Chapter 60: We Found The Problem!!

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Tsubaki's pov

"Alright, we need to take a look around this cove. We should split up, to cover more ground though." Erza said, turning to us. "And what if while we are split up, we find the monster?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Shout, if anything. Or use your magic to signal us." Erza said, "Like punching the walls with fire!!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly, and I sweatdropped. "Yes, like what Natsu is suggesting." She said, I could see her give Natsu a look telling him to calm down. "The first team will Gray, Tsu, and Ezra. The second Juvia, Ethan, Lucky and I. Wendy you're with Gajeel, Pantherlily and Carla. The last team is Lucy, Natsu, Happy and Juvia." Erza said, setting up the teams and we got ready to split off.

"Take good care of yourself, alright." I gave Lucky a tight hug and then gave one to Lucy, who returned it. "Alright, everyone. Let's split off, yell or do something to catch the other teams attention. If anyone sends a signal, we will all meet back here as home base." Erza instructed and we split off. As soon as we got far enough away from the others, Ezra glared at Gray. Weird.

"Gray, do you think we'll find this thing?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence around us. "Well it depends on what part of the cave it's in." Gray said, with shrug. "It's a cove. Not a cave. Learn the difference." Ezra snapped, what is going on with him?

"Well they aren't that different, so what does it matter!" Gray spat back and I gaped as Ezra started yelling at Gray. Gray started arguing with him, I shook my head and walked ahead of them. After only a few minutes, their arguing had stopped. But they threw each other glares and hand signs, making me sigh. "You two are so childish." I said, with a huff and continued walking. As the awkward silence filled the air, I started feeling uneasy as if we were getting close to something.

"What's wrong, Tsu?" Gray asked, which earned a growl from Ezra. "I'm feeling uneasy. As if we were getting closer to something strange." I said, looking over at him. "Well if anything happens, you have me." Gray put a hand on my shoulder, which made me blush. "Well she doesn't need you, since she has me." Ezra pulled me towards him, making me leave the warmth of Gray behind. My expression went from worried to shocked.

"Guys..... Come on. Let's keep going. We have to keep a look out in case the others find something." I went to walk away, but I heard a loud growl that shook the area we were in. Gray and Ezra were still arguing, not noticing what was going on.

"Guys.....Guys....." I called out but I got no answer which pissed me off, so I got in between the two but was punched in the gut by them both. When I hit the ground they both noticed, and instantly paled as I got agitated. I stood back up and brushed it off, acting as if it never happened.

"What I was trying to say before I was rudely punched in the stomach by my boyfriend and my older brother, was that there might be a monster coming this way." I smiled sweetly at them, making them back away and pale even more. Another loud roar caught our attention, as there were massive footsteps shaking the cove. At one point we all fell over with me, landing on top of both my brother and Gray.

"Oww, that hurt!" Ezra sat up and helped me off of him whereas Gray was being a bit of a jerk, they immediately started arguing about the fact that Gray was being a jerk. I shook my head and turned around only to bump into something, which made me bounce off and hit the floor. I groaned and rubbed my butt, before looking up seeing a large foot but I kept looking up only to see a giant monster. Since Gray and Ezra were too occupied with arguing, I couldn't call out for help. I froze in fear as it put it's face in mines and I started shaking, "Uhhhh... Hi there, it's nice to meet you." I smiled nervously, as it sniffed me. I guess it didn't like me because it let out a loud roar, which was kinda deafening to the ears. I slowly started move backwards but it stepped towards me, letting out another large roar causing me to scramble to my feet.

"Gray!!!! Ezra!!!!! Run!!!!" I yelled as I rushed towards them, this caught their attention and they turned their faces towards me with a look of agitation.

"What?!" They yelled in unison and I reached them just in time to grab the back of their shirts, dragging them along with me as I ran. "What's going on?" Gray turned his head towards me, "What is that thing?!!!" Ezra yelled, which caused Gray to look back and yell out too. "The monster that was terrorizing Koen's village!" I pushed myself faster as the footsteps thudded closer, I seriously want to get out of here.

"Guys, send a signal!!! Please!" I continued to run, "Ice make: hammer!!!" Gray yelled, his attack hitting the wall of the cove. "Blue flame dragon brilliant flame!!" Ezra's attack hit the wall, which probably sent a message to the rest of the group that had split up. Finally seeing the area where we were supposed to meet up, I saw Erza with her group. She must of have heard the thumping and roaring of the monster, I then saw both Natsu's small group and Gajeel's group standing there.

When they saw me, their first reaction was confusion seeing me holding my older brother's shirt and Gray's arm. "What's wrong Tsu, why are you running?" Erza asked, giving me a concerned look. "Giant monster!!!" I yelled, making her confused. "It's still following us!" Ezra shouted and finally it came around the corner and everyone saw it coming.

"AHHHHHHHHHH! What is that?!!" Lucy shouted, as she took in it's appearance.

"It's huge!!" Wendy, Lucky and Happy shouted in unison. Gajeel took a step on front of her and Juvia, as Pantherlily looked up at the monster.

"It must be the monster, that's been terrorizing Koen's village." Juvia stated, as Erza requipped and I finally made it towards them where we were safe.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" Ethan asked, "We're gonna take it down." Erza said as I let the two go and turned around to face the monster. "Alright," I said, with a nod and pulled out my sword.

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