Chapter 21: The Magic of Nirvana!

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Tsubaki's pov

Gray was able to calm me down, but I was still upset about Lyon. He can't be dead, he just can't be. "Gray, what if we don't find him?" I asked, "We will find him, he can't be dead." Gray shook his head, so we continued to keep sifting through the rubble. I noticed that Sherry had gone quiet, she must still be in shock from what happened to Lyon. As we kept sifting through the rubble, I noticed Gray had taken off his shirt. "Gray, where's your shirt?!" I blushed and he shouted, looking down at himself. "Oh crap, when did that happen?" I gave a slight chuckle and shook my head, watching him panic. "Seriously, you pick now to strip?" I put my hands on my hips, making Gray chuckle slightly.

"Doll Attack: Wood Doll!" I turned around to see Sherry, she was looking at us with an evil glint in her eyes. She attacked us and I jumped out of the way, but Gray couldn't get out of the way. "What the hell, Sherry?!!!" I burned the wood off of Gray, "What's wrong with her?" Gray stood up next to me. "I don't know, it may have to do with the Nirvana magic." She attacked us again and Gray dodged it, but I got hit. "Tsu," Gray rushed to catch me, keeping me up on my feet.

"I'm fine. She caught me off guard." Gray held me close and jumps from the previous spot, we were in before. "Sherry, stop this!!!" Gray yelled, "You are the reason, he's dead." Sherry stated,  "Sherry, he didn't do that because he needed to. He saved her because he wanted to." Gray argued, hoping to get through to her. "Attack!" Her wood doll smacks us, causing the two of us to separate. Gray was only four feet away from me, "Gray, are you okay?" I tried to sit up, but Gray gave me no answer.


Sherry attacked me, smacking me with a branch. "Sherry, stop it." I clenched through my teeth in pain, but instead of listening to me, the branches grabbed me. They start squeezing me tightly, causing me to let out painful screams that could be heard for miles. "Gray's down, Lyon is nowhere to be found, what do I do?" I think to myself, I couldn't come up with a way to stop her. "Sherry, please stop this! What's going on in your head right now? Is it the magic of Nirvana?" I only got an angry growl from her, as she glared harshly at me. "Stop it! This isn't you, Sherry. I know, I'm to blame for Lyon dying but he did it to save me. He wasn't doing this cause he needed to. I know that you love him a lot, but doing this won't help us look for him, attacking us is not what he would want. Lyon saved me! And he did it because he wanted to!!" I shouted at her, but she didn't budge.

Behind her, I saw a giant light flash in the sky which meant that Nirvana must have been activated. When Hibiki told me about Nirvana, I promised myself and to the others not to fall under its influence. I learned that it can change one's personality based on their thoughts. If they had bad ones they turn good, but if they had good thoughts they would turn bad. "You are the reason, Lyon is dead. You killed him, just like you're friend killed his master! You don't deserve to live!" Sherry yelled and her doll squeezed me harder, making me scream. "What do I do? If Nirvana's magic is truly what's affecting her, how do I stop it? Lyon, where are you? I really need some help right now."

"Ice make, Lance!" I heard, I felt as if I was falling. Warm arms caught me, making me open my eyes and I looked up at Gray in shock. "Gray, you're okay!" I could feel relief flood my system, "Are you?" He asked as we landed, "Yeah, but I can't seem to get through to her." I looked at her, as he set me down. "What do you mean? What's going on here?" He looked to me, he was confused. "Do you see that beam of light?" I pointed behind Sherry, Gray nodded in response.

"What is that? Is it Nirvana?" I nodded, "But what does it have to do with Sherry, Tsu?" He asked and I looked at him, before shifting my eyes to the light. "Hibiki told me about its magic. Apparently, if one person is thinking bad thoughts and begins to doubt their thoughts, they are affected by Nirvana's magic so they turn good. But if they are thinking good thoughts and they begin to doubt what they believe, they can become evil." I explained, looking over to Sherry.

"So what does that mean for Sherry?" He asked as we stand apart, looking back at her. "She's been affected by Nirvana's magic. When we were searching for Lyon, she was quiet because she was trying to figure out who was to blame for his death. Although I tried to explain his actions, she wouldn't budge and she began to waver between good and bad. She turned against us and now, she's trying to kill us because she thinks we were to blame for Lyon's death. Well, more like I was to blame." I explained.

"I get it now." He said, but before he could say anything else Sherry charged at us. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I charged at her, but I was smacked with another branch. I hit the ground hard, but got back up on my feet. "Tsu, are you alright?" I nodded, dodging another branch, and burned it. "Got any ideas?" I asked Gray, landing next to him. "Not right now. How about you?" He shook his head, "No, but I'm thinking of one. For now, we should try to attack her together, not separately. Attacking her one on one is not a good idea." I speculated.

"You're right. This will be just like old times, huh Tsu?" He put his hand up, reaching out for a high five. "Yeah, just like old-times Gray." I took my hair out of its ponytail, high-fiving Gray. When we were growing up, Gramps would force us to go on missions together to try and keep us from fighting. He would also send Laxus on those missions, so Laxus would be able to keep us from fighting each other.

"But this time, we weren't forced to work together." I added, "Yeah. You ready?" Gray asked, with a nod of his head. "As ready as I'll ever be." I gave him a warm smile, before turning serious.

"Now." I shouted and we both charged at her, "Fire dragon iron fist."

"Ice make lance!" We both attacked Sherry but we were hit by her branch. "Gray, I got an idea. It's gonna require one of us to be the decoy, for this attack." I explained, "What is it?" He looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I think I should attack her, off guard. If I could get close to her, maybe I can knock her out. I need you to distract her for three minutes tops. Then, I can catch her off guard." I explained, 

"Alright." He agreed.

"On three. 1.." I started to countdown as I got ready to attack.

"2...." Gray stood in his signature stance.

"3... Now!" I ran off, heading for the forest.

"You will not escape." She sent her doll after me, which threw me off course.


I kept running towards the forest, not wanting to give up on the plan. I tried to dodge it and was suddenly tackled, when a giant branch smashed down next to us.

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