Chapter 17: The Alliance

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3rd persons pov

Everyone watched as Tsubaki shot up out of Natsu's arms, rushed towards Erza, and shoved her out the way. In that moment, Tsubaki was stabbed in the stomach just as Erza hit the floor. Tsubaki fell with a thump, causing Lucky to scream bloody murder and rush over to her best friend.

"You bastard!" Gray shouted in anger and Takeo smirked, he was happy with what he had done.

Although Gray wanted to make the first move and charge, Natsu did it before him and punched him into a wall. Natsu then proceeded to beat him up, until Lucy stopped him. Gray picked up Tsubaki, while Juvia held onto Lucky who was panicked and still crying. "Let's go." Erza said and the group walked back to the village. As a thanks for saving the chief's granddaughter and destroying the dark guild attacking the town of snowbush, they gave the Fairytail wizards a feast. They even fixed up Tsubaki, who was now recovering well. She sat with Natsu and Gajeel eating, drinking and laughing along with the others.

"Hey guys, I just wanna say thank you for saving me from Takeo." Tsubaki said to her guild mates, she really didn't know how to thank them. "It's no problem. We wouldn't dare leave a fellow member behind, especially if they were taken." Erza said, with a warm smile. Tsubaki gave Erza a bright smile, thankful that Erza wasn't the only one who cared for her. "Thanks Natsu for staying with me, when you came." Tsubaki hugged Natsu, who blushed.

"So this is just a question, but do you like Natsu?" The chief asked, Tsubaki and Natsu looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"No, No, No... I see Natsu as a brother. He is like a big brother to me." Tsubaki laughed, shaking her head. "Yeah, I see Tsubaki as my little sister." Natsu said, "There is no way, I would ever date this fool." Tsubaki pointed her thumb to Natsu, which made Lucy smile. in amusement. "Oh like I really would want to date, the crazy girl." Natsu said, still laughing.

Everyone stopped laughing, becoming fearful of her reaction as silence filled the air around them. Tsubaki looked at Natsu with a scary look and then he turned his face to her. Everyone around them, backed up quickly and Natsu's giant smile dropped.

"Natsu!" She screamed, Natsu took off with Tsubaki chasing after him around while the others laughed at the two.

"Those two truly act as if they're brother and sister." Erza said, holding her cup and her eyes were closed with a smile.

"Those two seem so close. Why is that?" Juvia asked, as they turned to the two were now wrestling with each other.

"Natsu was the first one to become friends with her and over time they had such a close friendship with each other, she started to see him as a older brother. As soon as Gray and her started arguing, I had to break them up but then they grew close because the two raised Lucky together and they still are. Then we became great friends, she told me she sees me as her older sister. Now look at us. Still together, after this long." Erza said, looking at the two. She was happy to watch the two, Gray was also amused at the two.

"Yeah, I'm just glad we don't argue like we used to." Gray said, giving off a warm smile while he looked at Tsubaki. Juvia noticed the look he had on his face and puffed out her cheeks, crossing her arms over her chest becoming jealous of the look Gray was giving Tsubaki.

"Why is that?" Gajeel asked, he hadn't known that they use to argue.

"Our fights were fierce and usually ended up being physical. Then her and Cana managed to always end up in a huge argument, the only one to stop those two from getting out of hand was Lisanna." Gray explained, the six of them turned their heads back to Natsu and Tsubaki. From what they could tell, Tsubaki was beating the mess out of Natsu.

"Owwwwww! My hair!" Natsu said, "Take that, you jerkwad!" Tsubaki shouted, she was sitting on Natsu's back while Natsu was struggling to get her off. The group started laughing at the two, making Tsubaki and Natsu look at the group laughing at them, the two stopped what they were doing and smiled.

The next day, the Fairytail group said their goodbyes to the villagers, heading back to Magnolia to tell them that the job was done. When they got to the guild hall, Mira told them about the Oracion Seis and included how they were trying to revive Nirvana, to use it to destroy most of the Balam alliance. As a result Fairytail and some other guilds, had to band together to stop them. To be exact Fairytail would be joining up with Lamia scale, Blue pegasus, and Cait shelter. So they headed out to meet up with them.

"Hey, flame-for-brains, stop it before you hurt somebody." Gray said, he was beginning to get agitated with Natsu.

"Shut Up, Ice princess!" Natsu retorted, "Will you two shut up?!" Tsubaki shouted, very annoyed.

"Don't tell us to shut up! You shut up!" The two yelled back, this made Tsubaki growl at the two and jump on them.

"Stop it you three, right now!" Erza commanded, her tone said it all.

"Shut up, Erza!" Erza got angry and pounced on them. "Oh no," Lucy said, as she watched the four were fighting.

"Guys stop it, this is no time to be fighting!" Lucy said, but they ignored her.

"Just forget it Lucy, they'll never stop fighting like that. Even if Erza can get them to stop." Happy waved his paw at her, "I know. I just wanted to give it a try." Lucy gave out a little sigh, as she watched the commotion in front of her. "This doesn't concern you, I was talking to him!" Tsubaki snapped at Natsu, pointing to Gray.

"That's it, I want all three of you to stop arguing this instant. We have no time to be messing around!" Erza smacked Tsubaki, Natsu and Gray on the back of the head while Lucky laughed at the four of them.

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