Chapter 64: The S-Class Wizard Trials

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Tsubaki's pov

When we got back home, Ethan and Ezra took me home. Hairi had been quiet the entire time but I then remembered that Gray said Koen gave her a letter from someone important. "Come on, we can't keep buying more alarm clocks! Stop breaking them." Ethan scolded, but I just threw a pillow at him. I took my bath and got dressed before heading to the guild hall with Ethan but Hairi, Lucky nor Ezra were at home.

"Hey E, where did they go?" I turned my head towards him, "Ezra is already at the guild hall with Lucky, but I have no idea where Hairi went. She might of went on a mission on her own." He said and we continued walking, but when we reached the guild hall it was complete chaos. "What is going on?" I was suddenly knocked down by someone bigger than me, "Get off my sister!!!" Ethan kicked Elfman into a wall, making me sigh. "Good Lord, Ethan." I gave him a look as I stood up, "What?" He asked, "You just kicked Elfman into a wall over nothing! He probably didn't even mean to land on me!" I went over and helped Elfman off the wall, but he made a deep indent on the wall. Poor Elfman, Ethan seems to not be in the best mood. "Alright, everyone settle down." Gramps walked out onto the banister, and the attention turned towards him. "As you all know, the S- Class wizard trials are coming up. This years will take place on the hometown of our first master's home, Tenrou Island. This years participants are Tsubaki Klein, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser, Freed Justine, Ethan and Ezra Klein, Elfman Strauss, Cana Alberona, Wendy Marvel and Mest Gryder. Each participant must have a partner that isn't S-class." Gramps explained and I started thinking. I was standing next to Lucy, and noticed that Cana had gotten depressed.

"What's wrong with her?" Lucy asked Mira, as we sat down at the bar.

"She usually gets like this around this time of year. Although I'm not sure why." Mira explained to Lucy and I, "I noticed that she's like that every year around this time. But I never asked why." I said to her. A little while later, I was thinking about who I wanted to partner up with. "I'm not sure who I want as my partner." Mira gave me a cup of hot tea, "Still thinking about who you want as your partner?" I nodded at Mira's question. "Well, how about partnering with us?" Ethan popped up behind me, "Nope," Cana pulled me close to her, "Why not?" Ethan asked, "Because I want her on my team." Cana said, which made Ethan stare at her.

"What? Why? I thought you two didn't get along." Ethan exclaimed pointing at us. "Well, we do get along now. She's with us. And so is Lucy." Cana argued with him and pulled me away.

"We'll take Lucky then. You girls have fun!" Ezra waved at us as Cana dragged me away. "Wait!! Cana! Wait, I wanted to partner with my brothers!" I yelled, reaching out to them as she dragged me out of the guild hall.

This time around, it was the beginning of winter.

It had already been a week, and we were still deciding our partners although Cana wanted me on her team. It was snowing lightly, I was by myself walking out into the snow. "Hey, Tsu!" I looked up to see Lucy, "Hey, Luce. I was just taking a walk around town." I said, walking up to her.

"Mind if I join?" She asked and I nodded. "Come on," I grabbed her hand and we walked off. "So you have any idea who you want as your partner?" Lucy looked at me, "I was going to ask you if you wanted to be my partner." I said, "Yeah, sure. Will you be mines?" She asked, "Yeah, I would like that." She squealed and gave me a hug.

"But what about your brothers?" She let go of me, "Well, they have Lucky. Besides Cana dragged me away from them, saying she wanted me on her team but I haven't seen her since last week." I pushed back a strand of my hair behind my ears. "That's strange." Lucy said, as we started walking again.

"Do you think something's wrong with her?" Lucy looked forward and we passed an alleyway, but I saw something. "Luce, wait!" She turned around, looking to me.

"What's wrong, Tsu?" I rushed down the alleyway and Lucy followed after me. "Oh my god! Cana!!" Lucy yelled, as I dug her out of the snow.

"Luce, we should take her back to your place. It's closer." Lucy helped me stand her up, "Yeah, alright." We walked her to Lucy's apartment. "Do you think she's okay?" Lucy asked, with worry in her voice. "Yeah, don't worry so much Luce. I've done this for a while now. But this time it's different and I want to know why. I want to know why she's been like this." I sat down on the floor next to Lucy and leaned my head on her.

When Cana finally woke up, I was shaken awake by Lucy. "Cana, what's been going on with you?" I asked, sitting up.

"Why did you say that you were thinking of leaving the guild?" Lucy asked, which made me spit out my hot chocolate. "You what?!!" I yelled at her, wiping the sides of my mouth with a napkin that Lucy handed to me. "I'm going to tell you both something important, okay?" I nodded, I wanted to know what was going on with her.

"You see, I first came to the guild hall when I was only a little girl. I was looking for my father after my mother had passed and his name was Gildarts. When I first met him, I wanted to tell him but he had to leave. Soon I started hanging around the guild, and eventually joined. I began learning card magic from Macao and Wakaba. Every time I saw Gildarts, I tried to tell him but I was always interrupted by someone. When I learned that he was a powerful mage, I wanted become one too. But every year the S-class wizard trials came up and I was entered. I failed. I failed four times. If I fail this time, I will leave the guild mainly because, I have no right to call myself Gildart's daughter." Cana had tears in her eyes and i felt so bad for her.

Tears shined in my eyes, as well as Lucy's. "I want you two to help me. That's why I wanted you on my team, Tsu." She looked up at me, "Don't worry. We promise to be your partners and help you." Lucy said, "Yeah, I will do everything in my power to help you stay in this guild Cana. Although we didn't get along when we were younger, we get along now. And all that arguing and fighting just made us stronger and closer." I said, giving her a hug.

"Come on, let's have some fun together. It'll be a great time to start bonding." I wrapped my arms around Lucy and Cana's neck, pulling them closer. They smiled at me and we talked basically all night, we laughed, cried, argued but overall we had a bunch of fun.

It was finally time for us to go to Tenrou island. To be honest, I was incredibly nervous. "Hey guys!" I turned my head to see the pairings. Gray and Loke, Happy and Natsu, Juvia and Lisanna, Elfman and Evergreen, Freed and Bixlow, Levy and Gajeel, Lucy, Cana and I, Wendy and Mest and finally Ethan, Ezra and Lucky. "So I see you chose Loke as your partner." I said to Gray, "Yeah, I did. I thought you would be with your brothers. What happened?" Gray looked from Ethan and Ezra, to Lucy and Cana.

"Well, Cana dragged me away from those two and wanted me on her team. So now it's Lucy, Cana and I. And we will beat you, Gray Fullbuster, I promise you that." I held up my fist, "Well, I'm counting on that." He and I bumped fists, before giving each other a look and boarded the ship. Tenrou island be prepared, cause here we come.

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