan showed up and messed everything up." I said and the door opened. There stood in the doorway, was a young man with spiky brown hair and indigo eyes. "Ezra!!!!" Lisanna shouted in happiness, giving him a bear hug. Everyone stood with confused looks on their faces, as they shifted eyes between this new guy, apparently named Ezra and Lisanna. Elfman immediately threw a fit because a boy was hugging his little sister, but when he saw that Ezra had no bad intentions, he let it go.

"So what happened here?" He asked, taking a seat next to Gajeel. This must be the older brother that Tsubaki had told us about, the one who also sent her the letter when we got back from Edolas. "Well, Ethan just kidnapped Tsubaki." I said, "He did WHAT?!!!" Ezra stood up, slamming his hand on the table making everyone jump. "How could you let this happen?!! I trusted you!" He pointed to Lisanna, he looked at her angry eyes. Elfman jumped up to defend his sister, but both Mira and Lisanna stopped him from yelling at Ezra. "It's okay, Big bro. He's in the right for being angry. Tsubaki is his and Ethan's little sister and since he wasn't here to know what fully happened between them, he felt worse when he saw that Edolas Ethan treated Edolas Tsubaki horribly." Lisanna explained, turning her head back to Ezra. "What the hell happened?" He yelled, "We threw a giant party for the return of Lisanna. Everybody partied so hard that they passed out and the only two that were left awake, was Tsubaki and I. The entire guild was a mess, so we decided to clean up. The area where Gray was sleeping was all messed up, so Tsubaki cleaned it and I asked her a question. She was telling me the answer but we were interrupted when Ethan suddenly showed up, saying he needed her for something. So when I told Tsubaki to leave it to me, he used his powers to get me out of the way. Everyone was waking up, so when they did he attacked Tsubaki. Natsu and Gray tried to stop him and get her back, but he just dodged everything they threw at him." I explained, which made Ezra sigh.

"Damn it, Damn it... He's gonna hurt her." Ezra said, shaking his head. "How? How will he hurt her, Ezra?" Erza asked, she was worried about what Ezra would say. "He will draw out someone, who attacked both me and her years ago. But I doubt, he's going to let her die. He might be using her as bait. And I know just exactly, where he is holding her." He stood up and took his sunglasses off, folding them up.

"How do you know where he is?" Gray asked, raising an eyebrow at him. I could tell how worried he was for her, by just looking into his eyes. "Because there is only one place that he would ever take her, that would draw the person who attacked us as kids. That place means a lot to all three of us. I know he took her there for sure, and she probably hates him for taking her back there." Ezra explained, looking at us.

"But, why would she hate the place?" Natsu asked and I got the hint to what the place was. It must have been the place, they were raised in. "Because that place was where she witnessed our parents' murder when she was only five." My eyes widened just as everyone else's did. No way!!

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