Chapter 125: Max vs Natsu! Max vs Tsu!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Oh come on!!" Ethan snapped, "How is even this possible?!!" He pointed to the board game which was sitting on the table in front of us. Kai, Ethan, Ezra, Cana and I were all playing a board game together in the guild hall. Gray sat on my right, while Ezra sat to my left, he was watching us play the game and seemed highly amused. Lucy was sitting at the bar with Wendy, chatting and playing with her hair while Hairi and Uncle Grayson watched our board game. "Ethan, you are so bad at this." Cana teased, watching my brother nearly blow his gasket was always something to see. Even with the random outbursts that came from our table, things seemed peaceful, though I knew that what was in our future was nothing of that sort. "Your turn, Tsu." Kai motioned to the game, I picked up the dice sitting in the middle of the board and starting shaking them. "Hey, don't shake the dice too hard. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time you shook the dice." Ezra warned, wagging a finger at me. "I'm not going to shake them that hard. And besides nobody was hurt.." I trailed off, shaking the dice in my hands. Gray chuckled at my words, shaking his head in disagreement. "Right, nobody got hurt." Uncle Grayson chimed in, "Okay.. So Natsu got hit by the die really hard. It's not like he couldn't handle it." I shrugged them off, finally dropping them onto the board. "Ten." I picked up my piece and stood to my feet, moving ten spaces forward. "And because I got a double, I get to roll again." I picked the dice up again and before I could roll them, Ezra grabbed my hand.

I looked up at him, furrowing my brow. "What?"

"Please for the love of everything good and sweet in this world, please go easy on the dice." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, snatching my arm away from him. "It'll be fine. Stop exaggerating!"

"Okay, if you say so." He sat back in the seat. I shook my head and turned my attention back to the dice, I shook my hand again. I threw them down and I may have slightly overdone it again with that throw. The dice bounced up with a great deal of force, both of them flew up into the air and sped across the room. "Oh no," Gray started, "See I knew this was gonna happen again!" Ethan said, making me kick him harshly underneath the table. He let out a yelp, holding his shin and glared up at me. Wakaba and Macao let out a panicked shout, moving out of the way as the pair of dice flew in between them and hit Elfman directly in the head, knocking him out completely. I stared in complete shock, watching Elfman hit the floor as Lisanna called out his name in panic. Ethan couldn't help but laugh loudly at the situation, while everyone's eyes all turned to me. I wanted nothing more than to shrink into a small ball of nothingness, I hate when all eyes are on me. Elfman got back up on his feet, rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry, Elfman." I apologized, "It's alright. I know you didn't mean it." Elfman accepted my apology, walking away with Lisanna following close after. Before Kai could say a word, Natsu burst through the front door of the guild hall startling mostly everyone, except me. Natsu immediately headed over to Happy, who had been sleeping beside Lucky on the counter. Poor Happy. "Natsu, why are you being so loud?" Lucky whined, rubbing her eyes as she walked up to him. "I need your help Happy!! This is all your fault." The two started arguing back and forth, causing me to roll my eyes and turn back to the game. Gray walked over to them, telling the two to stop arguing but it seemed Natsu wouldn't let up. It seemed that Natsu wanted a sparring partner, "Tsu, you got that look on your face that you're about to do something stupid. What are you planning?" Cana asked, "I'm gonna have to end my game prematurely."


"Cause she wants to spar with Natsu. Am I right?"

"Yes, you very much are, Mira."

"Hey, Natsu!" He turned his head to me, "You still need a sparring partner?" He smiled at me, "Mind if I fight him first?" My eyes turned towards the doorway of the guild hall, surprised as I saw Max, Vjeeter, Warren and Nab just walking into the guild. "Sure," I nodded to Max, so I followed them outside to watch. Natsu started off strong but I could tell that he was getting tired, Max on the other hand, he had the speed and training of seven years ahead of all of those who were trapped on Tenrou Island. I watched in awe of Max's strength, proud to see that he's grown in the time that we were gone. "Wow, Max really has gotten stronger than Natsu." Gray said, he stood beside me watching Natsu and Max spar. "If he's gotten stronger than Natsu. Then he might be stronger than all of us." Ezra stated, crossing his arms. We watched Max continuously have the upper hand against Natsu, until Natsu finally uses his Lightning Fire Dragon Roar against Max. The attack misses Max, managing to singe a few strands of his hair. "Alright, you win, Natsu. I surrender." Max stood down, there was something about his aura that was special and it must have had to do with the fact that he is stronger than Natsu now. "Tsu, I haven't forgotten about our sparring session. Get over here!" I shook my head as I could tell that Natsu was tired, "Natsu, you're gonna.." Natsu fell backwards, passing out from exhaustion. "pass out.." I sighed heavily, looking at Natsu laying on the ground.

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